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Character Building and Self Development. Dr. Pranav Pandya. Basic Aim of Personality is : Management. What is Management ?. MANAGEMENT :. A DISCIPLINE BORROWED FROM THE WEST HAS REDUCED “ MAN ” TO A MERE WORKER, ALWAYS IN THE STREAM OF ECONOMIC ORDER.
Character Building and Self Development Dr. Pranav Pandya
Basic Aim of Personality is : Management What is Management ?
MANAGEMENT : A DISCIPLINE BORROWED FROM THE WEST HAS REDUCED “ MAN ” TO A MERE WORKER, ALWAYS IN THE STREAM OF ECONOMIC ORDER. Only The material progress has become the Index of Growth, Development and prosperity.
SRI AUROBINDO SAYS The grand workshop of spiritual experiment, the laboratory of soul has been INDIA, where Thousands of great spirits have been born in every generation who were content to work quietly in their own souls, perfect their knowledge, hand down their results of their experiments to a few disciplines and leave the rest to others to complete.
The work which India has to do for humanity is a work which no other nation can accomplish - the spiritualization of race - whole globe. Sri Aurobindo SABCL Vol. 1 P 799
Definition • Charity begins at home, likewise management begins from man. • Management means computation of gone-by, care of the current & caution for the future. • Maximum of results with minimization of resources through better allocation & utilization process, is perhaps the test of a better management system. Continued.....
The Negation of Management is : • Disorder • Confusion • Wastage • Detention • Delay • Decadent • Death
Western Management specially USA Insists upon • More and more goods • Still better & Variety of Good • Cheaper Goods irrespective of cost, Quality and Service • Interest for profit all round Resulted No more common understanding between WORKERS and MANAGERS
To the Western Management : The worker is all, MAN stands no where, Worker is a hired commodity. This is SOULLESS Management Disregard of human approach, Loss of Human Values and erosion of human touch in Organizational Hierarchy are the results.
In this process: Wealth is gained, but soul is Lost “ While the soul within remains defectively organized there will always be outward unrest, disorder and Revolution.” Sri Aurobindo “ The Hour of God ”
For Man Intellectually developed, mighty unscientific knowledge and mastery, the elements as his Servants and the world as his Foot stool, but undeveloped in heart and spirit becomes only inferior kind of ASURA, using the powers of ademigodto satisfy the nature of an animal. ----- Sri Aurobindo
Values • If the “ self” is widened and deepened so that protection of free nature is felt and conceived as protection of ourselves .... -- (Arne Naess) ..... just as we need no morals to make us breathe ... (so) if our “self” in the wide sense embraces another being, we need no moral exhortation to show care.
Values (contd.) The two tendencies - Self assertive and Integrative are essential aspects of all living system. Neither is intrinsically good or bad. What is good or healthy is a - Dynamic Balance what is bad or unhealty is a- Imbalance or Over emhasis of one tendency and Neglect of other Western industrial cultureor Corporate culture anywhere in the world have overemphasized the Self Assertive and neglected the Integrativetendencies. More so self assertive values are associated with Men in our society.
Shift of Thinking and Values THINKING VALUES SELF INTEGRATIVE SELF INTEGRATIVE ASSERTIVEASSERTIVE Rational Intitutive Expansion Conservation Analytical Synthetic Competition Cooperation Reductionistic Holistic Quantity Quality Linear Nonlinear Domination Partnership (Share holder ship)
GAIA James Lovelock through his illuminating insight has led to formulate a model, most comprehensive expression of Self Organization . THE IDEA THAT THE PLANET EARTH AS A WHOLE IS A LIVING VIBRANT, SELF ORGANIZING SYSTEM.
Yoga approach to Management Entire Cosmos is an intricate web of interpenetrating things and events. The bootstrap image of reality put forward by Geoffrey Chew shows that Boot straps cannot be loosened any where without so loosening it every where and it cannot be tightened up at every other point as well. So complete and uncompromising is the UNITY and INTERDEPENDENCE.
The Cardinal assumptions of Spiritual approach are • Harmony • Interdependence • Unity • Creativity • Evolutionary possibilities
We are all in it * Managers as well as work force * Vice Chancellor as well as Faculty, students and staff * Land Owners as well as Farm hands * Commander in Chief as well as soldiers * Executive heads as well as rest of establishment
Stress on Karma Yoga in Geeta has been referred as “ Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” What is Kaushalam It is a very different order of “skill” that Sri Krishna has in mind, as may be seen here – “ the liberated who has united his reason and will with divine Rises to a higher law beyond good and evil Action done in yoga is not only highest but also wisest, the most potent and efficient even for the affairs of world. “ Yoga is skill in all works - Sri Aurobindo
WHAT IS YOGA Yoga is the exchange of an egoistic for a universal or cosmic consciousness lifted towards or informed by supra-cosmic, transcendent, unnamable who is the source and and support of all things.
