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Emergency Procedures Training For Faculty, Staff and Students Are you prepared for an emergency or disaster on campus? B

Emergency Procedures Training For Faculty, Staff and Students Are you prepared for an emergency or disaster on campus? BE ALERT, BE INFORMED, BE PREPARED!. This presentation will provide you with information and procedures when an emergency happens on the ISU Campus. ISU Emergency Procedures.

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Emergency Procedures Training For Faculty, Staff and Students Are you prepared for an emergency or disaster on campus? B

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  1. Emergency Procedures TrainingFor Faculty, Staff and StudentsAre you prepared for an emergency ordisaster on campus?BE ALERT, BE INFORMED, BEPREPARED! This presentation will provide you with information and procedures when an emergency happens on the ISU Campus.

  2. ISU Emergency Procedures Emergency procedures have been compiled on this poster and can be downloaded and printed from the Public Safety web page at: www.isu.edu/pubsafe/errp/EmergencyProceduresPoster.pdf Emergency Information posters can also be found on each floor in each campus building to help provide immediate guidance in the event of an emergency, including evacuation procedures. Take time to find out who your Bldg. Coordinator is. Please make sure you follow these basic guidelines and refer to the University’s emergency Response Plan for more specific procedures.


  4. WATCH: Forecast issued well in advance to alert the public of the possibility of a particular weather related hazard (e.g. tornado watch, flash flood watch). The occurrence, location and timing might still be uncertain. WARNING: Forecast issued when weather or hazard is “imminent” or already occurring (e.g. tornado warning, flash flood warning). A warning is used for conditions posing threat to life or property. EVACUATE: To immediately leave a hazardous location (i.e. building, area of campus, etc.) due to an immediate health or life threatening hazard. SHELTER IN PLACE: To go and stay indoors when a situation occurs that may be hazard to health or is life-threatening. Stay inside, lock doors/windows, shut off fans and air conditioners. Remain in place until told it is safe to leave. IMPORTANT TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW:

  5. REMAIN CALM And FOLLOW These Directions… In Case of an Emergency OnCampus

  6. Fire alarm systems are installed in all university buildings on the ISU Campus. The fire alarm systems for a number buildings on campus are monitored 24/7 by ISU Public Safety. Fire Emergency FIRE If you notice fire, smoke, or any evidence of fire, activate the building fire alarm.  Call 911 to give the location and description of the fire. Call 2515 to report the location to ISU Public Safety. Attempt rescue efforts only if there is no immediate danger to yourself.   Close all doors and windows in the vicinity of the fire.  When a fire alarm sounds go to the nearest exit and leave the building.  The Building Coordinator/Floor Monitor and ISU Public Safety will assist you. In buildings where no alarm systems exist, the Building Coordinator will start the evacuation. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. Once outside, proceed to the designated gathering point at least 500 feet away  from the affected building.  Stay there. Immediately notify emergency personnel of any injured persons and individuals remaining in the affected building. Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by emergency personnel.

  7. Weather Emergency Listen for National Weather Service warnings on radio/television or call Public Safety at extension 2515.During a Severe Storm • During a cloudburst there is a possibility of flash flooding.  Consult the ISU Emergency Response Plan's section on Flooding (9.11.1).During a Tornado • Stay away from windows. Stay near inside wall when possible. • Open doors/windows on the side away from the tornado to help reduce damage to the building. • Keep calm.  Even though a warning is issued, the chance of a tornado striking your building or location is very slight. During a Winter Storm • Should conditions worsen during the day, the administration may decide to close the University early.  When such determination is made, you will be notified through the proper channels. • If roads leading to your home have been closed, do not attempt to travel home. • If you are unable to travel home, contact your supervisor, or the person next in authority.  Your supervisor will notify Disaster Personnel of and arrangements for sleeping will be made. • Contact Public Safety at extension 2515 for building shutdown instructions and assistance. • Consult the Emergency Response Plan’s section on Sheltering In Place (Section 8.5). ISU’s Snow Closure Policy • When a decision is made to close the university, a message will be posted on the snow closure line (x3936) for both the Pocatello and Idaho Falls campuses. Local radio and television stations will also be notified. An additional notice will be posted on the ISU homepage and on the ISU Public Safety web page. For information specific to the Idaho Falls campus, call x7825.

