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Things in 3s. Women. Instruments. Creepy Crawlies. Loaves and Fishes. 1pt. 1 pt. 1 pt. 1pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 2 pt. 2pt. 2pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 5pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt.
Things in 3s Women Instruments Creepy Crawlies Loaves and Fishes 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt
Deny Jesus. ~Matthew 26:34
The three men who were thrown into the furnace for not worshipping an idol. To the king’s surprise, they did not burn.
Who is Abraham? Genesis 18: 1
The three apostles who witnessed the event depicted in this picture.
Who are Peter, James, and John? Matthew 17: 1-2
The name of the woman whose baby leaped In her womb when Mary came to visit.
Who is Elizabeth? Luke 1:39-41
What one woman do all four Gospels mention as being among the first to see the risen Christ? (one Gospel verse is sufficient)
Who is Mary Magdalene? ~Matthew 28:1 ~Mark 16:1 ~Luke 24:10 ~John 20:1
The prophetess who planned the defeat of Sisera by the Israelites. (Hint: She directed the plan from under a palm tree.)
Who is Deborah? Judges 4
This woman placed her infant son in a papyrus basket and placed the basket in the Nile to save him from death. (Exodus doesn’t give her name.)
Who is Jochabed? Exodus 2:3 tells the story and Exodus 6: 20 tells her name.
The number and names of all the instruments mentioned in Psalm 150.
What are seven instruments: Trumpet Lute Harp Tambourine Strings Pipe? Psalm 150
The instrument that Miriam sang and danced with after crossing the Red Sea.
What is a tambourine? Exodus 15:20
Casting Crowns wrote a song “Praise you in this storm” with this line “I life my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from?” What Psalm is this song based on? (Hint it is the 100s.)
What is Psalm 121? “I Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills”
The priests marched around Jericho with these instruments to topple its walls.
What are trumpets? Joshua 6:4
David played this instrument to soothe the evil spirits of King Saul.
What is a lyre? 1 Samuel 16: 23
What is the fifth day? Genesis 1: 24
The snake told Eve that she would not die if she ate this. God had said she would die.
What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (apple in an unacceptable answer) Genesis 2: 15 - 3:4
What eighth plague did God send to Egypt? (Hint: They covered the surface of the land and devoured every tree)
What the Israelites had to do to be healed from the bites of the venomous serpents that God sent. (Hint: Don’t look in Exodus for the answer)
What is look at the bronze serpent that Moses set on a pole? ~Numbers 21:9
The beast that God created to play in the sea among the ships. Hint: Read Psalm 104
What is a Leviathan? Psalm 104: 26
Jesus said the kingdom of God is like this stuff that makes bread rise.
What is yeast? Matthew 13:33 or Luke 13:21
The number of loaves and fishes that fed 5,000 people, besides women and children.
What are 5 loaves and 2 fishes? Matthew 14:17, Mark 6:38, Luke 9:16, or John 6:9
God wanted Jonah to go to this city, not Tarshish. Archibald the Asparagus Plays the role of Jonah...
After the stranger did these four things in Emmaus, they saw he was Jesus.
He took the bread blessed it, broke it, gave it. Luke 24: 30
The two apostles whom Jesus said he would make fishers of people.