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My Place In Space!. By Taylor. What Was My Focus?. Research the planets and compere there sizes. Mercury. Mercury: •Size: about the same size as the moon. •Made out of: Rock •Moons: 0
My Place In Space! By Taylor
What Was My Focus? Research the planets and compere there sizes
Mercury Mercury: •Size: about the same size as the moon. •Made out of: Rock •Moons: 0 •Info: Full orbit around the sun every 87.97 days covered in mountains craters in ridges and valleys. No satellites. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/mercury.htmt The first planet from the sun!
Venus •Size: almost the same size as the earth •Made out of: Rock? •Moons: 0 •Info: it takes 224.704 days to fully orbit the sun. It is known as the earth’s sister! Our solar system Robin Birch p.30 The second planet from the sun!
Earth •Size: The Earth is the biggest of all the terrestrial planets. •Made of: sea , lands and plants •Moons: 1 •Info: according to scientist the earth is the only planet that has living life on it so far. It takes 365.3 days to make a complete orbit around the sun. The third planet from the sun!
Jupiter •Size: Three hundred and seventeen times bigger than earth •Made of: Giant ball of gas Moons: 50 •Info: the giant red spot on Jupiter is where a storm has been raging for over 300 million years! It orbits round the sun every 4332.59 days. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/jupiter.htm http://www.happynews.com/living/space/jupiter-information-kids.htm The fifth planet from the sun!
Saturn • Size: 95 times bigger than earth • Made of: Gas • Moons: 53 • Info: The rings that circle Saturn are actually made of rock and ice! It takes 10.759.2 days to fully orbit the sun! What a long time!!! http://www.happynews.com/living/space/satu rn-information-kids.htm http://www.kidsastronomy.com/saturn.htm The sixth planet from the sun!
Uranus • Size: 14.6 times bigger than earth • Made of: Rock and ice • Moons: 27 • Info: Its believed that a large object hit the planet and that’s why its spinning on the wrong axis! It takes 30,684 day to orbit the sun! http://www.kidsastronomy.com/uranus.htm The seventh planet from the sun!
Neptune • Size: 17 times bigger than earth • Made of: Gas • Moons: 13 • Info: In 2011, Neptune it made itscomplete first orbit around the Sun!Sinceit was discovered in 1846 http://www.kidsastronomy.com/neptune.htm The eighth planet from the sun
Pluto • Size: 1% of earth • Made of: Ice and water • Moons: 4 or 3 • Info: Did you know Pluto was named by a 11 year old girl who lived in Oxford England? It takes 90.465 days to orbit around the sun. • http://www.universetoday.com/13875/what-is-pluto-made-up-of/ • http://www.kidsastronomy.com/pluto.htm • The last planet from the sun!
Thanks for watching! Peace it!