  8. Flood WHEN A FLASH FLOOD WATCH IS ISSUED IN YOUR AREA • Call Public Safety at 2515. If flooding is likely, and time permits, move essential items and furniture to upper floors of your building. • Above all, move to a safe area before access is cut off by flood water. DURING A FLOOD • Stay on higher ground; avoid areas subject to sudden flooding. • Do not attempt to cross through an area of flowing water if it is above your knees. • Do not attempt to drive over a flooded road; you could become stranded and trapped. • If your vehicle stalls while traveling through the predicted pathway of the flood, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground. Many people drown while trying to rescue their car. AFTER A FLOOD • Do not drink any water from the area until it has been tested by health officials. • Do not handle live electrical equipment in wet areas. Electrical equipment should be checked and dried thoroughly before being returned to service. • To examine buildings, use flashlights, not lanterns or torches; flammables from broken containers or ruptured gas lines may be inside. • Report broken utility lines to the Public Safety, extension 2515. • If the flooding is due to broken lines, plugged lines or sewer, call Maintenance at extension 2694 during regular business hours or after hours call Public Safety at extension 2515.

  9. Hostile Intruder Active Shooter Safety Tips: • Try to remain calm. • If it is possible to flee the area safely, do so.  Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building immediately.  Evacuate to a safe area away from the danger and take protective cover.  Stay there until assistance arrives.  Otherwise; • Call  911 and Public Safety (282-2515) with your location, if possible. • If you cannot get through by phone and have e-mail or text message capability, e-mail Public Safety at emergency@isu.edu. Public Safety Dispatch will immediately receive and respond to the message. • If flight is impossible, secure yourself in your space. Close, lock and barricade doors and windows. Turn off all the lights. Turn off radios and computer monitors. • Seek protective cover for yourself and any others (concrete walls, thick desks, etc.) • Keep occupants calm, quiet and out of sight. Mute or turn off cell phone ringers. • Do Not answer the door. • If possible, place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons. • Do Not Approach Emergency Responders - let them come to you. • Remain where you are until an “all clear” instruction is given. • If faculty, staff or students do not recognize the voice that is giving instructions, they should stay put.  Unknown or unfamiliar voices may be false and designed to give false assurances.

  10. Lockdown Procedures During a lock-down faculty, staff and students should ensure that: □Students and faculty are to remain in their classrooms. Do Not answer the door. □ Keep back from any windows and doors, lay flat on the floor or seek protective cover for yourself and others (concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets. Cover may protect you from bullets). □ Remain calm and assist others with you in remaining calm, quiet and out of sight. □ Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons. □ All doors, windows, and classrooms will be closed and locked or barricaded, if possible. □ Turn off all lights and close blinds. □ Silence all cell phones. □ Once in a lockdown area, building occupants should call 911 or Public Safety at 282-2515 and give the dispatchers the phone number(s) at which they can be reached for further instructions. □ If you cannot get through by phone and have e-mail or text message capability, contact Public Safety at emergency@isu.edu. Public Safety Dispatch will immediately receive and respond to the message. □ Account for everyone in the room or office. □ Do Not Approach EmergencyResponders - let them come to you. □ Building occupants should remain in that area until they receive further instructions or an “all clear” is issued. □ No one will be allowed to enter or leave the building(s) or area(s). □ Parents, friends, concerned loved ones will not be allowed to pickup faculty, staff or students from the university, unless instructed to do so. Public Safety officers and otheremergency responders will remain near outside entrances, if possible without putting themselves in danger, to discourage others from entering the building(s) until proper authorities have issued an “all clear.” Un-Securing An Area • Consider risks before un-securing rooms. • Remember, the shooter will not stop until they are engaged by an outside force. • Attempts to rescue people should only be attempted if it can be accomplished without further endangering the persons inside a secured area. • Consider the safety of masses -vs- the safety of a few. • If doubt exists for the safety of the individuals inside a room, the area should remain secured.

  11. Bomb Threat • If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT. • Clear the area and immediately call Public Safety at extension 2515 ON CAMPUS or 282-2515 OFF CAMPUS. • Notify your supervisor/RA. • Be prepared to evacuate. • If told to evacuate, as you leave, look around for anything suspicious and report to the authorities.

