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logo. Organizing the Local Church for Disaster Ministries. McAllen District Wesley UMC August 15, 2009 FUMC Hebbronville August 16, 2009. Six (6) Step Process. Step I The Design Team. Step I The Design Team. Choose a disaster coordinator 2-3 members Coordinate the information

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Presentation Transcript

  1. logo

  2. Organizing the Local Church for Disaster Ministries McAllen District Wesley UMC August 15, 2009 FUMC Hebbronville August 16, 2009

  3. Six (6) Step Process

  4. Step I The Design Team

  5. Step I The Design Team Choose a disaster coordinator 2-3 members Coordinate the information Do the research, ask the questions Writes the plan

  6. Step II: Considerations

  7. What should be included in the plan? • a plan to protect church property and other assets such as records; • a plan to minister to the needs of congregation members; • a contingency plan for existing ministries; • a plan for community outreach following a disaster.

  8. Step II: Considerations Insurance Protection of Property Church Records Worship Continuum Special Ministries Congregational skills/talents Local Community Communication Size of your church

  9. Step III:Gather Information/Research

  10. Step III:Gather Information/Research Purpose Resources Demographics Hazard Analysis Concept of Operation When to implement Authority Community Communication All things need to be considered for each phase of a disaster

  11. Sample Purpose Statement: The SFUMC Disaster Response plan is designed to care for the survivors of any type of disaster, including the people in our congregation and our community, in the event a disaster strikes at home or in the surrounding area. (SFUMC exists to be a fellowship of believers who seek to show others the spiritual freedom and wholeness found in Jesus Christ) The purpose statement of the plan, although consistent with the mission statement, is not intended to supplant such mission statement.

  12. Resources What resources are within the church? Congregation skills/resources What resources are within the community? Existing agencies, programs, Red Cross, business, industry, service groups, faith based, governmental, etc. What resources are within the conference? Conference plan? District plan? Sample plans from other churches? What resources are within the connectional system? UMCOR, UMVIM, Volunteers, other general agencies, (Church & Society) etc….

  13. Hazard Analysis What is the history of the community in terms of disasters? What are the most probable scenarios for your community? What is a worst case scenario?

  14. Step IV Writing/Approval

  15. Step IV Writing/Approval Written by Design Team based on research and considerations Once written- who approves? Administrative Board? Connectional Table? Trustees? Congregation?

  16. Step V Train

  17. Step V Train Train to the components of your plan: Through the church Through UMCOR Through UMVIM Through Red Cross Through Emergency management As a church As individuals

  18. Step VI Review

  19. Step VI Review Review plan regularly Adjust as things change in church/community Adjust after an experience

  20. Is your Church Ready? Maybe there’s more…

  21. Family Plans How can you help the individual members of your church be ready for a disaster? Resources: UMCOR- Community Arise Curriculum Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/disaster/disasterguide/ FEMA http://www.fema.gov/areyouready/ State agencies

  22. One Great Hour of Sharing

  23. Church Certification Process Take training Write plan and get church approval Send plan to “trainer” who verifies that plan is now incorporated into conference plan. Trainer notifies UMCOR UMCOR sends Certificate to Bishop for signature and presentation to church.

  24. Questions • Eugene Hileman • 210-557-8698 • aehileman@umcswtx.org

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