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Explore the significance of quantification, scales of measurement, real numbers, and the importance of meaningfulness in psychological research. Understand how numerical representations impact the interpretation of data and ensure meaningful statistical conclusions.
Measurement & Meaningfulness Psych 818 - DeShon
Goal of Science • Discover & elucidate lawful relations among variables of interest • Mathematics provides the engine • The laws of Nature are written in the language of mathematics. - Galileo • The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics • Hamming (1980)- The American Mathematical Monthly • Wigner (1960) - Comm. Pure Appl. Math
Quantification • The mathematics of science is oriented toward discovering relations among quantifiable characteristics of entities • Quantification implies amount and amount is typically represented using numbers • Numbers are complex!
Measurement • Measurement of some attribute of a set of things is the process of assigning numbers to the things in such a way that relationships of the numbers reflect relationships of the attributes of the things being measured. A particular way of assigning numbers or symbols to measure something is called a scale of measurement - Sarle (1987)
Numbers • We take them for granted… • Huge effort and revolutions in our representation of mathematics were required to end up where we are • In the beginning, • Natural numbers (counting) • Whole numbers (includes zero) • zero was originally used as a place holder • Rational numbers (ratio of two integers) • Integers • Incorporates negative numbers (16th century)
Numbers • Imaginary numbers - sqrt(-1) • Complex numbers • Our focus is on Real numbers • Any number that may be expressed by an infinite decimal representation • Continuous, infinitely long number line • Negative, Positive, or zero
Properties of Real Numbers • Real number system has 4 parts • A set consisting of the Real numbers • An order relation, > • An addition function, + • A multiplication function, ∙
Properties of Real Numbers • 12 Axioms – for all x, y, & z • Associative • (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) • (x ∙ y) ∙ z = x ∙ (y ∙ z) • Commutative • x + y = y + x • x ∙ y = y ∙ x • Distributive • x ∙ (y + z) = x ∙ y + x ∙ z
Properties of Real Numbers • Additive Identity • 0+x = x • Additive inverse • x + y = 0 • Multiplicative identity • 1 ∙ x = x • Multiplicative Inverse • x ∙ y = 1
Properties of Real Numbers • Trichotomy • For any real numbers x, y, exactly one of the following three statements is true: x=y, x>y, or y>x. • Transitivity • For any real numbers x, y, z, if one has x > y and y > z, then one necessarily has x > z
Properties of Real Numbers • Additive compatibility • If x, y, z are real numbers, and x > y, then x + z > y + z • Multiplicative compatibility • If x, y, z are real numbers, and x > y and z > 0, then xz > yz.
Quantity • Quantification requires that the underlying construct is quantifiable • The amount of the construct is quantifiable in a manner consistent with the real numbers • Different from quality or category • Well structured
Meaningfulness • “The hallmark of a meaningless proposition is that its truth-value depends on what scale or coordinate system is employed, whereas meaningful propositions have truth-value independent of the choice of representation” • Mundy, B. (1986). On the general theory of meaningful representation. Synthese, 67, 391-437.
Meaningfulness • A statement using scales is meaningful if its truth or falsity is unchanged when all scales in the statement are transformed by admissible transformations - Roberts (1987) • If a statement, S (I am shorter than the empire state building), is true for one scale of height (e.g., inches) it is true for all scales of height obtained by multiplying by a positive constant.
Meaningfulness • When we measure something, the resulting numbers are often arbitrary • We choose to use a 1 to 5 rating scale instead of a -2 to 2 scale • We choose to use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius • We choose to use miles per gallon instead of gallons per mile • Statistical conclusions should not depend on these arbitrary decisions, because we could have made the decisions differently • The statistical analysis should say something about reality and not an arbitrary choice regarding meters or feet • If a given statement may be either true or false depending on arbitrary choices, then that statement is not demonstrably meaningful
Meaningfulness • Example: • A common and meaningless statement made by a weather forecaster “it’s twice as warm today as yesterday because it was 40 degrees Fahrenheit today but only 20 degrees yesterday • Works for Fahrenheit • What about a different temperature scale (i.e., Celcius)? • 30f = -1.11c • 60f = 15.55c • The relationship 'twice-as' applies only to the numbers, not the attribute being measured (temperature).
Meaningfulness • Example: Panel Tasting • Suppose we have a rating scale where several judges rate the goodness of flavor of several foods on a 1 to 5 scale. • If we just want to draw conclusions about the measurements (the 1-to-5 ratings), then measurement doesn’t matter • Just use a t-test on the mean ratings across foods • But if we want to draw conclusions about flavor, then we must consider how flavor relates to the ratings! • Measurement is critical here!
Meaningfulness • Panel Tasting example (cont.)… • Ideally: • The ratings should be linear functions of the flavors • Same slope for each judge. • If so, ANOVA can be used to make inferences about mean goodness-of-flavors • If the judges have different slopes relating ratings to flavor, or if the functions are not linear, then this ANOVA will not allow us to make inferences about mean goodness-of-flavor.
Meaningfulness • Perhaps we can only be sure that the ratings are monotone increasing functions of flavor. • Here, we would want to use a statistical analysis that is valid no matter what the particular monotone increasing functions are. • One way to do this is to choose an analysis that yields invariant results no matter what monotone increasing functions the judges happen to use, such as a Friedman test.
Meaningfulness • Example: Fuel efficiency and vehicle cost • Could measure fuel efficiency as the distance (miles) that can be traveled on a gallon of gas (miles/gallon) • Or… • the gallons of gas required to travel a certain distance (gallons/mile) • How does the choice of the measure of fuel efficiency relate to the cost of the vehicle?