  12. Suspicious Package(Report Suspicious Packages to Public Safety at ext. 2515) WARNINGTreat it as suspect!Isolate it! Precautions Never accept mail, especially packages, at your home in a foreign area. Make sure family members and clerical staff know to refuse all unexpected mail at home or office. Remember - It May Be Anthrax or a Bomb. Suspicious Letter & Parcel Recognition Points (Anthrax or Bomb) Excessive Postage Incorrect Titles Titles but No Names Misspellings of Common Words Oily Stains or Discolorations No Return Address Excessive Weight Rigid Envelope Lopsided or Uneven Envelope Protruding Wires or Tinfoil Visual Distractions Foreign Mail, Air Mail and Special Delivery Restrictive Markings such as Confidential, Personal, etc. Hand Written or Poorly Typed Addresses Excessive Securing Material such as Masking Tape, String, etc.

  13. Biological/Chemical/Radiological Hazard • The Technical Safety Office has trained personnel to deal with hazardous materials and waste. Any spillage of a hazardous chemical or radioactive material should be reported immediately to Public Safety at extension 2515 and to Technical Safety at extension 2311 or extension 2310. An incident after hours should be reported to Public Safety at ext. 2515. • Move away from the hazard to a safe location. • Follow instructions of emergency personnel. • Alert others to stay clear of the area. • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed to the hazard or have information about the release.

  14. Utility Failure • ELECTRICAL/LIGHT FAILURE: Exits and all windowless rooms in campus facilities are required to have emergency egress lighting. Emergency lights contain battery packs which are continuously charged during normal building operations. In the event of a power failure, the emergency lighting systems automatically switch on. With the increased use of campus facilities during evening hours, it would be advisable to have a flashlight and portable radio available for emergencies. • ELEVATOR FAILURE: If you are trapped in the elevator use the emergency phone to notify Public Safety (ext. 2515). If the elevator does not have an emergency phone activate the emergency alarm, which will signal for help. • PLUMBING FAILURE/FLOODING: Notify Maintenance at extension 2694 during business hours or Public Safety after hours at extension 2515. If necessary, vacate the area. • GAS LEAK: Immediately leave the area. Do not operate or switch on or off any electrical equipment as the switch may serve as a point of ignition. Notify Maintenance at extension 2694 if during business hours or Public Safety at extension 2515 if after hours. Be prepared to give the location of the leak.

  15. Earthquake • Stay calm. Your greatest threat is from falling objects, electrical power lines, and gas lines. Get out from under it, away from it, or go around it. • If you are…Indoors: Drop, cover, and hold on. During earthquakes, drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to it firmly. Be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops. If you are not near a desk or table, drop to the floor against the interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms. Avoid exterior walls, windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large appliances, and kitchen cabinets with heavy objects or glass. Do not go outside! • Outdoors: Move to a clear area if you can safely do so; avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles, and other hazards. • If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits, but stay in the vehicle for the shelter it offers. • After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call Public Safety ON CAMPUS at 2515, OFF CAMPUS at 282-2515. • Be prepared for aftershocks.

  16. Preparing for an Emergency or Evacuation • Know your building's floor plan. Know where the stairs and fire extinguishers are located. • Determine in advance the nearest exit from your work location and the route you will follow to reach the exit in an emergency. Know the locations of alternate exits from your area. • If you work in an office or housing such as the Rendezvous, know exactly how many doors you will pass along your evacuation route before you reach the nearest exit door. In heavy smoke, you can count the number of doors as you pass, so you will know when you reach the exit door. • Emergency evacuation signage is posted in buildings so that occupants can become familiar with the evacuation routes and assembly points for their area.

  17. If told to Evacuate! • Move calmly to exits. DO NOT run or push. • Follow instructions of emergency personnel or your Building Coordinator. • Alert personnel if someone needs help evacuating. • Bring your Emergency Kit, cell phone, keys, identification and special medication you may need. • Seek further information on the ISU website.

