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Personal Statements. Miriam Clift. 21 January 2016. Admissions Manager. What we will cover. What are personal statements for? What are admissions staff looking for? How can you help your students get started? Sources of help and assistance Format, technicalities and top tips
Personal Statements Miriam Clift 21 January 2016 Admissions Manager
What we will cover • What are personal statements for? • What are admissions staff looking for? • How can you help your students get started? Sources of help and assistance • Format, technicalities and top tips • What not to do!
What are personal statements for? Opportunity for students to: • Sell themselves • Demonstrate their suitability for the course • Show enthusiasm and commitment • Stand out from the crowd
Personal statements – what to include? • Why they’re applying for the course • Why they’re suitable for the course • Their academic skills and achievements • Transferrable skills and achievements gained from hobbies, interests and work experience
Personal statements – what are Admissions staff looking for? • Independent study skills • Self awareness • Motivation and commitment • Understanding of the course – course specifics • Good literacy and writing skills • Research skills • Time management skills • Enthusiasm to go beyond the syllabus
Personal statements – why this course? • What bearing do their current studies have on their subject choice? • What experience can they bring from their current studies? • What interests them about the subject? • Do they have a career goal?
Current studies Application for Architecture degree “The reason for me applying to your course is because of my strong interest in design. Currently studying 3D Design, my passion for design is growing with every project. Before attending the course, a graphic design GCSE course at secondary school ignited my interest in design; the reason for this is because I am a creative person. Something that I feel strong about in design is seeing transformation; seeing the space at the beginning of the project and analysing what you have achieved at the end of an assignment.”
Current course Application for a Social Work degree “My current HEFC Social Welfare course has improved my written and verbal communication skills as well as my analytical skills. Taking part in group presentations has improved my team and public speaking abilities. I am particularly enjoying learning about the history of the Welfare State in Britain. It has helped me to realise how important it is to provide support to those who need it the most and has made me even more determined to be a social worker.”
Why this course? “The point where I first realised I was interested in becoming a solicitor came later to me than it did to most others I have asked. That being said, I have always had a massive interest in getting to the bottom of issues that most people would ignore. Where everyone else seems to be content with a simple answer I always find myself asking 'why?'. As well as the personal achievement of completing a challenging puzzle, I have always appreciated, even more, the impact law has had on our society. This is why I feel that the evolutions we have made in our legal systems far surpass, in terms of importance, the advances we have made in any other area. Being even a small part of this system would be an incredible honour.”
Career “Business Studies is a course I have aspired towards studying since starting my BTEC Extended Diploma. This interest has developed, which has led me to aiming for a career in Investment Banking. I feel this course would have a positive impact, helping me pursue this goal. I realise that it is not just academic understanding that is needed but creativity, hard work and motivation in order to reach my full potential and flourish.”
Skills and attributes Application for Business Studies degree “Competing in sporting events has helped my team building skills and also my leaderships skills as I have been nominated to the role of team captain. I feel that I motivate others to succeed and have been able to listen and give instructions and advice.”
Extra-curricular activity Application for a Nursing degree “During work shadowing…and in my current weekly voluntary work in a special needs school I work with severely handicapped children. This is challenging and enhances my perseverance while showing that teamwork, patience and encouragement can make a great change in someone’s life…This is my third year as a youth leader in a Down’s Syndrome club where I select, organise and supervise activities. I have also supervised them on respite holiday. This requires maturity, commitment, leadership and organisational skills.”
Work experience Application for English degree “Throughout my studies… I have held down a regular job as a kitchen porter… I have proved myself to be a reliable, hardworking member of a team, building my character through the heavy demands the often hectic kitchen puts on me. This demonstrates that I am able to work well under pressure, as well as show proficiency in team working, time management and organisation.”
Work experience/transferrable skills Application for Occupational Therapy “For the past ten years I have forged a successful career working with people and animals. This involved setting up and managing my own business…providing pet therapy sessions to nursing homes and schools for children with special educational needs as well as educational workshops involving live animals to mainstream schools. This requires effective communication, creativity and problem solving skills as I prepare the lesson plans and scripts for the workshops myself to ensure that I deliver the maximum possible benefit to the audience. These are skills that I feel are transferrable to the role of Occupational Therapist.”
Getting Started • UCAS • Stimulate their thought processes • UCAS worksheet • List their skills and attributes • Give them a timeline and deadlines • Buddy up
Practicalities • Preparation • Presentation and style • Technicalities – 1000 characters (minimum) – 4000 characters (maximum) • Include all relevant experience • Say what skills they have acquired and what they have learnt • Show an understanding of the course they have applied for and the career they are choosing as a result • Their statement is personal to them – don’t copy!
Personal statements – do’s • Create a list of their ideas first • Think about the impression they want to give • Produce several drafts in Word before transferring to Apply • Ask people they trust for their feedback • Check and re-check • Use their best English - write clearly and proof read • Be enthusiastic • Remember to save their work
Personal statements – don’ts • Don’t say prefer one University over another • Don’t copy from friends or websites • Don’t simply describe what they are doing – elaborate but be focussed – avoid list addiction! • Don’t exaggerate and don’t lie • Be careful of misdirected humour • Don’t write their personal statement when watching TV or surfing the internet • Don’t commit GBH on the English language and don’t rely on spellchecker • Don’t leave it until the last minute
Did you really mean that? The International Business Studies degree will allow me to expose myself internationally…
Are you really sure you want to tell us this? Name: Formerly XXX, Now Kharhyll Backstory: XXX was a simple villager on the island of Lindisfarne, until he awoke to see a fleet of Viking longboats approaching from the East! X and a small band of men took up arms and faced the invaders with valour, refusing to give in to the brutish Vikings, until he saw a mysterious figure pacing across the battlefield, muttering some incantation. X was mystically transported to an alternate dimension of wondrous landscapes and magical beings, plagued by the forces of an ancient evil. Keen to experience this new land and rid it of its' ills, he joined a local adventurers guild under the name of Kharhyll, following the teachings of his favourite fantasy-creation mages Adam Adamowicz and Makoto Sato, and set off on quests untold... Powers: The ability to magically solve problems, Command over Avian creatures, Cryomancy, and the power to call forth fantastical beings and worlds with his mind alone (Especially powerful when this magic is synergised with that of a fellow adventurer!) Traits: Adaptive problem solver, Creative thinker, Team worker, Fascinated by everything in his new world, Eager to embark on new adventures! Arch-Enemy: The Ancient Dark Lord, returned from times of old to destroy the fantasy realm, abolish creativity and make everyone work 9 'til 5 in his evil kingdom where the wondrous magic of Video Games is abolished...
Be professional! Insert title 1 Liam_turns_me_on@ (applicant’s name was Liam) serial_killer@ (applicant applied for nursing) murderman2003@ (applicant applied for social work) stalker-at-work@ (applicant applied for law) thongsonawashingline@ (what can I say!?)