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Of e-Labs and i-Labs:

Of e-Labs and i-Labs:. Informal education. Challenges: Competitive Short term. “free choice” learning Life-long learning. Classes for museum visitors. Informal Ed. Formal Ed. Museum exhibits. Programs for school groups at the museum. Prototyping the iLab.

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Of e-Labs and i-Labs:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Of e-Labs and i-Labs:

  2. Informal education Challenges: Competitive Short term “free choice” learning Life-long learning Classes for museum visitors Informal Ed Formal Ed Museum exhibits Programs for school groups at the museum

  3. Prototyping the iLab Informal Ed version of Cosmic Ray eLab

  4. Prototyping the iLab Hidden Universe

  5. iLab Development Adler Staff Possible Theme Development of iLab KUD / PDSA Physical Environments for iLab Cart Concepts to Test Facilitation Environment for iLab Existing Adler Infrastructure with "Hidden Universe" Content

  6. Adler Staff - Introductions Mark SubbaRao, Astronomer (Project Lead) Steve Skutnik, Educator Christine Minerva, Educator Karen Swade, Educator (Evaluation) Daniela Rosner, Multi-media & Visualization Designer/Developer

  7. Theme: Exploring a "Hidden Universe"

  8. Experimentation Integration challenges Altitude and Azimuth Location GPS Fixed orientation

  9. Visualization • Visualization of Aires simulation results • Run simulations + Visualizations a web service?

  10. Development of iLab Cart a Mobile, cart-like object a Lab: a literal laboratory, housing different physical objects for astronomy research, (includes cosmic ray detector panels) Aesthetic Appeal: the standalone object, un-facilitated, will engage the attention of the general audience Standalone Context: when left un-facilitated, a panel describing the iLab's use and facilitated show times will accompany the object

  11. Know, Do and Understand (KUD and PDSA): Focus is on science process Grid/Distributed Computing Adler needs: Methods of engagement to understand complex content. “Informal” collaborations

  12. Physical Environments for iLab Cart Facilitated Physical Environment (for Informal Ed): Demonstration Theater (by Informal Educator) Facilitated Physical Environment (for Formal Ed, such as CCCs): Cyberspace Studio (by Formal Programs Educator) Non-Facilitated Physical Environment: Milky Way theater

  13. Concepts to Test Visualization -- Does using visualization to explain complex science content improve science literacy? Content Access Point -- Do introductions to complex content make a difference in engaging the museum visitor? Physical Environment -- What physical environment at the Adler is best suited to engage a general audience in complex science content? Possible Matrix for Testing Questions: Visualization vs. Content Access Point

  14. Physical Environment for iLab Facilitation 1. Demo Space Advantages: + Space for 25 + people + Milky Way gallery for invisible universe exhibits + Ability to improve space for future informal education use: * upgrade sound system * wireless microphones Disadvantages: -Deficient sound in current state -Accessibility: hard to find-approachability: hard to come and go 2. Cyberspace Advantages: +Space for 25 + people +IR Cam+Sky 360 +Technical Preparation Disadvantages: -Accessibility: hard to find -Approachability: hard to come and go

  15. 3. In front of the Sun Dome Advantages: + accessibility: easy to find + approachability: easy to come and go + ability to improve space for future informal education use: * new walls for sound concentration * new sound system * wireless microphones Disadvantages: -deficient sound in current state -maximum 10 or so people

  16. Physical Environment for iLab Facilitation Cont. Interactive "Sky at 360 Degrees" (Cybersapce) Infrared camera (Cyberspace) Sun in different wavelengths (Milky Way Gallery) Milky Way in different wavelengths (Milky Way Gallery)

  17. Concluding Remarks The team is excited to get started Institutional buy-in First floor demos in January

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