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Learn from Rev. Joe Wright how to uphold integrity in daily life and avoid ethical pitfalls, guided by Biblical teachings. Discover the importance of honesty and hard work, and how to resist temptations that lead to theft and deceit. Explore wise investing, faithful prayer, and prioritizing spiritual values over material possessions. Embrace the principles of diligence, honesty, and generosity for a fulfilling life aligned with divine will.
Highly Healthy Homes of Ten Habits
Habit 8 Maintain Your Integrity Exodus 20:15
Exodus 20:15 Do not steal.
Rev. Joe Wright Heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness and seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, “Woe to those who call evil good,” but that’s exactly what we have done.
Rev. Joe Wright We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values. We confess that … We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism; We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturalism;
Rev. Joe Wright We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle; We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery; We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation; We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
Rev. Joe Wright We have killed our unborn and called it choice; We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable; We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem; We have abused power and called it political savvy;
Rev. Joe Wright We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition; We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression; We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Rev. Joe Wright Search us, oh God, and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of Kansas …
Rev. Joe Wright … and who have been ordained by You to govern this great state. Grant them Your wisdom to rule, and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your will. I ask it in the Name of Your Son, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Burglary Robbery Larceny Hijacking Shoplifting
Pickpocketing Purse-snatching Embezzlement Extortion Racketeering
LO T’GAHNAF • do not take by stealth • do not carry away secretly
Acquiring By The Book • Diligent Labor
Ephesians 4:28 If you are a thief, quit stealing. Be honest and work hard, so you will have something to give to people in need.
Acquiring By The Book • Diligent Labor • Wise Investing or Bargaining • Diligent Labor
Matthew 25:29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away.
Acquiring By The Book • Diligent Labor • Wise Investing or Bargaining • Faithful Prayer • Diligent Labor • Wise Investing or Bargaining
Matthew 6:32-33 32 Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs,
Matthew 6:32-33 33 and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
Three Principles • There is more to life than possessions.
Matthew 16:26 And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process? Is anything worth more than your soul?