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This workshop presentation discusses the slow control system for the cluster-jet target vacuum system, divided into 7 subsystems. It focuses on the control of subsystems A and G and the use of a GUI to monitor operations. The presentation also mentions the use of a LabVIEW program and the future of the hydrogen cluster-jet facility.
MIDTERM WORKSHOP HadronPhysics3 Stefan-Meyer-Institut ÖAW, Vienna, April 18, 2013 'FutureJet' Slow control system for targets Arkadiusz Chlopik, Boguslaw Zwieglinski National Centre for Nuclear Reserch (NCBJ) Warsaw, Poland
Cluster-Jet Target vacuum system divided into subsystems posessing similar topology
The Cluster-Jet Target vacuum system is divided with the vertical lines into 7 subsystems (A - G) posessing similar topology: *A. Laval nozzle gas supply line providing pure H2 at the proper pressure and mass flow, B. A system providing vacuum for the cluster-jet source insulation vacuum chamber, C. A system providing vacuum for the skimmer chamber [and forvacuum for B. and D.; note absence of turbo-pumps], D. A system providing vacuum for the collimator chamber, E. A system providing vacuum for the two chambers containing 'stage 1' and 'stage 2' collimators, F. A system providing vacuum for the HESR antiproton beam-line [in charge of the HESR people (?)], *G. A system providing vacuum for the cluster-jet beam dump [consisting of the three differentially pumped stages]. Do not forget – H. Leybold COOLPOWER MD10 cold head (and the associated compressor COOLPAK 6000MD) providing the proper temperature for the Laval nozzle. Our work concentrated hitherto on the slow control of the subsystems A. and G. General strategy - supply the target crew members [sitting nearby the DAQ team] as complete information as possible on the current target status --> all controllable elements accessed with the SC.
A. Pure H2 gas supply for the Laval nozzle Heated Pd cell is used as H2 gas purifier. Resource Systems Inc. (USA) mod. RSD-75 H2 purifier requires that the palladium alloy barrier is never heated or cooled in the presence of hydrogen. An automatic 'turn-on turn-off' SC procedure developed that: • Step by step evacuates the crude and pure gaslines to make sure that no hydrogen is inside the Pd-filter, • Step by step evacuates the inlet gasline to the nozzle and the nozzle chamber, • Turns on heating and sets the proper temperature of the Pd-filter, • Sets the proper pressures and flow-rate of the pure H2 through the nozzle, =========================================================== Cluster-jet source operates under control of the SC system =========================================================== 5. Step by step evacuates the crude and pure gaslines to remove traces of hydrogen from the Pd-filter, 6. Step by step evacuates the inlet gasline to the nozzle and the nozzle chamber, 7. Purges the Pd-filter by venting with nitrogen, 8. Turns-off heating of the Pd-filter. There is a nice GUI prepared to watch operations 1. - 8. executed automatically by the procedure.
GUI used for the pure H2 gas supply line of the Laval nozzle
G. Slow-control of the cluster-jet beam dump LabVIEW programming stopped because of an accident suffered by A.Ch. on Sept. 2, 2012 and an uncertain future of the GSI hydrogen cluster-jet facility Work on the RS232<-->RS485 converter has been continued and the instrument will soon be available for use in the PANDA-Targets DCS system. TPG-R - look for an alternative type, with an RS485 interface.
An overall structure of the PANDA hydrogen target SC Please, follow the next talk of Arkadiusz Chlopik Thank you for your attention!!!