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This article discusses the legal status, the organizational structure, and the strategies and activity programs for science and technology development in Colombia. It also highlights the role played by the Science Academy, ACCEFYN.
STATUS OF SCIENCE AND TECHOLOGY IN COLOMBIA Jaime Rodríguez-Lara (Físico) - President of Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales- ACCEFYN - WorkShop IANAS – Brasilia 2010
Three aspects are considered: 1- Legal status: legislation regarding Science, Techonoly and innovation (S,T&I) development in the country. 2- Organization structure for S,T&I. 3- Strategies and activity programs to attain the objectives stated in the law and State policies. • Note: Role played by the Science Academy • ACCEFYN-
1- Legal Status of C,T&I in Colombia: In 1968 The “Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología”(CONACYT), and the “Fondo Francisco José de Caldas” were created. This last was un independent organism advisor of the Council, and it tourned into COLIENCIAS later on. • The Council chaired by the President of the Republic or his delegate, had 17 members, so it was not very operative. member of Academies was include in the Council. • COLCIENCIAS did funtioned… In 1990 The National Congress issued the law 29 about Science and techonoly, and transformed COLCIENCIAS into the “Instituto para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la Tecnología” • It became a good tool to support the development of Science and technology.
Continue: Status legal: January 2009: Law 1286 was issued on S,T&I,wich had modified law 29 (1990) and transform COLCIENCIAS into “Departamento administratrivo de C,T&I”, entity more technical than political (that prevented it from becoming ministery fo S,T&I). • General objetive of new law: to strenghten the “Sistema Nacional de C,T&I” and COLCIENCIAS, to achieve a productive model supported on S,T&I, to give aggregated value to products and services, and promote productive development and new national manufactory sector. COLCIENCIAS depends now directy on the President who appoints the Director (Chairman).
The new law 1286 (2009): The Chairman of COLCIENCIAS is member of CONPES, this is an important situation, because CONPES advises the Gouvenment on economic and social policies and planing; approves investment included those related with S,T&I! This law created an Advisor Coucil for COLCIENCIAS on S,T&I matters. This Council is conformed by ministers, academicians and entrepreneurial representatives, etc. (The Academy was not included!). This law created also, a National Financing Fund for S,T&I without annual fixed buget.. With contribution from royalties, donations and contributions from the private sector (weakness!)
New Law 1286 (2009): • The SNST is transformed into the NATIONAL SYSTEM OF C, T & I. Coordinated by COLCIENCIAS. The National Systems of S,T&I , programs Councils and the regional councils (Departamentales) are members of SNCTI, some of which have financing aids from their regions. Bogotá also has its own SCTI (close to 8 million $US, appropieted to it in 2009).A CONCLUSION:“ACCEFYN participate in the debate of the new law. A senator and a Representante (Ex-rector) proposed and defended the new law at the Parlement.... And that was a good thing!
2- Organization structure for S,T&I. Presidente. • Departamentos administrativos: • Planeación Nacional DNP, • Colciencias. • DANE (Estadísticas), etc.. Ministerios: Hacienda – Transporte Comercio Exterior, Vivienda y medio Ambiente – Educación.. CONPES: Consejo. Nacional de Políticas económicas y sociales- Secrearía: a cargo del DNP. Federación Nacional de Cafeteros Banco de la Republica SISTEMA NACIONAL DE C,T&I:donde estado, empresas y academia interactúan. Otras Instituciones asociadas : ACCEFYN – ACAC – MALOKA - Universidades.
ACCEFYN? • "In the last reform ACCEFYN Statutes (2009) was included as perpose, will participate in the development of the S, T & I, as the SNCTI Stand. -The Academy actively participated in discussions on the proposed new law will S, T & I. -"There is a team of academicians participating in activities related to sustainable, alternative energy and climate change (ACCEFYN-Group company alternative energy) - The Academy is coordinating a meetting on environmental science and technology, and an other about nanoscience (Nov. 2010). - We need to strengthen relations with COLCIENCIAS.