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JusTap Review


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JusTap Review

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  1. https://www.dope-review.com/justap-review/ What is it: JusTap is NFC Tech Agency App Creates Contactless Digital Business Cards, generates leads, collects payments, gets followers, collects reviews, and so much more with JUST A TAP. Network the Smarter Way with our first-to-market NFC technology enabled Digital Business Cards & More. Imagine meeting your client or your customer at an event or even at your own showroom. You communicate & share information about your product / service. They seem to be very interested and excited about your offering. You give your Business card hoping to receive a call or email anytime soon. The potential customer puts it in their bag/wallet/some random book/ never to find it again or probably they missed it right where they met you. Let’s assume he/she was really interested in reaching out to you but since they do not have your contact information, they end up googling their need and go with the first company that pops. Even if they did find your card somehow, they will have to look in and type it on their phone which is an extra effort in this fast world that we live in. Here is a fun fact: 88% of Physical Business Cards that are being passed on are thrown away within the next 7 days. This is exactly what is happening with Millions of people. Can’t blame your prospects as how many Business cards can fit in their wallet? Don’t you think you need a smarter way to tackle this and never miss a potential customer ever again? We were on a mission to solve this. Here is what we thought should happen when you met your customer: Make them your lead, Make them add you to their contacts, Make them follow you on your social profiles, Make them instantly go through your products & services, Make them download your Mobile App, Make them send you an SMS, Whatsapp, Email or Skype And so much more. JusTap Review Guess What? You need the ability to stand out, be top-of-mind, and be the obvious expert to your prospects, and they’ve made this possible. They made it possible with NFC technology and you could do all of these and more with their latest, much needed creation JusTap.

  2. JusTap Review is a complete solution to individuals, local Businesses, Agencies, freelancers or anyone looking to use NFC to their advantage. Whether it is for your own Business or your client’s Business, if you want to grab a share of the NFC Market, you need to have JusTap. Right now this is available for a super-low one-time price and the price will increase when the timer hits zero. Go & press the buy now button to grab your copy of JusTap. Features Organize your NFC campaigns under Workspace: Inside JusTap, you can create multiple Workspaces to organize your campaigns for different clients. Each of these workspaces can be separately connected to payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe & Razorpay and these can be cName mapped to a custom domain. Lead Generation can also be done easily when organized inside a workspace to send the leads to the desired Autoresponder. JusTap Review Create Contactless Digital Business Cards: Create Contactless Digital Business Cards which can be modified any time and shared multiple times. Even after writing the Campaign to the card this can be modified. In just a Tap on a NFC enabled smartphone , these Business cards can be shared as a VCF contact card or even as a profile page with the person Tapping. Create Local Business Campaigns: You can create NFC campaigns for various purposes for Local Businesses including collecting reviews, displaying FAQ of a product on Tap, displaying product information, offer, coupons on Tap, campaigns to book appointments, campaigns to help businesses get more app downloads and so on. Add multiple blocks inside your Campaigns: You can add multiple blocks inside your Campaign page with just a click and customize it with your information. You can also organize various blocks under sections. Multiple Campaign Publish Options: JusTap has numerous publish campaign options making it suitable for both Business cards and for local & small businesses. Ability to capture leads: One of the important features of JusTap is its ability to generate leads with just a Tap.

  3. JusTap Review You can easily integrate your Autoresponder and collect leads effortlessly wherever you want. You can do this for multiple clients by integrating their respective AutoResponders on their dedicated workspace. You can even send out Automated Email Notifications when there is a sign up through your Campaign. Ability to Publish Campaigns as QR codes: They want you to have one less thing to worry about. In the worst case scenario if you think your prospect may not have an NFC enabled phone, you can even get a QR code for your Campaigns right from inside JusTap. Most Smartphones already have NFC. But we have provided this QR code campaign facility as a backup in case you do not want to use the NFC campaign for some specific reason. Business Card & Local Business Templates: They have a bunch of Templates for Business Cards in various Niches and even some Local Business Templates, so you can get started with your campaign right away.. CName Mapping, SMTP, Autoresponder Integrations, Retargeting Codes & Analytics: Workspaces can be cName mapped to a domain so the campaign URLs can point to your own domain. This is not mandatory. You can happily run your campaigns on JusTap itself without any domain or hosting. JusTap Review Agency Technology to manage client campaigns: With the in-built Agency Technology you can create Client Accounts and you can assign workspace and campaigns to them. You can help your clients with creating Business Card Campaigns or Local Business Campaigns. Charge your clients $500 or even more per campaign and get a monthly recurring. You can even take a commission on each sale they get through your campaign. There is a separate sales dashboard to give you details about the sales stats. Just the Agency Technology alone will help you double your investment in JusTap today with just 1 client. Can do for you: First-to-Market Local Business NFC Tech app: Uses a stellar technology called Near Field Communication (NFC) used in Contactless payments using credit, debit cards. The same Tech can be conveniently used for growing any business using JusTap.

