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The Works of Mercy Game

The Works of Mercy Game. Spiritual Works I. Spiritual Works II. Corporal Works I. Corporal Works II. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. What is Counsel the Doubtful?. This work of mercy involves

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The Works of Mercy Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Works of Mercy Game

  2. Spiritual Works I Spiritual Works II Corporal Works I Corporal Works II 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  3. What is Counsel the Doubtful? This work of mercy involves listening carefully to the needs of others and offering advice inspired by the Holy Spirit. 1,1

  4. What is Forgive Offenses? This work of mercy involves being at peace with the pain caused by another and continuing to recognize that person’s humanity. 1,2

  5. 1,3 What is Feed the Hungry? This work of mercy involves giving food to those who do not have enough to eat.

  6. 1,4 What is Visit the Sick? This work of mercy can involve spending time with patients at a local hospital or nursing home.

  7. 2,1 What is Instruct the Ignorant? This work of mercy involves sharing your knowledge or talents with others.

  8. 2,2 What is Bear Wrongs Patiently? This work of mercy involves taking time to work out your feelings when you have been treated unfairly.

  9. 2,3 What is Give Drink to the Thirsty? This work of mercy involves taking care of the water on Earth so that all people have access to clean water.

  10. 2,4 What is Visit the Imprisoned? This work of mercy can involve sending reading material to a nearby jail.

  11. 3,1 What is Admonish Sinners? This work of mercy involves speaking up when you know someone is doing wrong.

  12. 3,2 What is Pray for the Living and Dead? This work of mercy involves remembering all people, past and present, in your conversations with God.

  13. 3,3 What is Clothe the Naked? This work of mercy can involve giving your unused clothing to a local thrift shop.

  14. 3,4 What is Bury the Dead? This work of mercy can involve volunteering to put flags in a cemetery on Veteran’s Day.

  15. 4,1 What is Comfort the Afflicted? This work of mercy involves offering cheer and sympathy during difficult times.

  16. 4,2 What are the Gospels? The Spiritual Works of Mercy are based on scripture found in these books of the Bible.

  17. 4,3 What is Shelter the Homeless? This work of mercy can involve donating your time or money to an organization that builds homes for those in need.

  18. 4,4 What is charity? As it involves giving of oneself, mercy has been linked to this Catholic virtue.

  19. 5,1 What is the Divine Mercy? This Catholic devotion focuses on the merciful love of God.

  20. 5,2 What is Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy? The works of mercy are often associated with this Beatitude.

  21. 5,3 Who is Mother Teresa? This nun is widely recognized for her dedication to the Corporal Works of Mercy.

  22. 5,4 What is Matthew (25:31-46)? The Corporal Works of Mercy are described in this Gospel.

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