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Roundabout Design Modification for Improved Safety | Public Meeting Overview

Learn about proposed design modifications for a roundabout project on SR25 Hoosier Heartland Highway, including benefits, limitations, and features. Share your comments and concerns with the INDOT team.

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Roundabout Design Modification for Improved Safety | Public Meeting Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SR25 Hoosier Heartland Highway Segment 1A Contract IR-30840 Faith Community Center Monday, November 8, 2010 7:00pm

  2. Welcome and INDOT Team Introductions Purpose of Public Meeting Description of Meeting and Comment Process Formal Presentation Description of Original Plan General Roundabout Information Proposed Design Modification Public Comment Session Open House Agenda

  3. Description of original design plan Limitations of original design plan Benefits of roundabout in this application Provide overview of proposed design modification Solicit public comment, address concerns, and receive input from the community Purpose of Public Meeting

  4. Presentation Closing Remarks Public Comment Session will be recorded and transcribed for public record Informal Open House Session at display area Public Meeting Process

  5. Verbally to audio recorder Comment Form attached to information packet Mail comments to: Indiana Department of Transportation Office of Public Involvement c/o Aimee Bennett 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N642 Indianapolis, IN 46204 E-mail comments to: abennett@indot.in.gov Comments requested by: Wednesday, 11/24/2010 Public Comment Process

  6. Original Plan – Design Layout

  7. Safety and Convenience Transition from rural to urban setting is abrupt Signalized intersection may require traffic to wait for extended periods of time T-intersection is on curve SR25 roadway is sloped Potential for high-speed accidents Costs and Economic Development Peat removal required near I-65 interchange Restrictions on commercial access Original Plan – Limitations

  8. Intersection configurations considered: Traditional T-intersections Slip ramp configurations Local interchange Roundabouts Question: What is the ultimate purpose? Answer: Safety! Other Alternatives

  9. SR25 Hoosier Heartland Highway Project developed primarily to improve safety Roundabouts have proven effective in improving safety in multiple applications Sensible to take a standard design and modify it to improve safety Project Purpose

  10. Terminology and Features What is a Roundabout?

  11. Increased safety Slower speeds Reduced vehicular traffic conflicts Improved traffic flow Simple yield conditions Free-flowing traffic Reduction in traffic idle time Less abrupt stopping/starting conditions Benefits of Roundabouts

  12. Reduced vehicular emissions Less idle traffic Less abrupt stops Less quick starts Community livability Green space opportunity Less noise due to improved traffic flow Lower maintenance costs Benefits of Roundabouts

  13. Entrance into a roundabout requires a slight reduction in speed with a smaller likelihood of being required to stop for an extended time Benefits of Roundabouts

  14. Approach lanes to a roundabout are clearly marked and signed to aide in the decision making process Benefits of Roundabouts

  15. Entry lanes to a roundabout provide clear visual assessment of oncoming traffic in a simple yield condition Benefits of Roundabouts

  16. Minimized risk for high-speed accidents Vehicle Conflict Points Benefits of Roundabouts

  17. Driving Multi-lane Roundabouts

  18. Remember to yield to traffic in the roundabout Maintain lane through the roundabout Never stop in the roundabout Driving Multi-lane Roundabouts

  19. Always allow large trucks to use both lanes Large trucks may also utilize the inner apron Driving Multi-lane Roundabouts

  20. Dodgeville, WI – US18 Similar Applications

  21. Carmel, IN – 141st Street and Springmill Road Similar Applications

  22. Noblesville, IN – SR238 and Olio Road Similar Applications

  23. Proposed Design Modification

  24. Slight reduction in speed Simple yield conditions Reduction in traffic idle time Less abrupt stopping conditions Minimized risk for high-speed accidents Eliminates need for peat removal Less restrictions on commercial access Lower maintenance costs (no traffic signal) Features of Proposed Modification

  25. Increased distance from I-65 interchange Less impact from potential interchange backups Allows more traffic to pass through Permits more storage capacity Reduced project costs No peat removal No traffic signal Less earthwork Features of Proposed Modification

  26. No impact to construction schedule Minimal impact to right-of-way Minor addendum to environmental document Adjustment to traffic maintenance plan Attempting to complete changes by April 2011 Could let as separate contract for Fall 2011 Educational opportunities for motorists Public involvement through outreach programs Local support with media events http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/intersection/roundabouts Features of Proposed Modification

  27. Aimee Bennett, INDOT Office of Public Involvement abennett@indot.in.gov Mail comments to: Indiana Department of Transportation Office of Public Involvement c/o Aimee Bennett 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N642 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Comments requested by: Wednesday, 11/24/2010 More information on roundabouts: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/intersection/roundabouts Thank You! Comment Session

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