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W + jets: MET correction and measurement of the W Transverse Mass. Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera. Padova, 7 ottobre 2008. GOAL : Measurement of the Electroweak W Mass using the first CMS data in the channel W + jets.
W + jets: MET correction and measurement of the W Transverse Mass Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera Padova, 7 ottobre 2008
GOAL: Measurement of the Electroweak W Mass using the first CMS data in the channel W + jets • METHOD:the W Boson Mass MW will be extracted by fitting the transverse mass distribution as a function of MW. • FIRST-STEPS: • W transverse mass Mt(W) formula; • Using of GenMETCollection and CaloMETCollection in our analysis how to correct these objects? • …THE-NEXT-STEP:event selection (eg: kinematic range) in order to analyse high-purity W samples using “suggestions” from the MC-distribution. Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
W transverse mass Mt(W) formula: The familiar form of the W transverse mass is: Mt2 = 2 pt(l) pt(υ) [ 1 – cos(φ(l) – φ(υ)) ] It is interesting to note that this is the extremum (w.r.t. the parallel momentum of the neutrino) for the squared invariant mass M2 (W) as well. Hence, from the cinematic point of view, we expect that distribution of Mt2has its maximum at the W invariant mass. But the dynamics may change the position of the upper bound: since this doesn’t happen, then the Mt2 is a good discriminator for the invariant mass. Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
GenMET Collection: In CMSSW, MET is determined from the transverse vector sum over energy deposits in the calorimeters. Hence, it may also contain muons, since the muons deposit their energy above all in the Muon Chambers. The first “raw” correction we have done, was the vector subtraction of the transverse momenta of all muons from the MET. Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
CaloMET Collection: As for the previous case, the same work was done for CaloMETCollection. But the figures tell us that our correction gives a quite good agreement for GenMET (even if it could be improved!), while we can’t say the same for CaloMET. Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
MC vs Reco Muons: To understand if the difference between the Mt(W) distributions in the MC and Reco case is given by the use of HepgMuon vs RecoMuon, it is sufficient to observe the pt-muon distributions. The figure probes that CaloMET and GenMET Collection have different “ingredients” and hence they need different types of corrections (jets). Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
Future improvement for muons: To have high purity samples, same “quality” selections about muons will be done (cuts of pt over 100 GeV, isolation…) Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera
AIMS: • EW analysis in the channel W + jets with the first CMS data; • Work with MET, key element in the study of new physics (e.g. Dark Matter). Autori: L. Brussich, I. Lazzizzera