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Explore the Baldor Energy Savings Tool Version 3.0, a software package designed for energy audits, motor upgrades, and savings calculations. Learn about motor efficiency, operating costs, and potential energy savings with drives on variable torque loads.
Baldor Energy Savings Tool Version 3.0
BE$T - an Overview Baldor Energy Savings Tool Version 3.0 (A software estimating tool for electric motor energy calculations.)
Baldor Energy Savings Tool • A software package designed to assist you with • Formal energy audits • Premium efficient motor upgrades • ASD energy savings calculations • Motor Management Evaluations • Project quotations • Quick motor nameplate data reference • Includes various calculators for easy reference
BE$T 3.0 - Agenda • Saving Energy • Program Basics • Example problems
Part I – Saving Energy You save energy by improving the overall efficiency of the driven system. There are many energy wasters within a given system, but one component that should always be checked is the power input side or the electric motor. The BE$T program concentrates on improving the power input of the system. BE$T calculates the estimated energy that can be saved by using Premium Efficient motors and drives where applicable. Payback periods for motor efficiency upgrades are calculated and motor replacement timetables are recommended.
Why is Motor Efficiency Important? - Wasted Energy $ • 10 Hp motor running at full load • Measured Power in - 8,025 Watts • Power out = 10 Hp x 746 = 7460 Watts • Efficiency = Power Out / Power In • Efficiency = 7460 / 8025 • Efficiency = .930 or 93.0%
What is Higher Efficiency Worth? Even a 4.5 point efficiency gain is important. 40 HP Super-E with 94.5% efficiency compared to standard motor with 90% eff. Operating 50 weeks/year
BE$T – Basic Motor Calculations Annual Motor Operating Cost • To find the annual operating cost of one motor (HP * .746Watt/HP * %ML * Hours * ¢/kWh) / Efficiency • To find the annual operating cost difference between two motors (HP * .746Watt/HP * %ML * Hours * ¢/kWh) / {1/(Enew– Eold)} %ML = percent motor load, Hours = annual operating hours, E = efficiency
Obtain Even More Energy Savings by Using Drives on Variable Torque Loads Potential Energy Savings Air conditioning 20-25% Compressors 20-25% Central refrigeration 25-35% Blowers and fans 30-35% Feedwater pumps 30-50% Source: Wisconsin Center for Demand-Side Research
Where do Drive Savings Come from? Look between the curves. Typical variable torque Fan and Pump Curve The savings occur between the curves 160.21.1
Why does this work?Variable Torque Pump and Fan Loads use the Affinity Laws, the required HP is a cubic function of rpm. 100% 75% Fan or Pump Load Curve % LOAD 50% 25% %Power ~ Speed3 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% % SPEED / % FLOW 110.8.6
In words, using an adjustable speed drive saves energy by? Reducing the speed of a variable torque pump or fan significantly reduces the energy usage of the driving motor. The “why” can be summarized by a set of rules called the affinity rules. • Flow produced by the system is proportional to the motor speed. • Pressure produced by the system is proportional to the motor speed squared. • Horsepower required by the system is proportional to the motor speed cubed.
An Example:A adjustable speed drive (ASD) running a variable torque load at 50% speed needs to deliver only 12.5% of the horsepower required to run it at 100 percent speed.
Not every driven system can benefit from using an Adjustable Speed Drive • A constant torque system would not use a drive to save energy, but may use one for convenience. • If you have a variable torque system. • Look at the typical operating points or load profile of the system throughout the day to see if the system could benefit from a drive. • The load profile determines the amount of energy savings that is possible. • Does the system require full power all the time? • Does the load on the system vary throughout the day? • The load profile can be set in the program.
BE$T – Main ScreenSingle Motor View Select single motor view here. Inputs Preferences/Views Alternatives
BE$T – Multiple Motors View Toggle Buttons Multiple motor buttons
1st Set the Preferences & Global Settings Global Settings
Explore the Menu – Projects dropdown Menu Bar
Most entry fields use Dropdown Boxes to select the appropriate data. Enclosure example below. Dropdown Choices
If you don’t know the existing motor’s efficiency use the built in Efficiencies table. Click in the Efficiency Box, this data pops up.
BE$T – Built in Repair Costs Great New Feature – Rewind Cost Click in the replacement net/repair box to insert this cost
Help Button are available to explain data fields Help Buttons
Once the data is filled in for a motor click on the “Instant Calculation Button” to get the calculations
Instant Calculation Results Energy Used Payback Selected Motors Search Aid
Look at the Payback Months!You want “fast” Paybacks What is Payback? • The Time it Takes to Recoup the Extra Cost of a Premium Efficiency Motor by Reduced Energy Consumption • ((Baldor Motor Cost – Replace/Repair Cost – Rebates) / Annual Energy Savings) * 12 • Much Simpler to Determine Than Present Value Analysis (used in some energy software)
You can choose a motors from the Potential Match List BE$T sorts motors by highest efficiency then lowest List Price. You can now choose to override this basic rule and select your own motor.
For multiple motors projects selecting the “Project Cost Button” combines all motors in a project. Click to calculate the cost of the entire project.
Project Cost Analysis Results Summarized Project Data Raw Data Custom Report Standard Reports
Excel Export showing Raw Data – can be imported as a new project
Excel Export Custom Report Template, can add a customer logo
Standard Reporting of Project Summary Click for printed reports
How add a drive to a motor? Click the ASD Checkbox Click if Motor has an ASD
Fill in the ASD Data Application Edit Load Profile Add ASD costs Existing ASD? Lastly click the OK button
To see the ASD graph, 1st click on Instant Cost Calculation button on the input screen then the ASD Graph Button Click Here to See Graph
The ASD Graphs and data for each motors has been transferred to an Excel Spreadsheet
How Do you input Data? • Two Methods • Direct entry on the desktop • Import an Excel file
To Import data, go to the Projects Menu at the top of the screen and select “Import a Project” then choose a new or existing scenario.
The “Help with Importing” Button Shows an Importing Template Example
How do I setup the Motor Management Options? These options are found on the global settings menu. • Several rules of thumb are employed to establish a formal policy for the repair and replacement of existing motors. These are the: • Repair/Replace HP breakpoint • Repair/New Price Ratio • Payback Months • Policies are best established before a failure. Being prepared for and knowing what to do is a critical part of a Motor Management Plan.