  18. Evacuation of Disabled Persons Evacuation may not be necessary or advisable. If persons with disabilities cannot be transported from the building without using an elevator, assist persons with disabilities to the designated "Persons With Disabilities Rescue Area" on each floor of the building. Never use an elevator in a fire or earthquake. Be prepared to notify rescue personnel immediately upon their arrival of the location of any persons with disabilities in such rescue areas. Use buddy system if possible. If immediate evacuation is necessary, be aware of the following considerations: Non-Ambulatory Persons: • Wheelchairs have many moving parts, some are not designed to withstand stress or lifting. • In a life-threatening emergency it may be necessary to remove an individual from their wheelchair. Lifting a person with minimal ability to move may be dangerous. • If necessary, two or three individuals may carry non-ambulatory persons from the building. • In lieu of a wheelchair, does the person prefer a stretcher, chair with cushion/aid, or car seat? • Is paramedic assistance necessary. • Always consult with the person in the chair regarding how best to assist them. Visually Impaired Persons: Most visually impaired persons will be familiar with their immediate surroundings. In an emergency situation: • Describe the nature of the emergency and offer to act as a "sighted guide" - offer your elbow and escort him/her to a safe place. • As you walk, describe where you are and advise of any obstacles. • When you have reached safety, orient the person as to where you are and ask if further assistance is needed. Hearing Impaired Persons: Because persons with impaired hearing may not perceive emergency alarms, an alternative warning technique is required. Two methods of warning: • Write a note describing the emergency and the nearest evacuation route ("Fire. Go out rear door to the right and down, NOW!"). • Turn the light switch off and on to gain attention, then indicate through gestures what is happening and what to do.

  19. If told to Shelter in Place! During certain emergency situations, particularly chemical, biological or radioactive material releases and some weather emergencies, you may be advised to "shelter in place" rather than evacuate the building. • Get indoors. • Shut and lock all doors and windows. • Stay away from windows and doors. • Turn off air conditioners, fans and heaters. • Stay inside until informed it is safe to go outside. • Follows instructions of emergency personnel • Seek further information on the ISU website.

  20. Your Personal Emergency Plan Make sure you have an Evacuation Plan for Home and School which includes: • Two ways out of all rooms • Pre-designated meeting places for family, friends and/or roommates - One location just outside where you live/work - A second location further away in case you can’t get close to where you live/work - Everyone should know where it is • Emergency Shelter Locations – check the www.isu.edu website or ask an ISU official (Public Safety, your RA or Building Coordinator) or other emergency response official Make sure you have an Emergency Communication Plan with family and friends: • Designate a single family contact outside your area – be sure family, friends and/or roommates know who this contact is and how to reach them • Notify family or friends if you are affected by an emergency so they know where you are – If you can’t contact them, notify your family contact person • Do Not call 911 or Public Safety unless you need immediate assistance. Check the www.isu.edu website or call 208-282-3936 for official information Have pets? Develop a Pet Emergency Plan to include emergency supplies and emergency shelter. Pets are not allowed in public emergency shelters for health reasons.

  21. Emergency Supply Kit These are basic items to allow you to endure an emergency situation for a period of time: • Bottled water • Canned or packaged food • Manual can opener • Battery-powered radio • Extra batteries for radio & light • Toiletries • Toothbrush/Toothpaste • Shampoo/Conditioner • Soap • Comb/Brush • First Aid Kit • Emergency light sticks • Flashlight • Blanket (emergency type) • Prescription medications • Eyeglasses/contacts • Safety whistle (to attract attention) • Dust mask & surgical gloves • Hand sanitizer

  22. And don’t forget your…… • Keys • Identification (ISU Bengal Card, Drivers License, etc.) • Wallet/Purse • Money/Credit Cards • Cell-phone and Charger

  23. Be Alert, Be Informed, Be Prepared! • Be Alert: Be aware of what is going on around you and report any unusual activity to ISU Public Safety. • Be Informed: Know what hazards can occur in your area and know what you should do if they occur, and where to go. Attend safety and security information sessions & classes. Update your contact information with Registration & Records. Program a family member or close friend into your cell phone using ICE (In Case of Emergency) in the name field. Emergency responders could use this to contact someone you designate if you are incapacitated. • Be Prepared: Develop an emergency communication plan with family & friends Know where to get official information: ISU’s website at www.isu.edu ISU Public Safety emergency line at 208-282-3936 Learn CPR and first aid. It might just save a life, including your own. Develop an emergency supply kit.

