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The Special Senses

Learn about Acrohyperhidrosis, the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, hypercalcemia, pancreas secretions, glycorrhea, dysphasia, poliomyelitis, and glia cells.

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The Special Senses

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  1. The Special Senses

  2. Acrohyperhidrosis means a(n) • Condition of excessive water of the extremities • Excessive sweating of the extremities • Inflammation of the skin of the extremities • Enlargement of the sweat glands of the extremities

  3. The adenohypophysis • Acts like the nervous system • Secretes growth hormone • Secretes ADH • Is found in the abdomen

  4. Which word refers to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland? • Pancreas • Neurohypophysis • Adenohypophysis • Dorsopituitary

  5. Hypercalcemia refers to • A deficiency of calcium in the blood • Too much calcium in the blood • Too much calcium in the cells • Too much calcium in the bones

  6. Which is NOT secreted by the pancreas? • Insulin • Somatotstatin • Glucagon • Thyroxine

  7. Aldosterone and Cortisone are secreted by the • Pancreas • Adrenal glands • Pituitary • Pineal gland

  8. Glycorrhea is most commonly associated which disease? • Giantism • Acromegaly • Diabetes • Addison’s disease

  9. Dysphasia literally means • Painful swallowing • Inability to eat • Difficult or painful speech • Paralysis of the vocal cords

  10. Poliomyelitis affects the • Brain • Spinal cord • Poles • Glial cells

  11. Cells that are considered the “glue” of the nervous system • Axons • Neurons • Glia • Gluocytes

  12. The special senses of the eyes and ears are SENSORY input devices. The eyes and ears detect sensory information from the environment. They are responsible for sending this input to the brain for interpretation. • The special senses DO NOT interpret the stimuli.

  13. Some definitions Stimulus - change in the environment Receptor - device to detect a stimulus Response - the interpretation of the stimulus causing some action from the body

  14. The Eye Blephar/o eyelid Choroid/o choroid Corne/o Kerat/o cornea Dacry/o tear, lacrimal sac Dipl/o double Irid/o iris

  15. Ocul/o Ophthalm/o eye Retin/o retina Scler/o hardening, sclera

  16. New Suffixes -spasm twitching blepharospasm -opia vision diplopia -plegia paralysis iridopelgia

  17. An OPHTHALMOSCOPE is a device to examine the interior of the eye High Blood Pressure (HTN) may cause OPHTHALMODYNIA of pain in the eye

  18. A swelling of the eyelid is called BLEPHAREDEMA Plastic surgery of the eye to remove wrinkles is called an eye tuck or BLEPHAROPLASTY

  19. The white part of the eye is called the SCLERA. The sclera is the protective shield for the inner layers of the eye. • Blood supply for the entire eye is provided by the CHOROID. • The back of the eye contains RODS and CONES which are responsible for detecting changes in light stimuli. These structures are found on the RETINA.

  20. The CORNEA is a transparent shield of tissue that covers the opening of the eye. Light can pass directly through the cornea. • The colored muscular layer that surrounds the black circle (PUPIL) is called the IRIS.

  21. The eye is a “globe-shaped” structure with three layers: the sclera, the choroid, and the retina. • Dirty contact lenses can cause a severe infection called KERATITIS. • Rupture of the cornea is known as KERATORRHEXIS. The cornea is incised with an instrument known as a KERATOMTOME.

  22. A laser KERATOTOMY is a procedure that can eliminate the need for eyeglasses. • MYOPIA (nearsightedness) is a condition where the stimulus image falls in front of the retina. • The opposite of myopia is farsightedness or HYPEROPIA where the image falls behind the retina. • Both myopia and hyperopia can be corrected with glasses.

  23. The eyelids protect the eyes, shade eyes during sleep, and spread lubricating fluid. • This lubricating fluid come from three areas: LACRIMAL GLANDS located above the outer corner of each eye, LACRIMAL DUCTS which drain gland secretions into the lacrimal sacs. • The term DACYR/O is used to denote tears.

  24. The word DACRYADENALGIA means pain in a tear gland

  25. The Ear • The ear has three divisions: outer ear (external ear) middle ear inner ear • The outer ear takes sound waves and directs them into the ear canal. • The middle ear takes those sound waves and converts them to electrical energy. • The inner ear takes that electrical energy and transmits it to the brain. It also is responsible for balance.

  26. Acous/o audi/o hearing myring./o tympan/o tympanic membrane (eardrum) Ot/o ear Salping/o eustachian tube

  27. The external ear contains the AURICLE. This structure is the earlobe (PINNA) that directs sound into the auditory canal. At the end of the auditory canal, you find a thin membranous sheet called the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE (eardrum).

  28. Vibrations of the eardrum caused a mechanical vibration of the three middle ear bones. The MALLEUS (hammer), INCUS, and STAPES. Each of these bones are connected. The malleus is connected to the tympanic membrane. • Once the vibration is detected at the last bone (STAPES), the stapes causes a vibration at the opening of the inner ear, OVAL WINDOW. • The middle ear is connected to the throat by the EUSTACIAN TUBE.

  29. The inner ear includes the COCHLEA and SEMICIRCULAR CANALS. • The cochlea is filled with fluid and small hair cells that detect minute vibrations. These vibrations are interpreted by the brain via the AUDITORY NERVE. • The SEMICIRCULAR CANALS are also filled with fluid. Sudden movements of the head cause this fluid to move. This eventually causes dizziness (vertigo).

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