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ICS 45 – Midterm Exam - Culture Areas - - Artistic Traditions - - Rock Art / Prehistory - - Prehistoric & Pueblo Southwest –. Use a #2 pencil and mark the correct answer on a half-size brown scantron sheet.

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  1. ICS 45 – Midterm Exam- Culture Areas -- Artistic Traditions -- Rock Art / Prehistory -- Prehistoric & Pueblo Southwest – Use a #2 pencil and mark the correct answer on a half-size brown scantron sheet.

  2. #1. (T/F) This map shows the boundaries of geographic regions as a generalized focus to study the diversity of American Indian arts and cultures.

  3. #2. There is a great diversity of form and expression in Native art because • Each tribe is influenced by its religious and social customs. b. Raw materials are limited to what occurs in the local environment, or what is traded in. • The lifestyle of the people determines the type of materials and goods that are valued. • The diversity in art forms is a result of environmental needs and expectations • All of these

  4. #3. T/F The concept of environmental determinism means that the raw materials found in an environment shape the development of cultures in that area.

  5. #4. T/F Pictographs are designs which are carved or abraded into a stone surface.

  6. #5. T/F Today the visual arts within Native communities serve as some of the most eloquent and forceful articulations of the politics of identity.

  7. #6.T/FAncestral Pueblo construction such as these Anasazi Ruins from Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon are evidence of the massive construction undertaken in the Prehistoric Plains cultural area of North America.

  8. #7. Southwest American Indian Prehistoric archeological time period (s) is/are the: • Anasazi • Hohokam c. Sinagua & Salado • Mogollon • All of these

  9. # 8. T/F This slide depicts an example of quillwork.

  10. #9. T/F This style of loom is called an upright loom and is used to weave textiles such as Navajo rugs.

  11. #10. This slide of Big Horn Mtn in Wyoming depicts a a. Petroglyph b. Pictograph c. medicine wheel d. Mound e. None of these

  12. #11. T/F Contact and trade with Europeans and then Americans brought little or no changes to American Indian art forms

  13. #12. Which Southwestern American Indian nation is known for this silver overlay style of jewelry?a. Hopib. Navajoc. Jemezd. Isletae. Zuni

  14. #13. This black-on-black ware pottery was made by:a. Nampeyob. Lucy Lewisc. Maria Martinezd. the Hopie. none of these

  15. #14. Which of these is/are classification(s) of Native art: a. Ethnicb. Tribal c. Pan-Indiand. Mainstream e. all of these

  16. # 15. Which of these is a silver working technique adapted by the Indian tribes of the Southwest as a way to create jewelry? a. Stamping b. overlay c. Sandcasting d. Channel work e. All of these

  17. #16. T/F American Indian concepts of beauty include the ideas of functionality, social and religious purposes, and the communication of specific ideas and values.

  18. Figure A Figure B Figure C Use this slide to answer the next three questions (#17, #18, and #19)

  19. #17. Which of the figures shows a rock art design that is categorized as “anthropomorphic”? a. Figure A b. Figure B c. Figure C d. none of the above

  20. #18. Which of these figures shows a rock art design that is categorized as “zoomorphic”? a. Figure A b. Figure B c. Figure C d. none of the above

  21. #19. Which of the figures represents a Chumash rock painting design from Southern California. a. Figure A b. Figure B c. Figure C d. none of the above

  22. #20. T/F • From the Native perspective, the important aspects of creating an art form are the steps followed in its production, rather than quality of the finished product.

  23. #21. T/F This piece of pottery exhibits a polychromatic finish.

  24. #22. • This is an example of a • a. squash blossom necklace • b. Hopi concho belt c. Zuni petipoint d. Isleta sandcasting e. none of these

  25. #23. T/F Even without knowledge of the cultures, Native art may be experienced in terms of aesthetics, good craftsmanship, and an appreciation of skilled techniques and methods.

  26. #24. T/F The four-corners region of the United States is also known as the American Southwest.

  27. #25. T/F The concept of environmental determinism explains why some Native tribes and communities developed particular artforms and others did not.

  28. #26. Which of the following individuals is a well-known Southwest Indian potter? • Maria Martinez • Lucy Lewis • Nampeyo • All of the above • A & B

  29. #27. T/F Native North Americans believe that objects are brought to “life” (existence) through song, prayer, thought, and artistic expression.

  30. #28. T/F Despite cultural diversity, Native peoples share some basic underlying assumptions that are the foundations of their cultures.

  31. #29. T/F Large geoglyphs are found in all the North American Indian cultural areas.

  32. #30. T/F Native languages have no word for art.

  33. #31. T/F It is the quality of a finished art form in Native tradition and belief that has the most importance, not the methods for creating it.

  34. #32. T/F In the past, traditional Native art forms have been viewed by non-Natives, as artistically inferior arts, curiousities and oddities.

  35. #33. T/F When researchers describe rock art, some is classified as abstract and some as realistic.

  36. #34. T/F A pictograph is an engraving on stone, produced by carving a design on a stone surface.

  37. #35. T/F Native peoples intended for rock art to naturally erode/disappear over time.

  38. #36. T/F Preservation of rock art is a continuing concern because of contemporary vandalism, destruction during construction and removal, environmental degradation, and looting.

  39. #37. T/F In traditional American Indian cultures there are no gender restrictions regarding the production of traditional or non-traditional art forms.

  40. #38. T/F A petroglyph is a painting on stone.

  41. #39. T/F This is a piece of pottery with a monochromatic finish.

  42. #40. T/F Pottery can also be classified as “sculpture”.

  43. #41. T/F Virtually all artistic mediums have been utilized by Native artists since Contact, and nearly all art forms illustrate change and conceptualizations.

  44. #42. T/F Ancient rock art designs often serve as inspiration to contemporary Native artists so that the rock art images reappear in modern works of art.

  45. #43. T/F Today the Hopi are makers of miniature horsehair baskets.

  46. #44. T/F The most difficult aspects of analyzing rock art is determining the age and meaning of its design.

  47. #45. T/F Charles Loloma is a well-known Hopi weaver.

  48. #46. These pieces of sculpture were created by a. Roxanne Swentzell b. Lucy Lewis c. Charles Loloma d. R.C. Gorman e. None of these

  49. #47. T/F Today scholars believe the Zuni are the descendants of the Mogollon.

  50. #48. T/F There are 20 pueblos occupied by Native peoples in the Southwest today.

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