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A core Course on Modeling

A core Course on Modeling. Introduction to Modeling 0LAB0 0LBB0 0LCB0 0LDB0 c.w.a.m.v.overveld@tue.nl v.a.j.borghuis@tue.nl P.9. Finding functional expressions Given an intuitive behavior of quantity y in dependenc of quantity x.

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A core Course on Modeling

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  1. A core Course on Modeling Introductionto Modeling 0LAB0 0LBB0 0LCB0 0LDB0 c.w.a.m.v.overveld@tue.nl v.a.j.borghuis@tue.nl P.9

  2. Findingfunctionalexpressions • Givenanintuitivebehavior of quantity y in dependenc of quantity x. • How tofind a suitablefunctionexpression y = f (x)? • Possible approach: the functionselectorhttp://www.keesvanoverveld.com/modeling/lectureMaterial/base%20course%20on%20modeling%20-%20function%20selector.ppt • or click here:

  3. A taxonomy on the basis of graphshapes Assumefunctions f:R R Focus on behaviorfor x ‘in the long run’ (x  and x  - , or as far as they get) Functionsthat are not monotonicfor large |x| (e.g., oscillatingfunctionssuch as sinandcos) are not included. The tool is a heuristic: no guaranteefor ‘correctness’ or completeness It mayneed a bit of tuningto get the values of quantities right Muchusefulgraphscanbeobtained with littlemore than +, -, * and/.

  4. How does the right hand part of the graph look like? Click on the colored field on the intersection of the chosenrowand column The main entry point of the functionselector is a square table ... and the functionselector shows an information page withsuggestionsthatmay help to find a function with thisbehavior How does the left hand part of the desiredgraph look like?

  5. Describes the characteristic features of the graph of the function Behavior Suggestedform Parameters How to fit Example Remarks Linear, increasing Givesone or more mathematicalexpressionsforfunctionsthat show thisbehavior y = ax + b, a > 0 Explains the meaning of the parameters thatmayoccur in the function a: slope with the +x axis; b: intercept with the y-axis Explainshowtoobtain the valuesfor these paremeters in order to have the graph meet certain requirements linear least squares (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_least_squares_(mathematics) ); Givesan example from the domain of mathematical modeling of the use of thisfunction The world record time on 200 m sprint as a function of time (this example shows the limitations of extrapolatingsimplemodels; see Edwards & Hamson, page 10 andfurther) May giveadditional information, external links etc. Click hereto return to the square tableto select anotherfunction

  6. Click on the colored field on the intersection of the chosenrowand column A more challenging example: the market share function

  7. Behavior Suggestedform Parameters How to fit Example Remarks saturation; increasingfordecreasing x; decreasingforincreasing x. Whenmonotonous, a logistic curve is a likelycandidate. y = 1/(1+exp(x)) Standard version has no parameters: asymptotesfor y=0 and y=1. Standard inflection point for x=0 andslope -1. For arbitraryasymptotes, inflection point andslope, use Richards generalisedlogistic curve; seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalised_logistic_curve Applications in neuralnetworks, medicine (tumor growth), physics (Fermi distribution), economy (priceelasticity). (Notice: not in ecology or demography; when species get extinct, there is no gradualasymptoticdecayforincreasing x (=time)). Depending on the application, otherparametrizationscanbe y=a arctan (bx +c)+d, or piecewiselinear (ramp function). If the functioncan have a verticalasymptote (that is, is not monotonous), a two-branchhyperbola likey = 1/x couldbetried.

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