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WELCOME. Each year on the third Monday of January, schools, federal offices, post offices and banks across America close as Americans celebrate the birth, the life and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME • Each year on the third Monday of January, schools, federal offices, post offices and banks across America close as Americans celebrate the birth, the life and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. • January 17th, is a time for each of us to remember the injustices that Dr. King fought. A time to remember his fight for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and peoples. A time to remember the message of change through nonviolence. • Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On, Not A Day Off!!

  2. Jan.15,1929 Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. By Destin and Satomi

  3. 1944

  4. Martin Graduates1948 1948 • Martin Luther King Jr. Graduates from Morehouse College in Georgia with a degree in sociology in 1949. That Fall he enrolled in Crozer Theological seminary. • By Devin and Simba

  5. 1951

  6. 1953 Martin Luther King starts dating Coretta Scott. Pretty soon he falls in love with her, and they get married. By Julia, Hayat, and Raven.

  7. 1955Martin Luther King Jr. earns a doctoral degree

  8. 1955b

  9. 1956 Martin Luther King’s house was bombed.

  10. 1957

  11. 1958 Martin Luther King Jr. writes his first book Stride Toward Freedom Paris and Natalia

  12. 1958c

  13. 1960

  14. 1963 Dr. King gives his I Have A Dream Speech, at the Lincoln Memorial. “I have a Dream Speech” “I have a dream today…that one day little black boys, and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys, and little white girls as brothers and sisters…” Martin Luther King Jr. By m@rtin and m@tt

  15. 1963b

  16. 1964

  17. 1966

  18. 1968Martin Luther King Jr.Assassination It was a tragic day in Memphis, Tennessee. On April 4 ,1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was shot on the balcony of Lorraine hotel. Dr. King was shot by James Earl Ray.

  19. 1986 On the third Monday in January of each year, Martin Luther King Jr. is honored with a declared national holiday in the U.S.

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