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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Welcome to the College of Engineering Sciences End of the Year Party 2006 - 2007. Holy Quran Recitation. Dean's Address. Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat Dean, Colleges of Engineering Sciences & Applied Engineering. College Overview. Mission.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Welcome to the College of Engineering Sciences End of the Year Party2006 - 2007
Dean's Address Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat Dean, Colleges of Engineering Sciences & Applied Engineering KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Mission • To educate students in engineering. • To create and disseminate knowledge and technology. • To expand the base of engineering knowledge through original research. • To develop technology as a service to the needs of Society, and • To benefit the public through industry, government and engineering profession. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Deans – College of Engineering • Dr. Ronald Scott (1967-73) • Dr. Naser Al-Rasheed (1973-75) • Dr. Fahd Dhakheel (1975-77) • Dr. Yousef Al-Rasheed (1977-83) • Dr. MansourNazer (1984-89) • Dr. FareedZedan (1989-91) • Dr. SalehBakhrebah (1991-95) • Dr. HabibAbulHamayel (1995-98) • Dr. Mohammed Budair (1998-02) • Dr. Samir Al-Baiyat (2002-present) KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Students Growth KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Graduating Students Total Sciences Graduates = 6229 Total Applied Graduates = 4896 KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Faculty Growth KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Graduate Enrolment KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Funded Research Projects KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Short Courses KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Research in 2006 at a Glance Published Books 4 Journal Publications 289 Conference Publications 183 Research Projects 119 Technical Reports 60 Editorial /Advisory Board 30 Patents 6 Citations 232 Total Annual Publications Growth: 11% KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Community Service Activities in 2006 Technical Seminars 66 Offered Short Courses 41 Organized Conferences 3 KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES-Organized International Conference • The 18th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2006) held in cooperation with IEEE and U. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in the period 16-19 December, 2006. • ICM 2006 received a total of 136 papers from 21 countries around the globe. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
National and International Agreements ME has established a collaboration with MIT AE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Civil Aviation, Civil Defense Aviation and Royal Saudi Navy. CHE established a collaboration with the International Islamic University, Malaysia. EE established collaboration with U. of Orleans, France KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
College Current Initiatives and Activities Saudi ARMCO sponsored student training programs overseas Formal structuring of Advisory Boards for all departments ABET accreditation committee visit to KFUPM in preparation Preparation for the 13th IEEE TEM workshop under way KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
New Programs/Centers • A Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy is established • PETE Department reinstated its Ph D program KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Online Courses Development Completed 9 In Progress 11 KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Establishment and Development of Labs. 5 new laboratories have been established in addition to the development of several laboratories with a budget of more than S.R. 10,000,000 KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
College Expansion The EE department is relocated to the newly constructed building #59 to accommodate the department and college expansions. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Awards and Honors • Dr. Ahmad Al-Garni • Received King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud Legion of Honor for the Excellent Degree for Scientific Patent. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Awards and Honors • Dr. Mohamed A. Deriche • Shoman Best Young Researcher Award in Engineering Sciences for 2006. . KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Patents • Dr. Ahmad Al-Garni, Dr. FarooqSaeed, and Mr. A. Assaly KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Patents • Dr. Muhammad Al-Saleh, and Dr. Halim H. Redhwi KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Patents • Dr. Amro Al-Qutub KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
University Distinguished Teaching Awards Dr. Salim U. Rahman Dr. Nedhal Ratrout CHE CE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
University Distinguished Researcher Awards Dr. Mohammad A. AbidoDr. Suliman Al-KhattafDr. Bekir S. Yillbas EE CHE ME KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
University Best Research Project Award Dr. Mohammad A. Abido EE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
THANK YOU KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
College of Engineering Sciences Awards KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Teaching Award Dr. AbulFazelArif ME KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Short Course Award Dr. Omar S. B. Al-Amoudi CE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Service Award Dr. Saeid Al-Ghamdi Dr. Radwan Al-Juruf CE CE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Service Award Dr. Ramazan Kahraman Dr. Usamah A. Al-Mubaiyedh CHE CHE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Service Award Dr. Alaa El-Din Hussein Dr. AbdelmalekZidouri EE EE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Service Award Dr. Maged El-Shaarawi Mr. Bangalore J. Abdul Aleem ME ME KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Service Award Mr. Mansour Al-Dhafeer PETE KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Staff Service Award AE: Mr. Sardar Ahmed Sikandar CE: Mr. Mumtaz Ali Khan Mr. M. H. Niazi CHE: Mr. Syed Kamal Ahmad Mr. Inam Saleem Abdullah EE: Mr. Felixberto S. Doleguez Mr. Abdul Hameed Frazi KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Staff Service Award ME: Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Abdul-Latif Mr. Syed Zainulabdeen PETE: Mr. Masrour Bakht CES: Mr. Paulose Varkey Mr. Abdul Samad Al-Qahtani KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CE:Dr. Radwan Al-Juruf CHE:Dr. NasiruTukur Dr. RamazanKahraman EE:Dr. ZeiniSaati Mr. SyedYousuf Hussain KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
ME:Mr. Andrew K. Thomas Mr. Mike Bridgewater Mr. Mohammad LatifHashmi PETE:Dr. Ibrahim Kocabas KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
CES Outstanding Student Awards AE: Mr. Abdul Mateen CE: Mr. Baseer Al-Gazlan Mr. Ahmad Tashkandi CHE: Mr. Salman Al-Motairi Mr. Ahmed Al-Mulhem EE: Mr. Mostafa Al-Ramadan Mr. Osama Zaid ME: Mr. Feras Khaled Al-Fosail Mr. Mohammad Al-Suhaibani PETE: Mr. Khalid Ali Abdullah Mr. Abbas Al-Dubais KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Special Thanks to the Members of the CES Special Functions Committee Dr. Abdulaziz Bazone Dr. Abdullah Al-Garni Dr. Alaa El-Din Hussein Dr. Ibrahim Kocabas Dr. Maher Bader Dr. Nadhir Al-Baghli KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Thanks to: AL-AbdulKareem Group for sponsoring tonight's function. To members of the Industrial Advisory Committees of all departments. To those who supported the continuing education and research activitiesof the college. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence
Thanks to: KFUPM administration; H. E. The Rector Professor Khalid Al-Sultan, Vice Rectors and Supervisors for the continuous support to the college. KFUPM College of Engineering 40 Years of Excellence