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Understanding Steroids: Risks and Implications

Discover the answers to common questions about steroids, including what they are, who takes them, their effects, and where to find more information. Learn how steroids are taken and the risks associated with obtaining them illegally.

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Understanding Steroids: Risks and Implications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Some questions we need answers to What are steroids? Who takes steroids What happens to those who take them? How would you know if someone took them? How do people get them? Where to find more information? Steroids

  2. What are Steroids? Steroids are synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. Many doctors prescribe steroids to treat a number of health problems. However, steroids are never prescribed to young, and healthy people hoping to gain muscle. WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION STEROIDS ARE ILLEGAL.

  3. How are steroids taken? Steroids are often referred to as anabolic or androgenic substances. Anabolic promotes growth of the skeletal muscle; and androgenic cause the development of male sexual characteristics. Anabolic steroids are used by ingesting (pills) or by injection (needles – into the skeletal muscle). Some common types of steroids are: Oral Steroids Injected steroids Anadrol Decca Oxandrin Depo Dianabol Equipoise

  4. Who takes steroids? Which of these individuals do you think is more likely to take steroids? Teenager Policeman Woman Sportsman Body builder

  5. No its actually teenagers!

  6. What happens to those who take them?

  7. The symptoms of steroid use :

  8. How would you know if someone takes them:

  9. Where do people get them ? • Many people get them on the black market which can be from: • Mail order catalogues • The internet • Drug dealers • People stealing and selling them • Gyms and health clubs • What’s the problem buying from these sources?

  10. The problem with buying from these sources are: • They are illegal • The quality of the substances are not protected. • Many people buy steroids through the black market are getting substances filled with all sorts of things to pad them out. Such as water with dyes, sugar pills and even horse testosterone!

  11. Where to go for more information: • www.kidshealth.org • www.drugstory.org

  12. Research for you to do: • Find out what corticosteroids are, and what substances they are contained in. • Find out what anabolic steroids are and what substances they are in. • Find out how tendons are affected by steroids.

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