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Quality Management in Food Production: Ensuring Safety and Excellence

Explore the fundamental concepts of food quality management, focusing on safety, health, and consumer satisfaction. Learn about the importance of food safety, quality improvement processes, and key quality assurance systems applied in the food industry.

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Quality Management in Food Production: Ensuring Safety and Excellence

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  1. Konsepdasarmanajemenkualitasprodukpangan Claudia GadizzaPerdani

  2. Introduction • Quality has become an important issue in agri-business and food industry. • In the last two decades many scientists, technologists and managers, contributed largely to the thinking about quality. • Van den Berg and Delsing (1999) describe quality as a necessary condition and relationship between suppliers or companies delivering products dedicated to the satisfaction and expectations of the customers or consumers.

  3. Quality characteristics of goods in relation to food

  4. The Triangle Quality Concept

  5. General intrinsic & extrinsic attribute affecting consumer expectation

  6. Intrinsic Quality Attribute

  7. Shelf Life

  8. Product Safety & Health

  9. Chemical & Physical Toxic Compound

  10. Product reliability and Convenience

  11. Product reliability and Convenience

  12. Extrinsic Quality Attribute

  13. Safe food • Safe and good quality food is necessary to prevent diseases from food, and to reduce their occurrence to a minimum. This means that it shall be ensured throughout the whole process of the production, processing and distribution that food would not endanger the consumers’ health provided that the way of consumption is in line with the intended purpose.

  14. Food Safety • Food safety is a global issue of increasing concern for governments, food producers, food processors and handlers, as well as consumers. • Safe wholesome food supplies play a key role in ensuring the health of populations worldwide. Food safety is achieved by improving knowledge of the causal agents of food-borne illness, providing information on how to control these agents and, ultimately, reducing the occurrence of sources of food hazards that result in morbidity and mortality.

  15. Food quality management • Food quality management, which assures the health and safety of food, has become increasingly important during the last decade. • This is due primarily to changing consumer requirements, increased competition, environmental issues and governmental interests • The food sector utilises various quality assurance systems, such as HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), ISO (International Organisationfor Standardisation) and BRC (British Retail Consortium). These systems, and combinations of these systems, are applied in order to assure food quality

  16. Quality improvement • Three crucial steps in the improvement of processes within a system are established through:

  17. Map the process • Collect information about the process, identify each step, determine inputs and outputs, people involved and decisions to take. • Document measurement including time, cost, working conditions, employee situation, environment and waste, accidents and/or safety hazards, revenues and/or profits, quality and customer satisfaction, as appropriate. • Prepare a flow chart that accurately depicts the process, with key activities and decisions represented inside.

  18. Analyze The process • Ask questions about the process: is it logical, are any steps or activities missing, are there any duplications? • Ask questions about each step: is the step necessary, could it be eliminated, does the step add value, does any waste occur at this step? • Analyze for improvement by asking: what causes induced known problems, could they be eliminated, can the process be improved by shortening time or by reducing costs, can the process be improved by providing better conditions for quality?

  19. Redesign the process • Use results of analyses to redesign the process. Do documents improve, potential measures such as reductions in time, space, waste, employee turnover, accidents, safety hazards, improvement of working conditions, revenues/profits, quality, for customer satisfaction.

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