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James Lukezic - A Philanthropist

James Lukezic has spent many years working as a fiduciary advisor in the finance field. When he is not at work, you can find Mr. Lukezic sharpening his fencing skills at the New York Fencer’s Club.

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James Lukezic - A Philanthropist

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  1. James Lukezic A Philanthropist When James Lukezic is not working hard as the Director of Investments for Oppenheimer & Company Inc., you can find him volunteering for a cause. That is because Mr. Lukezic is a giving, community-oriented person who believes in the power of philanthropy. That is why he is an active volunteer in a number of different special needs institutions throughout New York City.

  2. James Lukezic How to Improve Your Fencing James Lukezic is not just a fiduciary advisor with over 13 years of experience, he is also a member of the NYC Fencer’s Club. Mr. Lukezic and other fencing enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new ways to improve their abilities and get an edge against the competition. The old adage practice makes perfect comes to mind here. Often improving your abilities is just a matter of routine practice. A good way to develop control is to tape an x on something that won’t be damaged from repeated hitting. The counter parry and disengage are essential parts of a fencer’s repertoire. Working on disengage techniques is best done with a partner. Fencing enthusiasts like James Lukezic work hard to keep themselves physically and mentally fit.

  3. James Lukezic A Finance Fencer James Lukezic has spent many years working as a fiduciary advisor in the finance field. When he is not at work, you can find Mr. Lukezic sharpening his fencing skills at the New York Fencer’s Club. Fencing has offered Mr. Lukezic a great way to stay mentally and physically sharp. Through the club he has also been able to network with peers, as well as participate in contests around the country.

  4. James LukezicHow to Be a Better Investor James Lukezic has worked in the finance field for many years. Part of his job has been to advice others on making savvy financial investments. However, the stock market and investment financing in general is not certain. You’re going to get it wrong sometimes, everyone does. The key is to learn how to adapt and move forward. Investing is not all about popularity, the price matters too. There are plenty of investors that buy stocks of companies just because the price feels right. While the media does not usually lie about the inner workings of a company, they have been known to embellish. Sometimes a company gets more media attention than it deserves.

  5. THANK YOU... For More Details Visit Here: http://jameslukezic.tumblr.com https://www.behance.net/jameslukezic https://www.pinterest.com/jameslukezic https://www.crunchbase.com/person/james-lukezic#/entity

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