Meaningfulness • Run a linear model for both ways of measuring fuel efficiency • lm(cost~mpg) • lm(cost~gpm) Call: lm(formula = cost ~ mpg) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 22979.9 2224.1 10.332 5.39e-09 *** mpg 279.2 110.3 2.532 0.0209 * Residual standard error: 2015 on 18 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.2627 Call: lm(formula = cost ~ gpm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 32076 1916 16.74 2.02e-12 *** gpm -67108 34770 -1.93 0.0695 . Residual standard error: 2136 on 18 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.1715
Permissible Transformation • Permissible transformations are transformations of a scale of measurement that preserve the relevant relationships of the measurement process • Example: Measuring length • Transform the unit of measurement from centimeters to inches cm x 0.39 = in • measurements are multiplied by a constant factor. • This transformation does not alter the correspondence of the relationships 'greater than' and 'longer than', nor the correspondence of addition and concatenation. • Therefore, change of units is a permissible transformation with respect to these relationships
A bit of Measurement History • Extensive Measurement • Based on addition rule for combination • Ex: distance, mass, time • Derived Measurement: • Created by mathematical operations using functions of extensive measures • Ex: velocity = distance / time (speed of light meters per second) , Newtonian constant of gravitation, etc.
A bit of Measurement History • Campbell (1920; 1940) argued that psychological measurement was impossible • Prerequisite of measurement is some form of empirical quantification that can be experimentally accepted or rejected • Only known form of such quantification that satisfies the axioms of extensive measurement is the binary operation of concatenation • Psychology has no extensive measurement
History of Measurement • Stevens (1951) argued that this perspective on measurement was too narrow • Various levels or types of measurement
Meaningfulness • Stevens (1946) response • His Logic… • Measurement is the assignment of numerals to objects or events according to rules • Different assignment rules result in different kinds of scales and measurement • e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
Meaningfulness • Stevens (cont)… • Meaningful inference requires: • Making explicit the various rules for assigning numbers (i.e., scales) • Making explicit the mathematical properties of the resulting scales (permissible transformations) • Making explicit the statistical operations that are applicable to measurements made with the different scale types
Scales of Measurement • Nominal • Requires the ability to determine equality • Two things are assigned the same symbol if they have the same value of the attribute. • Permissible transformations are any one-to-one (1s become 5s) or many-to-one transformation, although a many-to-one transformation loses information • Permissible statistics: frequency, mode • Examples: • numbering of football players; • numbers assigned to religions in alphabetical order, e.g. atheist=1, Buddhist=2, Christian=3, etc
Scales of Measurement • Ordinal • Requires the ability to determine order (greater than relations) • Things are assigned numbers such that the order of the numbers reflects an order relation defined on the attribute • Two things x and y with attribute values a(x) and a(y) are assigned numbers m(x) and m(y) such that if m(x) > m(y), then a(x) > a(y) • Examples: • Moh's scale for hardness of minerals • grades for academic performance (A, B, C, ...) • Race finishing place (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Scales of Measurement • Ordinal (cont.) • Permissible transformations are any monotone increasing transformation, although a transformation that is not strictly increasing loses information • Permissible statistics • Median, Percentiles, Range, Rank-order correlation • Other statistics yielding same result for all monotonic transformations (order preserving)
Scales of Measurement • Interval • Requires the ability to determine the equality of differences • Things are assigned numbers such that differences between the numbers reflect differences of the attribute. • If m(x)-m(y) > m(u)-m(v) , then a(x)-a(y) > a(u)-a(v) • Examples: • Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius • Calendar date
Scales of Measurement • Interval (cont.) • Permissible transformations are any affine transformation t(m) = c * m + d, where c and d are constants • another way of saying this is that the origin (zero point) and unit of measurement are arbitrary • Permissible statistics • mean, standard deviation, product moment correlation
Scales of Measurement • Log-Interval • Things are assigned numbers such that ratios between the numbers reflect ratios of the attribute • If m(x)/m(y) > m(u)/m(v) , then a(x)/a(y) > a(u)/a(v) • Permissible transformations are any power transformation t(m) = c * md, where c and d are constants • Examples: • Density (mass/volume) • Fuel efficiency (miles/gallon)
Scales of Measurement • Ratio • Things are assigned numbers such that differences and ratios between the numbers reflect differences and ratios of the attribute • Permissible transformations are any linear (similarity) transformation t(m) = c*m, where c is a constant • another way of saying this is that the unit of measurement is arbitrary • Examples: • Length in centimeters • duration in seconds • temperature in degrees Kelvin
Scales of Measurement • Absolute: • Things are assigned numbers such that all properties of the numbers reflect analogous properties of the attribute • The only permissible transformation is the identity transformation • Examples: • number of children in a family • probability
Scales of Measurement • The lines separating these classifications is fuzzy • What about binary variables? • one-to-one transformations, monotone transformations, and affine transformations are identical • For a binary variable, you can't do anything with a one-to-one transformation that you can't do with an affine transformation • Hence binary variables are at least at the interval level
Does it Matter? • Parametric vs. non-parametric statistical tests • Example: t-test (Baker et al, 1966) “Strong statistics are more than adequate to cope with weak measurements”
Transformations • What does this perspective say about transformations?
Summing up Statistics Measurement • Statistics addresses the connection between inference and data • Measurement theory addresses the connection between data and reality • Both statistical theory and measurement theory are necessary to make reasonable inferences about reality Reality Data Inference