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Estimation of Failure Probability in Higher-Dimensional Spaces: Analyzing Extreme Events for Risk Assessment

Learn the method to estimate the probability of failure due to extreme conditions in multidimensional spaces. This research provides insight into predicting extreme failures using observations and probabilities.

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Estimation of Failure Probability in Higher-Dimensional Spaces: Analyzing Extreme Events for Risk Assessment

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  1. Estimation of failure probability in higher-dimensional spaces Ana Ferreira, UTL, Lisbon, Portugal Laurens de Haan, UL, Lisbon Portugal and EUR, Rotterdam, NL Tao Lin, Xiamen University, China Research partially supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian FCT/POCTI/FEDER – ERAS project

  2. A simple example • Take r.v.’s (R, Ф), independent, and (X,Y) : = (R cos Ф, R sin Ф) . • Take a Borel set A  with positive distance to the origin. • Write a A : = {a x : x A}. • Clearly

  3. Suppose: probability distribution of Ф unknown. • We have i.i.d. observations (X1,Y1), ... (Xn,Yn), and a failure set A away from the observations in the NE corner. • To estimate P{A} we may use a {a A} where is the empirical measure. This is the main idea of estimation of failure set probability.

  4. The problem: • Some device can fail under the combined influence of extreme behaviour of two random forces X and Y. For example: rain and wind. • “Failure set” C: if (X, Y) falls into C, then failure takes place. • “Extreme failure set”: none of the observations we have from the past falls into C. There has never been a failure. • Estimate the probability of “extreme failure”

  5. A bit more formal • Suppose we have n i.i.d. observations (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), ... (Xn,Yn), with distribution function F and a failure set C. • The fact “none of the n observations is in C” can be reflected in the theoretical assumption P(C) < 1 / n . Hence C can not be fixed, we have C = Cn and P(Cn) = O (1/n) as n → ∞ . i.e. when n increases the set C moves, say, to the NE corner.

  6. Domain of attraction condition EVT There exist • Functions a1, a2 >0, b1, b2 real • Parameters 1 and 2 • A measure  on the positive quadrant [0, ∞ ]2\ {(0,0)} with  (a A) = a-1  (A)⑴ for each Borel set A, such that for each Borel set A⊂ with positive distance to the origin.

  7. Remark Relation ⑴ is as in the example. But here we have the marginal transformations on top of that.

  8. Hence two steps: • Transformation of marginal distributions • Use of homogeneity property of υ when pulling back the failure set.

  9. Conditions 1) Domain of attraction: 2) We need estimators with for i = 1,2 with kk(n)→∞ ,k/n → 0, n→∞ .

  10. 3) Cn is open and there exists (vn , wn) ∈ Cn such that (x , y) ∈Cn⇒ x > vn or y > wn . 4) (stability condition on Cn ) The set ⑵ in does not depend on n where

  11. Further : S has positive distance from the origin.

  12. Before we go on, we simplify notation: Notation • Note that

  13. With this notation we can write Cond. 1' : Cond. 4' :

  14. Then: Condition 5 Sharpening of cond.1: Condition 6 1 , 2 > 1 / 2 and for i = 1,2 where

  15. The EstimatorNote that Hence we propose the estimator and we shall prove Then

  16. More formally: • Write: pn:  P {Cn}. Our estimator is • Where

  17. Theorem Under our conditions as n→∞ provided  (S) > 0.

  18. For the proof note that by Cond. 5 and Hence it is sufficient to prove and For both we need the following fundamental Lemma.

  19. Lemma For all real γ and x > 0 , if γn→ γ (n→∞ ) and cn≥ c>0, provided

  20. Proposition ProofRecall and Combining the two we get

  21. The Lemma gives Similarly Hence Ɯ

  22. Finally we need to prove We do this in 3 steps. Proposition 1Define We have

  23. Proof Just calculate the characteristic function and apply Condition 1. Proposition 2Define we have Proof By the Lemma → identity. Next apply Lebesgue’s dominated convergence Theorem.

  24. Proposition 3 The result follows by using statement and proof of Proposition 2 ProofThe left hand side is By the Lemma → identity. end of finite-dimensional case

  25. Similar result in function space Example: During surgery the blood pressure of the patient is monitored continuously. It should not go below a certain level and it has never been in previous similar operations in the past. What is the probability that it happens during surgery of this kind?

  26. EVT in C [0,1] 1. Definition of maximum: Let X1, X2, ... be i.i.d. in C [0,1]. We consider • as an element of C [0,1]. 2. Domain of attraction. For each Borel set A∈C+ [0,1] with we have

  27. where for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 we define and  is a homogeneous measure of degree –1.

  28. Conditions Cond. 1. Domain of attraction. Cond. 2. Need estimators such that Cond. 3. Failure set Cn is open in C[0,1] and there exists hn∈∂Cn such that

  29. Cond. 4 with a fixed set (does not depend on n) and Further:

  30. Cond. 5 Cond. 6 and

  31. Now the estimator for pn: P{Cn} : where and

  32. Theorem Under our conditions as n→∞provided  (S) > 0.

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