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Johnny was born in the year

August Birthday's Niya (3 rd ) Daniel (5 th ) Zane (22 nd ). August 11 th -August 15 th Mrs. Cooper morgen.cooper@rcsd.ms SBE: 824-3287. A peak at the week…. Shared Reading and Language:

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Johnny was born in the year

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  1. August Birthday's Niya (3rd) Daniel (5th) Zane (22nd) August 11th-August 15th Mrs. Cooper morgen.cooper@rcsd.ms SBE: 824-3287 A peak at the week…. Shared Reading and Language: -Skill: Justifying understand of a text, character traits, composing complete sentences, and identifying/correcting fragments-Genre: Biography Guided Reading: DRA assessments Writing: Narrative Writing Math: Chapter 1 (counting, place value, comparing and ordering numbers Upcoming News -We will begin mighty multiplier this week. -Make sure your child had paid their literacy fee of $15, emergency lunch fund of $5.50 (cash) and they have their binder. Johnny was born in the year

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