  4. JusTap Review: Grow your Network in just a Tap: From getting people to save you as a contact on their phone to making them send you a message, whatsapp, Skype, Email or even give you a ring, everything is possible with JusTap. Sell any product or Service, collect Payments & manage sales: With just a Tap get people to view your service or product, collect payments via PayPal, Stripe and even manage all the sales using the sales dashboard. Create QR Codes for your Campaigns: Easily Create QR Codes for Business Cards or any other campaigns that you create. Create Contactless Digital Business Cards: Choose from a variety of Business Card Templates in various Local & Online Business Niches that helps Network the Smarter way, generates leads, sells products & services, effortlessly. Capture Leads with just a Tap: Capture leads anytime anywhere all with just a Tap and add it to your AutoResponder. Run Campaigns for any Business Goal: Run Campaigns to get more followers on your social network, to get more app downloads, to get more appointment booking, to share a google map location, run offers and display coupons, collect feedback & rating and so much more with just a Tap. JusTap Review Agency Rights to sell NFC Tech Services: Full-blown Agency Dashboard to add clients, share campaigns, get inputs and run Business card campaigns or campaigns for ANY Business Goal & sell it for profits. And so much more… F.A.Q: Q. Are NFC Tags easily available ? How much do they cost? A. NFC tags are super low-cost and you can get a tag for just a few cents. The Tags are available in various forms and wearables. You can check the Tag that suits your purpose and order them on sites like Amazon. Q. How to write to the NFC Tag? A. Very simple. JusTap will give you an URL for your campaign. They recommend a couple of free NFC writing apps. Just paste the URL in these apps and bring your NFC tag closer to your phone and write it.

  5. JusTap Review Q. Can NFC tags be reused? A. Definitely! If you have used NFC Tag for a campaign and you no longer want to run that campaign, you can erase the writing using the free NFC writing App and Rewrite it with your New Campaign URL Q. How is this advantageous over QR Codes? A. Great Question. QR Codes still need you to open your phone and scan for it to work. While NFC’s just need a tap making it operationally more efficient and faster. Once you print out a QR Code, the same QR code cannot be reused. Whereas in NFC you can use the same NFC tag multiple times and keep rewriting. Q. Do you have a bundle deal? A. Once you pick JusTap from this page, you will be presented with a fast-pass bundle deal that includes all the upgrades. JusTap Review Q. What if a smartphone doesn’t have the facility to read NFC? A. Most smartphones that come out now have NFC capabilities. There are 2 Bn+ NFC enabled Smartphones in use which is almost 25% of the World’s population. In the rare case of smartphones not having NFC, you can use QR codes which can also be generated using JusTap Q. Why is it better than other NFC apps? A. Most NFC apps are specific for Business Cards and you cannot use it multiple ways as mentioned in this page. Also they charge you per business card per month unlike JusTap’s one-time only fee. Q. Is there any monthly fee? A. You are in luck. They are running a limited-time only founding member’s launch and during this period, if you get JusTap, you will be able to secure it for the lowest possible one-time only price. Q. I do not have a clue about NFC technology. Will this work for me? A. You don’t need to have any prior experience with NFC technology. They have created this in such a way that even Newbies can create their NFC campaigns in minutes. Overview: With Just a Tap, you can be a saved contact on your potential customer’s phone, you could make them opt in to your list, you could showcase your products and lead them to buying, make them download your app and so much more. You never have to worry or endlessly wait for your potential customer to call back or mail you with JusTap.

  6. How can you profit from JusTap Review? Approach any Business who is not using NFC tech (most businesses aren’t using) or even if they are using already show them the right way to use it to increase leads, engagement and sales. Set up Business Card, Lead generation, review collecting, payment collecting, appointment booking or any campaign as per the need of the Business by modifying any existing template inside JusTap. Collect a one-time fee and a monthly retainer to maintain the service. You can collect $200-$1000 per customer depending on the purpose of the campaign Here are the Major Feature Highlights of JusTap 1. Organize your NFC campaigns under Workspace Inside JusTap, you can create multiple Workspaces to organize your campaigns for different clients. Each of these workspaces can be separately connected to payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe & Razorpay and these can be cName mapped to a custom domain. Lead Generation can also be done easily when organized inside a workspace to send the leads to the desired Autoresponder. JusTap Review 2. Create Contactless Digital Business Cards: Create Contactless Digital Business Cards which can be modified any time and shared multiple times. Even after writing the Campaign to the card this can be modified. In just a Tap on a NFC enabled smartphone , these Business cards can be shared as a VCF contact card or even as a profile page with the person Tapping. NFC can help you, your Business and your client’s Business in multiple ways.. Shares Contactless Digital Business Card instantly anywhere anytime without needing to print 1000s of cards. Generates leads for any business with just a Tap Collects Review & Rating from your customers Displays product information, features, offers, prices in physical stores

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