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PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN. Asking, Giving, and Refusing Services Asking, Giving and Refusing Things Admit and Deny the Fact Asking and Giving Opinion. STANDAR KOMPETENSI.

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  2. Asking, Giving, and Refusing Services Asking, Giving and Refusing Things Admit and Deny the Fact Asking and Giving Opinion

  3. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal lisanpendeksederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat.

  4. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN • Padaakhirpembelajaran, siswadapatmelakukantindaktutur: • Meminta, memberi, menolakjasa • Meminta, memberi, menolakbarang • Mengakuidanmengingkarifakta • Memintadanmemberipendapat

  5. MATERI AWAL 1. Asking, Giving, Refusing Services 2. Asking, Giving and Refusing Things 3. Admitting and Denying the Fact 4. Asking and Giving Opinion

  6. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Services •  MemintaJasa (Asking Service) •  Let me help you! •  Can I help you? •  What can I do for you? •  Anything I can do for you? •  Can you help me to …………. •  Do you mind take me that food? •  Could you open the door of this cage?

  7. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Services •  MemberiJasa (Giving Service) •  Sure. •  Of course. • Why not! • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUE

  8. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Services • MenolakJasa (Refusing Service) •  No, thanks. •  Sorry, I can’t. • Sorry, I’m busy. • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUES

  9. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Services Asking Services • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUE: Stevany : Can you describe about a rose? Risa : Sure. it is a flower plant. It has pines on its stalk. The flower is red, white, and yellow. It smells fragrant. Giving Service NEXT

  10. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Services • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUE: Mr. Arman : Can you help me to open the cage of Jago our rooster, son? Andi : I’m sorry, I can’t dad. I have to do my homework. I have many homework to do. Asking Service Refusing Service CLICK HERE!

  11. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Things •  MemintaBarang (Asking Things) •  Can I have some tea? •  Can you lend me some money? •  Can I borrow your ruler? •  Can you take me that book?

  12. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Things •  MemberiBarang (Giving Things) •  Sure, here you are. • No, problem. • EXAMPLE

  13. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Things  MenolakBarang (Refusing Things)  I’m afraid, I can’t.  Sorry, I can’t. EXAMPLE

  14. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Things EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUES: Mrs. Sandra : Can you take me those vase? Angel : Sure, here you are mom. Asking Things Giving Things NEXT

  15. MATERI LANJUTANAsking, Giving, Refusing Things EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUES: Pet shop keeper : Can I help you, sir? Mr. Johan : Yes, please. I want to buy this parrot. Pet shop keeper : Okay wait a minute, Sir. Mr. Johan : Can I bargain it? Pet shop keeper : No, you can’t, Sir. It’s a fixed price. Asking Thing Giving Things Refusing Thing CLICK HERE!

  16. MATERI LANJUTANAdmitting and Denying Fact

  17. MATERI LANJUTANAdmitting and Denying Fact • MengakuiFakta (Admitting Fact) •  Yes, I did that. •  Yes, it was me. •  I swear, it wasn’t me.

  18. MATERI LANJUTANAdmitting and Denying Fact • MengingkariFakta (Denying Fact) •  No, I didn’t do that. •  No, it wasn’t me. •  That’s my fault.

  19. MATERI LANJUTANAdmitting and Denying Fact • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUES Billy : Did you move my bag, Teddy? Teddy : Yes, I did. What is wrong? Billy : I lost my ticket. Teddy : Was it in your bag? Billy : Yes, it was. Perhaps someone took it. Teddy : I swear, it wasn’t me. Asking Fact Admitting Fact Denying Fact

  20. MATERI LANJUTANAsking and Giving Opinion • MemintaPendapat (Asking Opinion) •  What do you think of this? •  What do you think of Bali? •  Do you think that ………..? •  What’s your opinion ……………? •  What’s your feeling about ……………..? •  What do you feel about …………….? •  How do you feel about ………………..?

  21. MATERI LANJUTANAsking and Giving Opinion • MemberiPendapat (Giving Opinion) • Not bad. •  I think it’s a beautiful island. •  I think ………….. •  I must say …………… •  In my opinion ……………. •  From my point of view …………

  22. MATERI LANJUTANAsking and Giving Opinion • EXAMPLE IN DIALOGUES: Harisman: What do you think about Raja Ampat? Putri : I think Raja Ampat is an exciting place to dive. Harisman: I agree with you. Raja Ampat has beautiful sea and beach. Asking Opinion Giving Opinion

  23. MATERI LANJUTANAsking and Giving Opinion • Listen to the conversations below!

  24. REFERENSI • Buku Smart Steps 2, GANECA • ModulBahasaInggris PUPIN • Relevan Pictures


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