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Activities at the ISRC

The Iowa Social Science Research Center (ISRC): Enhancing Social Science Research Efforts at The University of Iowa Aaron Kline Associate Director, ISRC. Activities at the ISRC. Assist faculty, research staff and graduate students across campus with:

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Activities at the ISRC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Iowa Social Science Research Center (ISRC):Enhancing Social Science Research Efforts at The University of Iowa Aaron Kline Associate Director, ISRC

  2. Activities at the ISRC Assist faculty, research staff and graduate students across campus with: • Identification of funding opportunities • Grant applications and pre-award preparation • Budgets, IRB, routing, submission, etc. • Other grant support (including post-award supervision and accounting) • Primary data collection (surveys, etc.) • Data entry and data cleaning

  3. Data collection methods

  4. CURRENT HIGHLIGHTS (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014) • Worked with 15 departments and units across campus • Submitted 41grant proposals for faculty and students (11 to NSF; 11 out of 41 grants funded). • $1.25 million awarded and 8grants still pending • 18survey projects fielded • 10pending survey projects scheduled through FY15 • Trained students in survey research methodology through the Hawkeye Poll (since 2009 N~500).

  5. Additional activities via ISRC • Official State Census Data Center. • Contact for the ICPSR data archive. • Represent the university to COSSA (the Consortium of Social Science Associations, a lobbying group that supports social science funding in Washington)

  6. Successful Benefits of ISRC • Assist researchers across campus to identify, obtain and administers grants • Assist with retaining high-quality faculty by providing grant development and data collection services • Provide infrastructural support that helps to change culture and encourage more grant applications • Train students in survey methods through the Hawkeye Poll • Hire students for good paying jobs while providing research experience

  7. Contact us with questions on your grant development or data collection needs! Welcome to the UI! www.isrc.uiowa.edu

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