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You need: -Journal -Pencil or Pen -Highlighter Today is Monday, October 7 th . That means you have a reading log due. Place it in the black basket on the round table in the back. . Traditional Literature Genres. Second 12 weeks: Exploring my Influences 6th Grade Reading.
You need: -Journal -Pencil or Pen -Highlighter Today is Monday, October 7th. That means you have a reading log due. Place it in the black basket on the round table in the back. Traditional Literature Genres Second 12 weeks: Exploring my Influences 6th Grade Reading
Update table of contents -Add the assignments from last week to your Table of Contents on page 1. -Go to the assignments in your lesson section and make sure that they have dates and headings. -In your Table of Contents, add the page number that the assignment is on.
Copy into the GENRE section of your journal. Highlight or underline the information in red. Drama/Plays Plays are written to be performed by live actors, onstage. Plays are told through dialogue and characters’ actions. Play scripts include stagedirections. Plays may be divided into scenes. Plays take place in one or more time frames and settings.
Fairy Tales • Purpose • Focus on a problem to solve • Teaches a lesson or points out a value that is important to a culture
Fairy Tales • History • Told for hundreds of years • Different cultures share many of the same stories (Cinderella) • Teaches about places, history, and values
GENRE section of your journal. type of fantasy, often about royalty Features of a Fairy Tale
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This tale is a type of fantasy, often about royalty One character is often helped by another Features of a Fairy Tale
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This tale is a type of fantasy, often about royalty One character is often helped by another Features of a Fairy Tale Often, people appear or events happen three times
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This tale is a type of fantasy, often about royalty One character is often helped by another Features of a Fairy Tale Often, people appear or events happen three times A helper and/or “bad guy” may have magical powers
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This tale is a type of fantasy, often about royalty One character is often helped by another Features of a Fairy Tale fantastic or magical creatures; some animals and objects can talk. Often, people appear or events happen three times A helper and/or “bad guy” may have magical powers
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This tale is a type of fantasy, often about royalty One character is often helped by another The tale has a happyending Features of a Fairy Tale Has fantastic or magical creatures; some animals and objects can talk. Often, people appear or events happen three times A helper and/or “bad guy” may have magical powers
Lesson Section Warm-uP Copy and Complete the sentences below the chart to respond to the fairy tale from yesterday. “Cinderella” The Cinderella story points out values important to our culture such as _________________________. The story accomplishes this by _______________________.
Genre Section Folktales • Literature that has been passed down from generation to generation • Consist of traditions, beliefs, and stories handed down by a particular people or by word of mouth.
. characters are usually animals. Features of Fables
. At least one character has a flaw or problem. The characters are usually animals. Features of Fables
. At least one character has a flaw or problem. The characters are usually animals. One character learns something from another character. Features of Fables
. At least one character has a flaw or problem. The characters are usually animals. One character learns something from another character. Features of Fables The story has a moral stated at the end.
. At least one character has a flaw or problem. The characters are usually animals. One character learns something from another character. Features of Fables The story is brief. The story has a moral stated at the end.
LESSON Section Don’t forget to write the date and heading! 10/8/13 Why is “The Hare and the Tortoise” a Fable? Go easy on the glue!
FABLES Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
Why is “the Hare and The tortoise” a Fable? Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
Why is “the Hare and The tortoise” a Fable? Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
Why is “the Hare and The tortoise” a Fable? Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
Why is “the Hare and The tortoise” a Fable? Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
Why is “the Hare and The tortoise” a Fable? Use the words in red to fill in the blanks on your chart! Features of a Fable In “Hare and Tortoise”
. Legend has a basis in historical fact. Features of a Legend
. A legend focuses on an individual and his/her accomplishments or powers, or an event. Legend has a basis in historical fact. Features of a Legend
. A legend focuses on an individual and his/her accomplishments or powers, or an event. Legend has a basis in historical fact. A legend may include miraculous or supernatural events. Features of a Legend
. A legend focuses on an individual and his/her accomplishments or powers, or an event. Legend has a basis in historical fact. A legend may include miraculous or supernatural events. Features of a Legend A legend may contain a moral, or lesson.
. A legend focuses on an individual and his/her accomplishments or powers, or an event. The ___________ are usually ___________. A legend may include miraculous or supernatural events. Features of a Legend A takes place in the context of a particular place and its history, creating a connection with a culture. A legend may contain a moral, or lesson.
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. Features of a Pourquoi
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This story is brief. The title is about something in nature. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. Features of a Pourquoi
GENRE section of your journal. This story is brief. The title is about something in nature. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. The setting is often a key part of the story. Features of a Pourquoi
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This story is brief. The title is about something in nature. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. The setting is often a key part of the story. Features of a Pourquoi The main characters are usually animals or objects in nature.
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This story is brief. The title is about something in nature. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. The setting is often a key part of the story. Features of a Pourquoi The main characters are usually animals or objects in nature. One character has a flaw.
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. This story is brief. The title is about something in nature. The story presents a problem and a solution that explains why things in nature are a certain way. The setting is often a key part of the story. Features of a Pourquoi The main characters are usually animals or objects in nature. The characters’ actions cause something to change, or happen, in nature. One character has a flaw.
. A tall tale is usually a funny story with exaggerations Features of a Tall Tale
A tall tale is usually a funny story with exaggerations The main character is a hero or heroine and is often based on a realperson Features of a Tall Tale
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. A tall tale is usually a funny story with exaggerations The hero may have a helper that might have been an animal or an object The main character is a hero or heroine and is often based on a realperson Features of a Tall Tale
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. A tall tale is usually a funny story with exaggerations The hero may have a helper that might have been an animal or an object The main character is a hero or heroine and is often based on a realperson Features of a Tall Tale The hero has super strength and/or skills
Copy the red parts on the graphic organizer into the GENRE section of your journal. A tall tale is usually a funny story with exaggerations The hero may have a helper that might have been an animal or an object The main character is a hero or heroine and is often based on a realperson Features of a Tall Tale The hero has super strength and/or skills The hero has to fight or outwit a “bully” in the form of nature, an animal, or a group of people
. The story is simple and brief. Features of Noodle Head Tales
. The story is humorous and entertaining. The story is simple and brief. Features of Noodle Head Tales
. The story is humorous and entertaining. The story is simple and brief. The main character is foolish and acts foolishly. Features of Noodle Head Tales
. The story is humorous and entertaining. The story is simple and brief. The main character is foolish and acts foolishly. Features of Noodle Head Tales The main character may believe something unbelievable, make a simple situation complicated, create a problem out of nothing, and/or misunderstand simple directions.
. The story is humorous and entertaining. The story is simple and brief. The main character is foolish and acts foolishly. Features of Noodle Head Tales The main character is not mean, and the story is not intended to make fun of him or her. The main character may believe something unbelievable, make a simple situation complicated, create a problem out of nothing, and/or misunderstand simple directions.
. The story is humorous and entertaining. The story is simple and brief. The main character usually succeeds in her tasks, helps someone, or ends up doing something good even though they act foolishly. The main character is foolish and acts foolishly. Features of Noodle Head Tales The main character is not mean, and the story is not intended to make fun of him or her. The main character may believe something unbelievable, make a simple situation complicated, create a problem out of nothing, and/or misunderstand simple directions.