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Global Strategies for FMD and PPR: OIE Procedure Link

Explore the connection between the OIE procedure and global strategies for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) and Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) at the OIE Sub-Regional Workshop in Cairo, Egypt. Learn about disease eradication, VS reinforcement, and reducing infectious disease impacts.

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Global Strategies for FMD and PPR: OIE Procedure Link

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Laure Weber-Vintzel Link of the OIE procedure with the Global Strategies for FMD and PPR OIE Sub-Regional Workshop on the OIE procedure for the official recognition of Member Countries disease status and for the endorsement of national official control programme with regard to FMD and PPR Cairo, Egypt, 5-6 October 2016 Head,Status Department, OIE

  2. Reduction of the global impact of FMD • Eradication of PPR by 2030 2012 2015

  3. Global strategies • Strategies with 3 components 1. Disease eradication or improved control 2. VS reinforcement • 3. Reducing the impact of other major infectious diseases

  4. Global strategiesComponent 1 • FMD control • PPR eradication Progressive Control Pathway Progressive Monitoring and AssessmentTool 0 5

  5. PCP and linkwith OIE procedure Free without vaccination Free with vaccination Endorsement of official control programme

  6. Another angle Beyond PCP PCP 5 PCP 4 PCP3 PCP 2 PCP 1 Stage 0

  7. Application to free status (14.7.31) National control program for endorsement by the OIE (14.7.34) Stage 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 0 Stage 3 No data available Understanding of the epidemiological situation and disease distribution Control in identified areas or husbandarysystems (vaccination) Control and eradication in the entireterritory (vaccination) Evidence for the absence of virus circulation

  8. Global strategiesComponent 2 1. Disease eradication or improved control 2. VS reinforcement • 3. Reducing the impact of other major infectious diseases

  9. Global strategies 2. VS reinforcement • Correspondence between • PVS critical competencies • FMD PCP stages

  10. Linking the PCP to the quality of VS (Component 2) 7 + 10 + 16 CCs 7 + 10 CCs 7 CCs

  11. Linking the PPR step-wise approach to the quality of VS (Component 2) Capacity of VS considered as the ‘Enabling Environment’(Component II) 12 CCs 27 CCs 29 CCs 33 CCs OIE standards on quality of VS (Mostly) Assessment Level 3 of OIE PVS Critical Competences

  12. Global strategies 1. Disease eradication or improved control 2. VS reinforcement • 3. Reducing the impact of other major infectious diseases

  13. Global strategies • 3. Reducing the impact of other major infectious diseases • control other priority diseases • pursue sensible and cost-effective combinations of activities • use of information systems (GLEWS, WAHIS)

  14. Dr Laure Weber-Vintzel l.weber-vintzel@oie.int

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