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Everyday Assistive Technology (AT) in the Classroom Nina Gregory FDLRS Gulfcoast Parent Services and Assistive Technology Resource Teacher , Serving Pasco County Schools. Training Specifics : Component Title : ESE Technology Training Component N u mber : 03-100-001
EverydayAssistiveTechnology (AT) in the Classroom Nina Gregory FDLRS Gulfcoast Parent Services and AssistiveTechnology Resource Teacher, Serving Pasco CountySchools
Training Specifics: Component Title: ESE Technology Training Component Number: 03-100-001 Inservice Points: 4 • Training Objectives: • Participants will: • Analyze the S.E.T.T Framework for consideringAssistiveTechnology (AT) in the classroom • InvestigatecurrentAssistiveTechnologyalready in place in theirschool • Investigate possible toolsthatwillassiststudents in the classroom • Explore AssistiveTechnology options availablefrom the AssistiveTechnology Team
Assistive Technology • The term assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of children with disabilities." (20 U.S.C. §1401(a)(25)). • Students with disabilities can use a variety of assistive technologies and accommodations that target accessibility issues, depending on their challenge. Some have print disabilities and need text converted into digital format to be read aloud or altered in presentation. Some have fine and gross motor limitations and need alternate keyboards or switch access to control a computer. Others may have visual impairments and require screen readers or screen magnification.
5 Step Model for Considering AT 1. Review present levels of performance 2. Develop goals and objectives 3. Identify task necessary to accomplish goals 4. Determine which tasks are currently difficult or inaccessible by the student 5. Identify appropriate supports and services, including Assistive Technology resources, to access the classroom curriculum
What is the SETT Framework? • Developed by Dr. Joy Zabala • The SETT Framework is a tool that helps T/IEP teams gather and organize information that can be used to guide collaborative decisions about services that foster the educational success of students with disabilities • SETT is an acronym for Student, Environment, Tasks, and Tools
SETT Framework Tasks Tools Student Environment
Who should be involved in the SETT Process? • All members of the student’s T/IEP team: • Basic Ed Teacher • ESE Teacher • Speech Therapist • OT/PT • Vision Teacher • DHH Teacher • PI Teacher • Administrator • Parent • Student
Student • What is the individual expected to accomplish? • What are the individual’s special needs as related to the task? • What are the individual’s current abilities? • What are the functional areas of concern?
Environment • What are the structural and physical arrangements of the environment? • What supports are available to both student and staff? • What materials and equipment are currently available? • What are the physical, instructional, and technology access issues? • What are the attitudes and expectations of the staff and family?
Tasks • What specific tasks occur in the individual's environment that enables progress toward mastery of IEP goals? • What specific tasks are required for active involvement in the identified environments – such as communication and participation?
Tools • Is it expected that the student will not be able to make reasonable progress toward educational goals without assistive technology devices and services? • If yes, describe what a useful system of supports, devices, and services for the student would be like if there were such a system of TOOLS • Brainstorm specific Tools that could be included in a system that addresses student needs • Select the most promising Tools for trials in natural environments • Plan the specifics of the trial (expected changes, when/how tools will be used, cues, etc.)
Assistive Technology Currently in Place • What Assistive Technology is currently being implemented at your school? • Which student population is using Assistive Technology ? How? Why? • Is Assistive Technology being used in classrooms to assist students with curriculum access?
Assistive Technology Tools to Assist in the Classroom • Technology Resources: • FDLRS Gulfcoast Wikispaces… • https://techtoolsforsuccess.wikispaces.com • https://digitaltextessentials.wikispaces.com • Exploring New Territories
Funding Assistive Technology • There are many ways to fund Assistive Technology Resources for the classroom • Discuss availability of funds with Administration • Coordinate with Technology Specialist regarding funds available for Assistive Technology resources that can benefit all students • Lead Money • SAC/PTSA money • Grants • Fundraisers (such as Autism Walks)
Assistive Technology/CORE Team Options & Assistance • REMEMBER – The AT/CORE Team is available to help with implementation/training at any time during this process • School based AT Liaisons (trained by the AT/CORE Team) are also available to assist with the S.E.T.T. process and AT evaluation process, if needed • Some of the services available include but are not limited to: • Equipment loan • Modeling the use of recommendations • Training (teacher/student) • Creating materials • Working with teams to evaluate progress and revise recommendations as needed
AT/CORE Team Contact Information • Office located at Charles Rushe Middle School • Phone: • Ext. 61354 • 813-346-1354, 727-246-1354 or 352-526-1354 • Fax: 813-346-1291
FDLRS Contact Information • Nina Gregory FDLRS Gulfcoast Parent Services and Assistive Technology Resource Teacher • agregory@pasco.k12.fl.us • Phone: 727-774 2630