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What is Progressivism?. Was progressivism a movement, or just a collection of scattered reforms? What made a reform or movement Progressive? Did progressive change come from the top the middle or the bottom of society? Did progressivism come from liberalism or from radicalism, or from both?.
What is Progressivism? • Was progressivism a movement, or just a collection of scattered reforms? • What made a reform or movement Progressive? • Did progressive change come from the top the middle or the bottom of society? • Did progressivism come from liberalism or from radicalism, or from both?
Alice Paul toasting passage of 19th Amendment in 1920. She worked closely with militant British suffragettes and helped lead the fight for suffrage.
Progressive Internationalism • Defining Progressivism • Progressives and American Int’lism • Progressives and expansionism • Woodrow Wilson and Progressive Internationalism
3 Features of Progressivism • Faith in scientific expertise • commitment to civic engagement • Internationalism: saw world as connected, participating in international dialogue about reform • TR’s Speech “The Liberty of the People”
Where did reform come from? • Role of class • Middle class reformers • Women’s rights • Progressivism’s blind spot: race
Regional Progressivism: South • More Southern than Progressive: class and racial inequality shapes views on reform • Progress = industrialization, not social reform • Conservative views on black, women’s suffrage • Focus on prohibition, gambling, prostitution
Examples of Progressive Reform • Good Governance: direct primary and election of Senators, referendum, initiative and recall, suffrage, civil service exams; inheritance tax, progressive income tax • Intervention in economy: regulatory commissions for banking, insurance, railroads, Pure Food Act, minimum wage and regulation of working conditions • Public Services: public health campaigns, public parks, pools, sewers, libraries
Progressive Internationalism • Signs of growing “globalization” • Internationalization of reform ideas • How ideas were exchanged • American borrowings from Europe Hull House Founder Jane Addams protesting WWI in 1915
Progressives and Expansionism • Shared core beliefs with pro-imperialists • Views on expansion • Contradictions
Wilson and Progressive Int’lism • Former Progressive Governor New Jersey • Promoted banking, trade, antitrust reform • Belief in liberal internationalism, American expansion • Intervened in Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic Woodrow Wilson, 1912
Progressives and Ludlow, Colorado • Ludlow: site of intense labor conflict in coal mines • Rockefeller and others fight unionization • Striking miners attacked April 14, 1914, more than 20 killed • Progressives see as proof of need for reform of big business Miner’s Camp in Ludlow, CO after massacre and fire on April 20, 1914
Progressives and Veracruz, Mexico • Mexican Revolution 1910-1914 ousts U.S. backed dictator Portfirio Diaz • U.S. business interests and officials call for U.S. intervention: April 1914 U.S. Navy sends troops ashore at Veracruz