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Topic 2: Nationalism Topic 2A: Nationalist Revolutions in Latin America

Topic 2: Nationalism Topic 2A: Nationalist Revolutions in Latin America. “It takes a revolution to make a solution.” -Bob Marley. Date______ Page____. Title: Revolutionary Ideas Spread Warm-up: What do you know about Latin America? Write down at least five facts. . Nationalism

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Topic 2: Nationalism Topic 2A: Nationalist Revolutions in Latin America

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  1. Topic 2: NationalismTopic 2A:Nationalist Revolutions in Latin America “It takes a revolution to make a solution.” -Bob Marley

  2. Date______ Page____ Title: Revolutionary Ideas Spread Warm-up: What do you know about Latin America? Write down at least five facts.

  3. Nationalism What is it? Nationalism- is a people's sense of belonging together as a nation. It also includes such feelings as loyalty to the nation, pride in its culture and history, and--in many cases--a desire for national independence. Nation vs. State Nation- State- A group of people with a shared culture, language, history, etc. who have the desire to have their own state. A political organization consisting of one or more nations of people.

  4. Culture Nationality (ethnic ancestry) Territory Bonds that Create Nation-States Religion Common Language History

  5. Causes of Latin American Revolutions • Enlightenment ideas inspire the educated Creoles • American Revolution ideals • French Revolution ideals • Oppression of lower classes • Napoleon’s conquest of Spain

  6. Latin America Social Class Pyramid Directions: Copy this social class pyramid into your notebook. Peninsulares- Born in Spain Creoles- Europeans born in Latin America Mestizos- Native and European Mix Mulattos- European and African mix Africans Natives

  7. Directions: Using the information in the chart below, create a pie graph that represents the percentage of population for each of the social classes. Color each wedge a different color and make a key. Once you have completed that, color the social class pyramid based on the key you created for your pie graph.

  8. Social Classes in Latin America

  9. Countries in Central AmericaBelize - a country in Central America at the southeast border of Mexico and northeast of Guatemala.Costa Rica - a country just north of Panama.El Salvador - a country in Central America that is south of Guatemala and Honduras.Guatemala - a country in Central America south of Mexico and west of Belize.Honduras - a country northeast of Nicaragua.Nicaragua - a country just north of Costa Rica.Panama - a country at the southernmost tip of Central America. Label each country, then paste the map into your notebook. Other FeaturesAtlantic Ocean - the ocean east of Central America.Colombia - a country in northwestern South America; it is southeast of Panama.Lake Nicaragua - a large lake in Nicaragua.Mexico - a country southwest of the USA and north of Guatemala and Belize.Pacific Ocean - the ocean west of Central America.Panama Canal - a man-made canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

  10. Factors Leading to Revolution: • Social Injustice: colonial class structure- Creoles owned most land and wealth. Oligarchy- ruling elite. Mestizos, mulattoes, Indians, Africans have few rights. • Caudillos- local military strongmen- had own armies and gained control of governments- repressive, ignored existing constitutions. • Power of the Church: Catholic Church was a stabilizing influence, promoted education, in colonial times owned a lot of land. • Cash Crop Economies: colonies sent sugar, cotton, coffee to Europe – dependency on 1 crop=unstable economy. • Economic Imperialism: foreign investment helped develop mining and farming- developed ports and railroads, but only upper class and foreign investors profited; borrowed money at high rates from other nations and could not pay it back • Geographic Barriers: Andes Mountains, vast areas- hinder attempts at creating a unified Latin America. • Failure to Industrialize: lack of education and innovation • Peonage system: made workers practical slaves

  11. Haiti • 1st Latin American colony to fight for independence. • Slavery – Africans were the majority of the population • White masters used brutal methods to control them • In 1791, about 100,000 slaves led a revolt against the French

  12. Toussaint L’Ouverture, a former slave, became their leader • In 1802, Napoleon sent troops to the island to end the rebellion • They failed & in 1804 Haiti declared itself an independent nation • Slavery ended in Haiti

  13. Impact of Toussaint L’Ouverture • Played a key role in what was the first successful attempt by a slave population in the Americas to throw off the yoke of Western colonialism. • Defeated armies of 3 imperial powers: Spain, France, and Great Britain • The success of the Haitian Revolution had enduring effects on shaking the institution of slavery throughout the New World. • Haiti became an independent republic in the Western Hemisphere.

  14. Revolutions in Latin America • How were Indians & creoles oppressed under Spanish rule in Latin America? • What ideas influenced Simon Bolivar in his struggle to liberate Latin America? • How did Bolivar & his followers free Latin America from Spanish rule?

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