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Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Science Foundation. Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Graduate Research Fellowship Operations Center. Graduate Research Fellowship Program Benefits. 5 Year Award -- $121.500 Three years of support over five year graduate enrollment period $30,000 stipend per year

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Graduate Research Fellowship Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Graduate Research Fellowship Operations Center

  2. Graduate Research Fellowship Program Benefits • 5 Year Award -- $121.500 • Three years of support over five year graduate enrollment period • $30,000 stipend per year • $10,500 cost-of-education allowance paid to institution (tuition typically waived) • International research opportunities • Supercomputer access

  3. Eligibility • College seniors, 1st or 2nd year graduate students • U.S. Citizens, Nationals or Permanent Resident Aliens • Pursuing research-based Master’s or PhD

  4. NSF-Supported Fields • Chemistry • Computer & Information Science and Engineering • Engineering • Geosciences; Life Sciences • Economics • Mathematical Sciences • Physics and Astronomy • Science Education • Psychology (non-clinical) • Social Sciences (non-clinical)

  5. The Rating Sheet This is everything you are rated on -Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts criteria!

  6. Demonstrating the Two NSF Review Criteria Intellectual Merit Demonstratedintellectual abilityand other accepted requisites for scholarly scientific study, such as the ability (1) toplan and conduct research; (2) towork as a member of a team as well as independently; (3) tointerpret and communicate research

  7. Demonstrating the Two NSF Review Criteria Broader Impacts • Contributions that: (1) effectivelyintegrate research and educationat all levels, infuse learning with the excitement of discovery, and assure that thefindings and methodsof research arecommunicated in a broad context and to a large audience; (2)encourage diversity, broaden opportunities, andenable the participation of all citizens - women and men, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities - in science and research; (3)enhance scientific and technical understanding; and (4)benefit society.

  8. Broader Impacts Unraveled Includes: • Fostering diversity on all levels (across disciplines, gender, race, economical, geographical, etc) • Active community involvement • Involvement with underrepresented groups • Integration of research and education • Diversity of experience – includes international experience • Awareness of research’s potential societal impact • Awareness of resources and programs • Leadership roles • Genuine and reflective essays • Passion

  9. Developing a Competitive Application The Personal Statement (2 Pages) • Fascination with research area (Intellectual Merit) • Examples of leadership & unique characteristics brought to field of study • Personal experiences & individual strengths (Broader Impacts) • How the NSF-GRFP would contribute to career goals

  10. Developing a Competitive Application Previous Research Experience Essay (2 Pages) • Applicable experiences, relevant to research • Key questions, methodology, findings & conclusions • Team and/or independent work • Mention all publications, posters, presentations, awards, recognition, etc.

  11. Developing a Competitive Application The Proposed Research Plan (2 Pages) • Original inquiry – introduce general theory, importance, and motivation • How you have prepared • Perceived scope of work during graduate study and beyond • Detailed plan, but avoiding being overly specific • Demonstrate research’s Broader Impacts

  12. Insight From An Experienced Panelist Common Mistakes: • Poor Broader Impacts • Choice of “prestigious” school over research-appropriate school/program • Weak LORs • Weak personal statement

  13. Important Dates Deadlines:MidNovember • 15th: Interdisciplinary • 16th: Engineering • 18th: Mathematics, CISE, Chemistry, Physics • 19th: Social Sciences, Psychology, Geosciences, STEM Education • 22nd: Life Sciences Awards: Announced April

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