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GROUP 4. Members John Chanda Edward Shamiso Lilian. ADVICE TO GOVERNMENT. EFFECTIVENESS IN FACILITATING AND ATTRACTING INVESTMENT Difficulties in setting-up new Initiatives Too many taxes (A Tax system should be simple) Too much bureaucracy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GROUP 4 Members John Chanda Edward Shamiso Lilian

  2. ADVICE TO GOVERNMENT • EFFECTIVENESS IN FACILITATING AND ATTRACTING INVESTMENT • Difficulties in setting-up new Initiatives • Too many taxes (A Tax system should be simple) • Too much bureaucracy • Treatment of Investors after investments have taken place • Taxes introduced in addition to the already long list of taxes • Parliament is not involved to give oversight, hence investor is not protected

  3. EFFECTIVENESS IN FACILITATING AND ATTRACTING INVESTMENT Cont. • Protection of investors in the event of conflict with Government • Some terms are not properly defined e.g ‘friendly basis’, ‘suitable compensation’ should be redefined • Total omission of the local judicial system

  4. MAXIMISING THE BENEFITS AND MINIMISING ASSOCIATED RISKS • Govt ‘s Ensuring of the constant flow of revenue • Taxes if administered well can benefit the Govt • Equity provision of 20% is not enough, Botswana Govt has 50% • Absence of mineral royalties-production based income • Govt should give specific licenses for each mineral commodity • Protection of local community • No specific provision made to protect the local community e.g displacement, compensation of locals by mining companies

  5. MAXIMISING THE BENEFITS AND MINIMISING ASSOCIATED RISKS Protection of local community cont. • Too many taxes which can make monitoring and compliance difficult • No preferential treatment for the local small scale miners • Exploration rights are well phrased to avoid Bogus investments or speculators Possible difficulties • No provision for the revision of clauses


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