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Assembly Language

Assembly Language. Friday, Week 5 Monday, Week 6. Assembly Language. Set of mnemonic names for the instructions in a particular computer's machine language. Works on accumulator and memory locations in the computer. Translated into binary instructions. Pippin. Pippin.

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Assembly Language

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assembly Language Friday, Week 5 Monday, Week 6

  2. Assembly Language • Set of mnemonic names for the instructions in a particular computer's machine language. • Works on accumulator and memory locations in the computer. • Translated into binary instructions.

  3. Pippin

  4. Pippin • Pippin has an accumulator - a place to store intermediate values during computation. • Similar to the calculator but we have memory locations to store values and to load values.

  5. Sample Program LOD #2 STO 129 ADD 129 STO 129 ADD #3 STO 130 HLT

  6. What would be the assembly instructions to add 1 to the contents of memory location 130? STO X Store acc value in mem loc X LOD X Load contents of mem loc X into acc LOD #X Load value X into acc HLT Halt execution ADD X Add contents of mem loc X to acc ADD #X Add value X to acc Exercise

  7. Exercise Solution LOD #1 ADD 130 STO 130 HLT

  8. What would be the assembly language instructions to add the values in memory locations 129 and 132, putting the answer in 128? STO X Store acc value in mem loc X LOD X Load contents of mem loc X into acc LOD #X Load value X into acc HLT Halt execution ADD X Add contents of mem loc X to acc ADD #X Add value X to acc Exercise

  9. Exercise Solution LOD 129 ADD 132 STO 128 HLT

  10. Machine Language • Assembly language still cannot be read directly by the computer - it’s not in binary. • Assembly language commands need to be translated into binary commands called machine language.

  11. Pippin Machine Language

  12. Example Program

  13. Exercise

  14. Exercise Solution

  15. Exercise

  16. Exercise Solution

  17. PIPPIN Lab • This week’s lab will be to use a simulator called PIPPIN to write assembly language programs and change them to machine language. • Let’s take a look at PIPPIN. • Do Pre-Lab Assignment

  18. JMP • All commands seen so far in PIPPIN are sequential. • We have no way to make a decision or to skip some statements. • JMP X command says always jump to the command labeled X. • JMZ X checks the accumulator first - if it’s 0 then we jump; otherwise don’t jump.

  19. Example

  20. In JavaScript • The same program in JavaScript would be the following: var z=0; for (var x=3; x!=0; x--) z += y; y = z; • Or the following: y = y*3;

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