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Our Daily Bread, Missions. Ministry Plan & Purpose. Mission Statement. To represent and accomplish God’s will globally as His Royal Priesthood.
Our Daily Bread, Missions Ministry Plan & Purpose
Mission Statement • To represent and accomplish God’s will globally as His Royal Priesthood. • Gather the body of Christ to work as one body with the same goals; to destroy the work of the enemy locally and globally, putting an end to the needless suffering of believers and non-believers. • To help each in the body understand who they are in Christ, their position in the body, their calling, purpose and gifts. • To equip the saints for the work of the ministry and help the body understand that the body has been given all power and authority in heaven and earth. • To send those equipped and trained globally do demonstrate God’s will to all on earth.
The Global Team • Members of: Association of Accredited Bible Schools, Alliance of Accredited Ministers, Association of Pastoral Counselors, Association of Christian Chaplains, Prayer Partners and General Partners. • Charter & Chapter Churches & Counseling Centers, Schools and Affiliates. • Concerned believers that desire to work as one body in His Covenants and Ways to accomplish His will on earth as it is in heaven.
To Destroy the Work of the Enemy • Starvation: Today each day some 10,536 people starve to death. • Homelessness: Today more than 30 million are homeless for a variety of reasons, not because of themselves. • Drug Abuse: Today 1 in 25 are addicted to drugs. • Reduce Crime: Crime affects 1 of every 7 people. More laws and stronger penalties do not work. • Reduce the division and schisms in the body.
Understand Why All of this Happens Bad Beliefs • Not our Problem, Government, God, etc. • Problem Too Big • Too Busy • Must be God’s Will • Jesus will deal with it when He comes again • Leave it to Jesus, He is in control • If God wants Problems resolved He will tell me to do something. I am waiting on God Bad Beliefs or Good Beliefs, (Fruit) Will Always Bring Fruit After It's Own kind!
Available Options • Do Nothing, Hope and Pray it Gets Better. Know that Doing Little or Nothing will probably Continue to Bring the same Result. • Do Some Self Examination, Look at Beliefs and Where they came From and learn to do things the way Jesus did them as He is our example. • Take Responsibility for what is Happening or not Happening. The Body Taking Responsibility is Difficult, as it Requires We Live by Faith. • Pool Resources: Learn to Work Together as Originally Intended, One Body with Many Parts.
Working Together as One Body! There is power in agreement and unity! We can do all things through Christ (head and body) and deal with all needs! • Christ: Jesus is the head and we, His church are the Body. His body is broken to care for others. Love for others comes from being broken and forgiven. • The Body Determines the Future by What We Do, or Do Not Do! • We Can Make a Difference by Working Together. • Through love and unity everything can change. It is His will. As we change it influences others.
Goals & Objectives • Gather the body globally to work as one body. • Build each member of the body. The body is as strong as the weakest member. Help each understand their purpose and gifts. • Equip the saints for the work of the ministry and train believers for the work. • Send those called and help support their ministry until established. They become established by gathering believers who will support His work.
His Plan: Scripture tells us: • We are to exhort one another daily in our Holy Calling. • We are to forgive one another, because we have been given the power to forgive. In forgiveness (love) and unity we find the power of God to deal with all needs and problems. • We are to pray for one another and each others purpose in ministry. • We are to support one another’s ministry. We all understand it for the most part! The question is, “ do we have the will to do it?” It is God’s will for the body and our obedience to do it! We either are doing it or not!
Requirements to bring Change: 1) Ask yourself and God what is His will, not just for you, but the body? • Accept Responsibility for what is happening. • Define Salvation. Without faith we cannot please Him. Faith without works is dead. Moving in faith brings love and unity. • Seek Him, His presence and His will, not just for you, but the body and be willing to do it. • Understand that if we are of God then we should have His heart, which is His Spirit. He cares more for people than Himself. Either we are like Him or not. It is salvation to be like Him. • Submit to one another as it is pleasing to God. • Tithe: Be resolved to build the body, each member, so each can stand strong! Not buildings. “Through the death and resurrection of Jesus He gave us all the tools, (His likeness, power and all Spiritual blessing), The Rest IS UP TO US!” We either find reasons to do it or find reasons not to do it!
Risks & Rewards • Risks • God’s Words may not be true and as a result nothing will change! • Tasting His Truth and Goodness • Either we have or have not. If not, give Him your life and things will change, so you will know His Goodness! • Rewards • It will turn things around, end many of the problems, not only for us, but the sake of our children (curses or blessings effect several generations), because unless things change what kind of place will this be if things get worse?
Key Issues • God’s Ways or Man’s Ways It appears we have tried everything except God’s ways in His Covenants, Promises and Commandments. We have either kept His commandments or not. Scripture tells us if we love Him, we will keep His Commandments. • How His Church Grows “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47 • A House or the Body, Divided Cannot Stand To end division and schism’s will take His ministry; The five-fold gift ministry and His people accepting it. His ministry equips the saints and so they would not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, which is what causes the division.
Things you can count on: • 1) Walk with each one God sends us • 2) Prayer support for you, your group or church and or those you help and prayer support for your ministry • 3) Help you locate resources so you can help those in need in the area you have been called to serve • 4) Provide training & training materials and studies for you and those you may train in the future • 5) Spiritual covering • 6) Work with each minister to help each fulfill God’s plan in their life • 7) Help supply back room support, mentorship and counseling in ministry • 8) Be part of God’s plan to reach every person globally with His love • 9) Most importantly: Global vision, connection and representation: We can do all things through Christ, Jesus as the head and the body if we all work as one body to accomplish His will locally and globally. It is about covenant with God and each other to accomplish His will for any hope of a future.
What God is looking for in a minister and what we are looking for: • 1) Know that you were called of God. • 2) Know you were led by God to ODB. • 3) Ability to lead by example and desire to walk with people. • 4) Know God’s plan for yourself, locally, globally and be able to help believers find God’s plan for themselves. • 5) Understand the needs of the people or community you are called to serve and dedicated to helping people with their needs in body, soul and Spirit and communicate those needs to us and or others so we all can seek His will for them. • 6) Fruit of the Spirit. • 7) Work to edify the body and bring the body together in love and unity. • 8) Dedicated to a life of seeking God and prayer. • 9) Demonstrate the heart of God, focused more on service than teaching or preaching • 10) Teach and preach Christ Crucified both Jesus the head and the body. • 11) Willingness to work as one body globally to pray for others, work with others, exhort others, encourage others and support each others ministry. • 12) Acceptance of five fold gift ministry and willingness to work with His ministry, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, which provides balance for the body. • 13) Tithing. • 14) Ability to follow simple directions especially if you know you were led to ODB.
“Want things to Change? Do Something Different! Be resolved to doing His will, not just for you, but for the body! See things through God’s eyes, that will change the way you see things and do things” Our Daily Bread, Missions Organization Box 1934 Redmond, OR 97756 USA http://www.ourdailybreadmissions.org “Working Together, We Can Make a Change, We Can Make a Difference!” “Evil Only Prospers, When God’s People are divided and do Nothing” Do things His way, will bring His result, do anything less and it is sin!