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Understanding Texas History: Eras and Environments

Explore the eras of Texas history and the impact of the environment on various cultures including Native Texans. Learn about historians, chronology, agriculture, and nomadic versus sedentary lifestyles.

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Understanding Texas History: Eras and Environments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Environment and Texas Indians Unit 1 Lesson 2

  2. Historian--- person who studies history

  3. What is an “Era”? An era is a period of time identifiable by particular things, events, and/or persons of the time. EXAMPLE: Our lives today compared to the Native Texans of 1519. We do not live in the same era.

  4. Chronology--- sequential order

  5. Adobe--- brick made of sun dried straw and earth

  6. Culture--- knowledge, beliefs, behavior, and traits of a group

  7. Environment--- our surroundings

  8. Agriculture--- farming; growing crops

  9. Nomadic--- move from place to place

  10. Sedentary--- stays in one place

  11. Historians use significant characteristics (events, people, and issues) during a specific time period to organize history into categories or eras.

  12. Texas History Eras: Natural Texas and Its People Age of Contact Spanish Colonial Mexican National Revolution and Republic Early Statehood Texas in the Civil War and Reconstruction Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads Age of Oil Texas in the Great Depression and World War II Civil Rights and Conservatism Contemporary Texas

  13. Native Texan “Regions” of Texas: Gulf----------------Coastal Plains Southeastern------Coastal Plains Puebloan-----------Mountains and Basins Plains--------------Great Plains and North Central Plains

  14. How does the environment shape a culture? Politically Economically Socially Geographically

  15. Native Texan Regions Southeastern Plains Puebloan Gulf

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