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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Structured and Unstructured Data for Enhanced Analysis

Explore the possibilities of merging structured and unstructured data on a single platform. Experts from SAP, IBM, and Yahoo Labs discuss challenges, techniques, and applications. Discover how to transform unstructured data into structured for comprehensive analysis.

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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Structured and Unstructured Data for Enhanced Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. One Platform for Mining Structured and Unstructured Data:Dream or Reality? Moderator: Dina Bitton, SAP Labs Panelists: Laura Haas, IBM Rahim Yaseen, SAP Labs Jay Shanmugasudaram - Yahoo Labs VLDB 2006 – Seoul

  2. Analysis of Structured and Unstructured Data StructuredData QUERY SEARCH UnstructuredData

  3. Analysis of Structured and Unstructured Data – One Platform? Structured QueryAnalyze SEARCH Unstructured Transform unstructured Into structured Index and load

  4. Initial Questions • How do we integrate structured and unstructured data? • Can we source, transform and analyze structured data alongside with unstructured data? • Can we retain the simplicity of the search interface and yet provide some of the sophistication of structured data analysis?

  5. New Questions • What class of applications demand both structured and unstructured data? How will they integrate both? (Laura) • Where do the techniques for transforming unstructured data to structured data fall short? (Yaseen) • Who can best search/query over structured and unstructured data, a DBMS or a search engine? (Jay)

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