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Explore the Mongol conquest of China from Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan, including their military tactics and impact on Chinese society. Learn about the rise and rule of the Mongol Empire, trade routes, and social policies of the era.
Mongols in China 7.24 I can describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan. Chapter 8 Section 3
BELL RINGER 7.24 I can describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan.
Chinese Society Mongol soldiers used silk clothes instead of heavy armor in battle. When a soldier was hit with an arrow, the arrow entered the soldier’s body but could be easily removed because the arrowhead was caught in the soldier’s silk clothing. 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Where Were We? • As you know, by the A.D. 1200s, the Chinesehad created a powerful & successful civilization. • But…enemies to the north (Mongolia) were preparing to invade China. • They were the Mongols, the dominant nomadic group in central Asia. • They became the first non-Chinese people to rule all of China. • 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Who were the Mongols? Read Mongol expansion • Genghis Khan and his sons built the Mongol Empire, which stretched from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe • The Mongols conquered China and created a new dynasty that tried to conquer Japan and began trading with the rest of Asia. • They lived in tribes, or groups of related families. Take these notes • They were nomadic herders who grazed their animals on the steppes, wide, rolling grassy plains.
Ability to ride horses Mongols were known for: Ability to wage war Take these notes 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Ghengis Khan Read Genghis Khan Take these notes His name was Temujin, which means “blacksmith.” He became Genghis Khan which means “strong ruler.” Known for cruel fighting And use of TERROR. He attacked, looted, and burned cities. People began surrendering to Mongols without a fight.
Actions of Genghis Khan Created a group of tribal chiefs to help him plan military campaigns Drafted a law code 1st conquered steppes Gathered an army of 100,000 soldiers Chose army officers for ability, not family ties Invaded China in 1211 then conquered kingdoms that controlled parts of the Silk Road Take these notes 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Mongol Empire Baghdad fell to Mongols in 1258. Egyptians stopped their advance. Ghengis Khan died in 1227, and his empire was divided among 4 sons. His grandson united the empire. The Mongols created the largest empire the world had ever seen. Read Mongol Conquest Take these notes 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Peace and stability helped Mongols gain wealth through taxing trade on the Silk Road. They learned much from the Chinese, including gunpowder and the fire lance. Adopted inventions and ideas helped strenghthen the Mongol military. They respected cultures of places conquered and adopted beliefs and customs of many places. Mongol Rule Take these notes
Main Idea: Mongols conquered China and created a new dynasty that tried to conquer Japan and began trading with the rest of Asia. He completely wiped out the Song Dynasty within a decade by conquering southern China. He moved the Capital from Karakorum to Khanbaliq(now modern Beijing). Kublai Khan became the new khan (ruler). Take these notes He set up the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan means beginning. It lasted for only about 100 years,and 30 of that was led by Kublai Khan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_NPgMMazF4 Watch the Empire grow! 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Mongol Empire 1294 under Kublai Khan How much has the Empire grown since 1227 A.D.?
Mongol leaders had top government jobs. The Mongols had their own language, laws, and customs. There was little mixing with the Chinese. Many Chinese scholar- officials ran the Government. Kublai Khan Take these notes Mongols in China The Mongols had a policy of tolerance. 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
Mongols were mostlyBuddhist, but they allowed other religionsfrom outside China to exist within the empire. Mongols welcomed foreigners because they mistrustedthe Chinese. Many foreigners came to China because of widertrade with thewest. Social Policies Kublai Khan Kublai Khan
QUICK CHECK Think about the rule of Kublai Khan. Elbow partners share with each other 1 of Kublai’s accomplishments. The youngest partner will share with the rest of the class.
China became very wealthy during Mongol rule. Khanbaliq was known for its splendor and accommodations. Economic Power! Take these notes Imports: silver, spices, carpets, and cotton Exports: Tea, silk, porcelain, and discoveries such as: gunpowder, the compass and steelmaking ppppp
REVIEW Why did trading improve under Mongol rule? What goods did they trade and how? 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan
7.45 summarize the effects and implications of Marco Polo’s travels and the location of his routes. Read Marco Polo
Read Marco Polo “I did not tell half of what I saw.” -these were the last words of Marco Polo 7.45 summarize the effects and implications of Marco Polo’s travels and the location of his routes.
Importance of Marco Polo He traveled from Venice, Italy to China in the 1200s to serve Kublai Khan. He made many exploratory trips for Kublai Khan in 16 years and wrote a book about his travels and about the wonders of China. 7.45 summarize the effects and implications of Marco Polo’s travels and the location of his routes.
Lesson Summary Genghis Khan’s name meant “strong ruler” Steppes is an area of grassy plains in Central Asia Terror was a means of violence used to scare people into surrendering The Gobi Dessert was the location of the 1206 meeting of Mongol leaders Marco Polo was one of the first people to write about China Mongols were known for their ability to use horses for fighting Officers in Genghis Khan’s army were very skilled fighters The Mongol Empire was known for covering the largest area of land By 1279 Kublai Khan had completed his conquest of China After leaders stopped voyages in the 1400s China became isolated 7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Ghengis Khan, Kublai Khan 7.45 summarize the effects and implications of Marco Polo’s travels and the location of his routes.
REFLECTION Describe the Mongol rule of China in at least one paragraph.