  24. Emergency Preparedness The University’s Emergency Response Plan can be found and reviewed on the Public Safety website. The Plan includes detailed procedures and other useful resources available for specific situations. Review Plan http://www.isu.edu/pubsafe/emergency_menu.shtml You can navigate through the Emergency Response Plan by clicking on the links in the Table of Contents. Below is a sample: Table of Contents Chapter 1:  Introduction - Emergency Incident Command Plan & Governor's Executive Order 2006-101.1 Plan Goals and Objectives1.2 Plan Format1.3 Plan Maintenance and Update1.4 Levels of Emergency Response1.5 Emergency Plan Activation

  25. Emergency Notification Procedures In case of emergency ISU will use a variety of ways to communicate with the ISU Community. Notification will be initiated by senior university officials and implemented by Public Safety using the following methods: • By campus-wide exterior and interior Emergency Notification Systems • By the automated telephone message system • by phone tree • by e-mail • by University homepage and the Public Safety homepage • by the university closure phone line • by using staff to make physical contact at each building • by vehicle and hand held public address systems • by using KISU radio (Station 91.1fm) • by using public and private television stations • by using the ISU campus information radio station (station 1610 am) After hours notification will be initiated by Public Safety using the above-mentioned methods. 

  26. Individual Responsibility Here at Idaho State University, the safety and security of our students, faculty and staff - as well as the university's campus in general - is our mission.  The Public Safety Department has the primary responsibility for maintaining a safe and secure environment at Idaho State University. The Department seeks to promote mutual cooperation and conflict resolution by establishing a positive social atmosphere where effective learning can take place. However, we must also help individuals in our community learn how to make responsible decisions that will prepare them for the hazards they may face in our world today and tomorrow. With that in mind, we encourage you to learn about and utilize the additional resources and services shown on the next few pages, to help you stay safe.

  27. ISU CLERY REPORT The Clery Report, published by ISU Public Safety every fall, highlights the many ways ISU and it’s citizens can protect themselves. Please take time to review the annual report at: www.isu.edu/pubsafe/crimestat_menu.shtml HELP US MAKE ISU A SAFE PLACE!REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY--282-2515 . A Silent Witness form found on the Public Safety web site may be used to make anonymous reports.  When the form is transmitted the person making the report is not identifiable to the recipient who is a Public Safety official.  All information received is kept strictly confidential.  A timely warning may be sent out to alert others of  potential danger if the circumstances of your anonymous report  are considered a danger to the campus community at large.

  28. ISU SAFETY ESCORT SERVICE You never have to walk alone at night on the ISU campus! • ISU Public Safety officers provide students, faculty and staff safe transportation across campus during evening and nighttime hours. • It can be a walking or riding escort, depending upon your request. • Call 282-2515 to request an escort.

  29. Use of Blue Light Emergency Phones! Simply Press the Red button which automatically dials 911; OR Dial ext. 2515 on the touch tone phone pad available on all Blue Light Emergency Phones. Locations on Pocatello Campus: • Holt Arena—South Side • On Terry St. Across from G10 Lot • In Front of College of Technology Visitor Meters • By Schubert Heights Housing Complex • On MLK Across From the Oboler Library • Between Engineering & Administration Bldgs.(8th St.) • Between Pond SUB & Graveley Hall (8th St.) • By Fine Arts Bldg. Next to the Quad • In H10 Housing Lot in Front of Nichols Hall Locations On Idaho Falls Campus: • Main Entrance—Bennion SUB • Bennion SUB—East End of Bldg. • Main Entrance—Center For Higher Education • East end of Parking Lot (centered from North to South)

  30. Contact Information Please make note of this contact information for Public Safety Idaho State University Department of Public Safety 825 E. Humbolt, Bldg. 27 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 Reporting Emergencies Emergency police help is readily available from the Pocatello Police Department by dialing 911. Public Safety Dispatch may be reached by dialing 2515 from an ON CAMPUS telephone. FOR EMERGENCIES DIAL 2515. OFF CAMPUS dial 282-2515. When calling, stay calm and carefully explain the problem and location to the Dispatcher.Do not hang up until told to do so.Keep calm.  Keep others calm.

  31. Other Campus Resources Contact any of the numbers below for additional information and/or help: Office of Student Affairs 282-2794 Counseling & Testing 282-2130 Human Resources 282-2517 Student Health 282-2330 Affirmative Action Office 282-3964

  32. “To Protect and Serve” They are more than just words to us. They are our commitment to you!

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