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The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Science Foundation. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Graduate Research Fellowship Program Operations Center. GRFP Key Elements. Three years of support – $ 121,500 $30,000 Stipend per year $10,500 Educational allowance to institution

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The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

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  1. National Science Foundation The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Graduate Research Fellowship Program Operations Center

  2. GRFP Key Elements • Three years of support – $121,500 • $30,000 Stipend per year • $10,500 Educational allowance to institution • May be used over 5 years • International research opportunities • Supercomputer access • Portable – use it anywhere!!!

  3. GRFP General Eligibility • U.S. citizens and permanent residents • No prior graduate degree (except joint BS/MS) • No more than 12 months prior graduate study • Pursuing research-based • MS and PhD • Enrolled in accredited U.S. institution

  4. NSF GRFP Deadlines • Application: Available NOW • Deadlines: 7 pm Eastern Time November 14, 2011- Engineering November 15, 2011 - Mathematical Sciences; Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering; Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy; Materials Research

  5. Changes to the Application • The 7:00 p.m. Application Deadline (Eastern Time) • Reference letters will be due by 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Tuesday, November 29 • Applicants with a previous graduate or professional degree in any field are not eligible.

  6. Complete Application Online through NSF FastLane • Proposed plan of research (2 pages) • Previous research experience (2 pages) • Personal statement (2 pages) • Transcripts • Three letters of reference

  7. Evaluation of applications • Panelists are academic and research experts in your discipline, not necessarily in your research area • Each application evaluated by 2 to 3 panelists • Panelists spend approximately 25 minutes on each • Your essays must be as clear and well-organized as possible • Panelists provide constructive comments for applicants

  8. Preparing a competitive application • Reference Letters • Choose three appropriate reference writers: • Research supervisors/mentors • Teachers of advanced courses in your field who know you well • Other science/math/engineering teachers who know you well • They should know you as a scientist and personally • Share your application materials and the merit review criteria (good letters address Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts)

  9. Review Criteria • Two National Science Board-approved criteria • Intellectual Merit • Broader Impacts

  10. Intellectual Merit Assessment • Academic performance • Awards/honors • Communication skills • International experience • Independence/creativity • Publication/presentations • Research plan • Choice of institution • References • Research experience

  11. Broader Impacts Assessment • Prior accomplishments • Future plans • Individual experiences • Integration of research and education • Potential to reach diverse audiences • Impact on society • Community outreach • Leadership potential

  12. Preparing a competitive application Reflectionon your experiences and proposed research on the real world ***Discussion with experts, mentors, and peers ***Construction; give to experts, mentors, and peers to review Polish tocreate final draft

  13. Key Resources At www.nsfgrfp.org: • Tips for applying • Frequently asked questions • Find GRFP resource people • Other funding opportunities Most Importantly: *Your Professors and Mentors*

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