IN REAL SENSE Yoga is the passage of human thinking; animal towards the God-consciousness from which he has descended (bhatka hua devta) SRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYAJI.
Spirituo - Technical Approach or Spirituo Synthetic Symbiosis There is Complete Blending of Psychology, Philosophy, Ethics & Morals
Spiritual Synthetic Analytic Technical Quality of work life is more a function of Wisdom, than of Knowledge, according to Indian Thought.
Consciousness approach to management (A) Men, Material and Methods: Attention to employees Attention to living beings Attention to tools and machines Attention to systems Contd.
(B) Resources, Ideals and Harmony (C) Responsibilities, power and freedom (D) Money, motivation and progress (E) Seven Spiritual values 1. National service through industry 2. Fairness 3. Harmony and Cooperation 4. Struggle for betterment 5. Courtesy and humanity 6. Adjustment and assimilation 7. Gratitude
Based on Consciousness : Management has to be from Within to Without
How Holistic management Can be Implemented and Practiced. • Aspiration: Deepest Devotion, Perfect objectivity ,Yoga Approach • Consecration: Complete Surrender and Communion with God. • Self Introspection: Search Thyself first. Golden Attitude - Other are right , I may be wrong. • Meditative Silence: In absolute silence sleeps an absolute power
HOW TO MANAGE STRESS * Change in dietary pattern: Tryptophan Rich Food, Vegetarian Diet. * Subtler exercises - ASANS (Postures) & PRAGYA YOG. * PRANAYAM: Churning of Vital energy. * Proper reading habits -“SWADHYAY” self introspection. * Proper relaxation -“SHAVASAN”, Yog Nidra. More to follow...
HOW TO MANAGE STRESS * Proper meditation upon flame,ocean,colors, ragas. * Music therapy - “MANTRA CHIKITSA”. * Pulverized herbal powders - “AKOUSHADHI CHIKITSA”. * Homa therapy, Yagna. * Avoid isolation, become part of society and devote time for social & selfless service.
STRESS PROOFING LIFESTYLE You must learns The art of being The art of relating The art of thinking The art of becoming The art of organizing The Art of Living
Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Art of living Righteous living Attainment of economic goals by right means Inner energy and valor to be invested in security of society Ultimate liberation from all bondages
The Art of Becoming • Farsightedness • Discriminatory Wisdom • Life beyond the pitty Self Deciding Ultimate Goal of Life
The Art of Thinking “Whatever one thinks, he becomes like that” - Srimad Bhagwat Geeta • Swadhyay (Self-training through the teachings of elevated souls) • Positive emotions all the time
Art of Working * Time Scheduling * Stressfree working * Cheerful attitude * Utilization of each and every opportunity
Art of Organising • Sadhana (Self-transformation through control over mind ) • True to self in all aspects of life
Art of Organising “ Sadhana encompasses, restraint and proper utilization of time, monetary resources, thinking process and sensual desires. This unique faculty is an integral part of living.”
Yoga and Management Yoga begins when Man Awakens to an existence beyond, when he senses or feels a greater consciousness operative in the world, when he turns inwards & seeks to discover the divine in himself, in the world or Beyond. Prayer is an attempt to Harness the Divine for one’s own Ends
Management’s aims should be: • At developing an integrated man, • A psychic man,with vision • A spiritual man with developed Self • A perfect man and An Individual SUCH AN INDIVIDUAL ALONE WILL CONSTITUTE A HUMAN FACTOR OF 21ST CENTURY
HOLISTICMANAGEMENT • In each individual there is a core or essence, which is an independent perfect constant, characterized by: • unchanging self-existence poornatwa (wholeness) and ananda (bliss). • It lies obscured and unfelt because of the mental and corporeal egoistic superimpositions. Contd …
By patient detachment if this layer is thinned or removed, the individual core Self and the Universal Self then come into immediate contact. All actions by the individual then become true and correct since they are thereafter the expressions of the error-free Universal or Divine Will, or The Transcendental Self, Intelligence, Truth, Consciousness.
Nishkam- Karma Study Practice of Nishkam- Karma leads to : · A stress-free mind at work, · A feeling for works as act of consecration, · A pure, transparent mind, · An abiding instinct for ethical rectitude, · An inner sanctuary of fullness, · An all-embracing , other-related mind. Contd …
All of them, in turn, should catalyze, in the course of time, a humble yearning for the Cosmic Will, the infallible Supreme Intelligence, the Secret Intent. This feeling will energize, empower and align the worker with the most unitive, holistic of all forces.
Shantikunj’s man making odyssey is to give more & more perfect individuals to society ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THIS SOJOURN
Saint - Savant Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vandaniya Mata Bhagwatidevi Sharma
Shantikunj, a centre where people are trained in ways of leading enlightened life. This new centre will be developed as Shantikunj Extension – on the lines of ancient Nalanda – Taxshila.
The World is Getting ready for a big Change. Will You Help? SriRam Sharma Acharyaji