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Tuck Everlasting and Fantasy: Exploring Supernatural Elements in Literature

Learn about what makes a story a fantasy, with examples from Tuck Everlasting. Discover how supernatural powers and settings shape the narrative. Find out how fantasy is present in TV shows today, such as Twilight Zone and Star Trek.

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Tuck Everlasting and Fantasy: Exploring Supernatural Elements in Literature

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  1. Tuck Everlasting What is a fantasy story?

  2. Supernatural powers (magic, time travel, knowing the future, etc.) What makes a story a fantasy? A fantasy story can have realistic characters and settings that have or can change into: Imaginary places (Narnia, Alice’s Wonderland)

  3. Where do you see samples of Fantasy stories today? Television series use fantasy to make their shows more interesting. Examples: Twlight Zone, The Wizards of Waverly Place, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, & Lost

  4. Tuck Everlasting and Fantasy • While reading chapter two, there are some clues as to what type of fantasy element is going to be introduced in the book. • After reading chapter two, you will have to discuss these clues with the class.

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