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Dive into the Mexican-American War and its impact on the southern U.S. border. Explore key battles like Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Chapultepec. Understand political figures like Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott, and Santa Anna. Learn about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Mexican Cession. Discover the legacy of the Texas Rangers and the concept of Manifest Destiny. Uncover how this war shaped American history and territorial expansion.
Mexican-American War Objective: Learn about the war and how it defined the current southern border of the U.S.
President Polk orders General Zachary Taylor and his soldiers to the Nueces River. Mexico sends General Mariano Arista and his soldiers to the Rio Grande. FIGHTING BREAKS OUT Polk Taylor
Zachary Taylor • Commander of the U.S. Army in Texas • Future President • Whig (Political Party) in 1848 • ”Old Rough and Ready” • Did not get along with James K. Polk
Battle of PALO ALTO • First major battle of Mexican-American War. • Fought outside modern Brownsville ,Texas • Zachary Taylor and the U.S. won the battle using his light artillery • The victory was a huge moral boost in the U.S. and help make Taylor a political star.
RESACA DE LA PALMA • “Resaca” means Dry Riverbed in Spanish • After defeat at Palo Alto the Mexican Army retreated to Resaca De La Palma • Fought near Brownsville • Taylor crushed Arista’s Mexican Army and they would never step foot in Texas again
The Mexicans needed a leader. WHO WOULD THEY CHOOSE?
Santa Anna!!!! AGAIN • The defeats at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma caused political turmoil in Mexico, which Antonio López de Santa Anna used to revive his political career and return to Mexico from Cuba. • He promised the U.S. that if allowed to pass through their blockade of Mexico, he would negotiate a peaceful conclusion to the war and sell the New Mexico and California territories to the United States. Once he arrived in Mexico he reneged and offered his military skills to the Mexican government. After he had been appointed general he seized the presidency. Oh Antonio, will you ever learn?
“Old Fuss and Feathers”Polk put Scott in charge of the Mexican invasion when he got into a political fight with Zachary TaylorWhig nominee for President in 1852 (Lost to Franklin Pierce)Served with the Union in the Civil War Winfield Scott
Scott landed about 13,000 U.S. troops by sea at Vera Cruz on the coast of Mexico. He would then fight his way to Mexico City.
Battle of Chapultepec • Scott eventually drove his way near Mexico City and the Americans won the battle of Chapultepec in September of 1847. • Chapultepec (chuh-puhl-tuh-pek)was a castle that protected Mexico city from the west, where Scott was coming • Los Niños Héroes • During the battle, six Mexican military cadets refused to fall back when ordered to retreat and fought to the death against superior U.S. forces. One by one they fell; when one was left (Juan Escutia), and the U.S. forces were about to kill him, he grabbed the Mexican flag, wrapped it around himself and jumped off the castle wall. A monument stands in Chapultepec Park today commemorating their courage.
. TEXANS IN THE WAR • About 5,000 Texans served in the Mexican American War. • The most well known fighters from Texas were the Texas Rangers. The Rangers gained quite a reputation for their fighting ability and their wild behavior. The Mexican soldiers called the Rangers “Diablos Tejanos” ("Texas Devils").
From Harpers Weekly: • WE publish above a sketch, by one of our most reliable artists, of a TEXAN RANGER. A gentleman, just from Richmond, gave the following account of these redoubtable warriors • Ben McCullough's Texan Rangers are described as a desperate set of fellows. They number one thousand, half savages, each of whom is mounted upon a mustang horse. Each is armed with a pair of Colt's navy revolvers, a rifle, a tomahawk, a Texan bowie-knife, and a lasso. They are described as being very dexterous in the use of the latter.
The Mexican Cession After the U.S.-Mexican War, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in 1848. In this treaty Mexico was forced to cede (give up) the modern southwest that makes up the present day states of California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. In return for all of this land, the U.S. also had to pay $15 million in cash and $3.25 million to people in the new territory that claimed that Mexico owed them money.
What’s the next part? In 1848, Gold was discovered! People came a year later in 1849 to find gold and that’s why their called 49er’s. Hmmm? Sounds like a good name for a football team. Louisiana Purchase in 1803 from France This became Part of the U.S. in 1783 With the Treaty of Paris Mexican Cession - 1848 Annexation of Texas -1845 From the Adams-Onís Treaty in 1819 Oh, there it is! MANIFEST DESTINY