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Inclusive Integration: Fostering Creativity at Our Primary School in Jelenia Góra, Poland

Our Primary School No. 8 in Jelenia Góra, Poland, brings together both fit and disabled children as an integration school. With one or two integration classes on each level, we ensure pupils with disabilities and fit kids learn together. Organizing special events is our way to integrate all children, with a focus on music, art, and sports activities. Many disabled pupils show creativity and talent, actively participating in school events. Experience inclusive integration at our school!

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Inclusive Integration: Fostering Creativity at Our Primary School in Jelenia Góra, Poland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our weakness Primary School No. 8 in Jelenia Góra POLAND

  2. Our school • Our school is bring together fit and disabled children. We are integration school.

  3. Integration • There is one or two integration classes in each level in our school. There are pupils with some disability and fit kids together.

  4. Activity • We organized a lot of special events to integrate all children.

  5. Music • A lot of disability pupils are very creative and talented. They take a part in interesting music, plastic, sports and artistic events in our school.

  6. Integration in our school A

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