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Majed Abdeljaber - A Philanthropist

Owing to different philanthropic activities for people of Jordan, the government of the country has proposed the name of Majed Abdeljaber as an Honorary Counselor on their behalf in the United States.

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Majed Abdeljaber - A Philanthropist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Majed Abdeljaber

  2. Glimpse of Philanthropic Acts

  3. The business mogul is a philanthropist and focuses on the welfare of humanity. He is involved in various philanthropic activities and donates money to different Non-Governmental Organization, for similar causes

  4. Owing to different philanthropic activities for people of Jordan, the government of the country has proposed the name of Majed Abdeljaber as an Honorary Counselor on their behalf in the United States

  5. Success of Sahara’s Secret

  6. Founded in 2002, as a dba of Sahara’s Holding Company, Inc. the company caters beauty products that are rich in minerals and salts found in Dead Sea and adjoining areas. Therapeutic property of the sea has been recognized since time immemorial.

  7. Thank You!

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