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Principles of Public Health- The Mission, Core Functions and Ten Essential Services

Principles of Public Health- The Mission, Core Functions and Ten Essential Services. Virginia M. Dato MD MPH. Virginia M Dato MD MPH. Board Certified - Residency Trained Public Health Physician Center for Public Health Practice, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health.

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Principles of Public Health- The Mission, Core Functions and Ten Essential Services

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  1. Principles of Public Health-The Mission, Core Functions and Ten Essential Services Virginia M. Dato MD MPH

  2. Virginia M Dato MD MPH • Board Certified - Residency Trained Public Health Physician • Center for Public Health Practice, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health

  3. Learning ObjectivesBy the end of the course the student will be able to • To understand the mission of public health • To understand the core functions of public health • To understand the 10 Essential Services of Public Health

  4. Performance Objectives • By the end of the course the student will be able to use the 10 Essential Services of Public Health to develop new solutions to current public health problems.

  5. “When a committee of the Massachusetts legislature confidently asserted, on May 22, 1869 that all governments since the time of Moses had made provision to protect the life and health of their people, the legislators affirmed a tradition of corporate responsibility for the welfare of their people.” From Public Health and the State - Changing Views in Massachusetts, 1842-1936 - Barbara Gutman Rosenkrantz Harvard University Press - 1972

  6. The Future of Public Health - 1988 • The Committee for the Study of the Future of Public Health Reviewed the Status of Public Health in America • Determined that Public Health was in disarray • Articulated the Mission, Substance, Organizational Framework and the Three Core Functions of Public Health

  7. Mission of Public Health • The fulfillment of society’s interest in assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy - (The Future of Public Health)

  8. Substance of Public Health • Organized community efforts aimed at the prevention of disease and promotion of health. It links many disciplines and rests upon the scientific core of Epidemiology (The Future of Public Health)

  9. The Organizational Framework of Public Health • Encompasses both activities undertaken within the formal structure of government and the associated efforts of private and voluntary organizations and individuals” (The Future of Public Health) “

  10. Formal Structure of Government in the US • Federal Government • commerce • funding • national security • State Government • primary responsibility • Local Government • as delegated by the state

  11. Core Functions • Assessment • Policy Development • Assurance

  12. Vision • Healthy People in Healthy Communities

  13. Mission • Promote physical and mental health and prevent disease, injury, and disability.

  14. The fundamental obligation of agencies responsible for population-based health is to: • Prevent epidemics and the spread of disease • Protect against environmental hazards • Prevent injuries

  15. Promote and encourage healthy behaviors and mental health • Respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery • Assure the quality and accessibility of health services

  16. The Ten Essential Services of Public Health

  17. Assessment • “The Committee for the Study of the Future of Public Health “recommends that every public health agency regularly and systematically collect, assemble, analyze, and make available information on the health of the community, including statistics on health status, community health needs, and epidemiological and other studies of health problems."

  18. The Ten Essential Services - Assessment • Monitor health status to identify community health problems • Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community • Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services

  19. Policy Development • "The committee recommends that every public health agency exercise its responsibility to serve the public interest in the development of comprehensive public health policies by promoting use of the scientific knowledge base in decision-making about public health and by leading in developing public health policy. Agencies must take a strategic approach, developed on the basis of a positive appreciation for the democratic political process"

  20. The Ten Essential Services - Policy • Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues • Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems • Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts

  21. Assurance • "The committee recommends that public health agencies assure their constituents that services necessary to achieve agreed upon goals are provided, either by encouraging actions by other entities (private or public sector), by requiring such action through regulation, or by providing service directly”.

  22. Assurance Part 2 • The committee recommends that each public health agency involve key policy makers and the general public in determining a set of high-priority personal and community-wide health services that governments will guarantee to every member of the community. This guarantee should include subsidization or direct provision of high-priority personal health services for those unable to afford them."

  23. The Ten Essential Services - Assurance • Assure a competent public health and personal health care workforce • Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety • Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable

  24. The Tenth Essential Service • Impacts Assessment, Policy and Assurance • Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems

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