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Element 3 Identify the Impact of Alcohol Abuse. What is a ‘standard drink’? p51 A standard drink is defined as containing approximately 10 grams of pure alcohol. Standard drink Guidelines p51 For Men:
Element 3 Identify the Impact of Alcohol Abuse
What is a ‘standard drink’? p51 A standard drink is defined as containing approximately 10 grams of pure alcohol.
Standard drink Guidelines p51 For Men: No more than 4 standard drinks on a day on average and no more than 6 standard drinks on any one day. For Women: No more 2 standard drinks on a day on average and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day. 1 to 2 alcohol free days per week. Source: Aust. Government: Dept of Health & Ageing
One drink isn’t always one drink 1.8 1.5 1 180ml 375ml 30ml Ave restaurant serve Full strength Spirit 12% Alc/Vol 4.9% Alc./Vol +/- 40% Alc./Vol Source: Aust. Government: Dept of Health & Ageing: http://www.alcohol.gov.au/internet/alcohol/publishing.nsf/Content/guidelines
Activity: Complete the ‘Why do people drink’ activity on page 54.
Activity: Why do people drink? For a variety of reasons: Relaxation/enjoyment Wellbeing Loss of inhibitions Peer pressure Addiction Work/life pressures
Activity: Complete ‘What are the immediate effects of alcohol consumption’ activity on page 54.
After a few drinks: happy, more relaxed, less concentration, slow reflexes A few more… less inhibited, more confidence, less co-ordination, slurred speech, intense moods A few more… confusion, blurred vision, poor muscle control More still… Nausea, vomiting, sleep, aggressive behaviour, fighting, danger to self and others
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) p55 ‘Your BAC is a measure of the amount of alcohol you have in your blood. ‘The measurement is the number of grams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. ‘For example, a BAC of 0.05 means 0.05 grams or 50 milligrams of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of blood. Source: http:www.rta.nsw.gov.au
Activity: What are some factors affecting your BAC? Refer to page 56.
Activity: What are some factors affecting your BAC? • Body size • Empty stomach • Body fat • Gender • Drugs/Medication • Time period • General Health
Binge Drinking • 5 or more drinks in one drinking session; • Increasing trend in Australia, especially among young people; • Average age of first use of alcohol – 14 years; • Harmful – can result in acute intoxication; • Major cause of alcohol poisoning, which • can lead to death; • It can lead people to put themselves in • dangerous situations and to take risks with • their health and wellbeing.
Avoid Binge Drinking • Set limits for yourself, and stick to them; • Start with a non-alcoholic drink; • Drink slowly. Take sips, not gulps; • Remember that 'alcopops’' (sweet-flavoured pre-mixed drinks) • often mask the taste of the alcohol, but they do not mask the effects; • Try the low-alcohol alternative; • Eat before or while drinking, and avoid salty snacks, which make you • thirsty; • Avoid rounds or 'shouts‘; • Have one drink at a time so you can keep track of your drinks—avoid • 'topping up‘; • Pace yourself; • Stay busy — don't just sit and drink; • Have at least two alcohol-free days a week; • Be assertive — don't be pressured into drinking more than you want or • intend to. • Source: The Australian Drug Foundation’s Druginfo Clearinghouse
Drink Spiking p79 A crime that occurs when alcohol or another drug is added to a person’s drink without their knowledge or consent. Drinks can be spiked in any setting and by anyone: friend, acquaintance, work colleague, date or a stranger. The drug most commonly used to spike drinks is alcohol eg. Vodka Common physiological effects are: vomiting, unconsciousness, poor coordination and balance, slurred speech, lowered inhibitions, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of motor skills, impaired judgment, visual problems and nausea. These symptoms are also commonly associated with intoxication.
Drink Spiking – the facts • Most victims are female but drink spiking also happens to males; • Prank spiking is the most prevalent form of drink spiking with most • perpetrators having no criminal intent; • Extra unrequested alcohol is the most commonly used drug in drink • spiking; • Frequently goes unreported; • Two thirds of drink spiking incidents • occur in licensed premises.
Activity: Drinking and Driving Legal limit for fully licenced drivers in NSW 0.05% Legal limit for provisional licence holders in NSW 0.00% Legal limit for learner drivers in NSW 0.00% Legal limit for drivers of ‘gross vehicle mass’ 0.02% Greater than 13.9 tonnes Drivers of public vehicles/dangerous loads 0.02% Crash Risk .05 Double the crash risk BAC .08 7 times the crash risk .15 25 times the crash risk
Drink Driving p58 • In NSW, police have the power to: • Stop drivers at random to test for alcohol. • Arrest drivers who test over the legal limit. • Arrest drivers they believe are impaired • by drugs, and conduct a blood and urine test • Require a driver to undergo a sobriety • test in certain circumstances. • Fatal crashes involving alcohol have dropped from 40% to 19% • 88% are men • 75% under the age of 40 • 3.4 million breath tests in NSW in 2007. • Source: http:www.rta.nsw.gov.au
Factors that affect susceptibility to p60 • alcohol • Gender • Pregnant / Breastfeeding women • Age • Mental health and sleeping patterns • Medication and drug use • Specific health conditions • Family history • Indigenous Australians • Non-English Speaking Background
Activity: How alcohol leaves the body Fresh air will sober you up Cold shower will sober you up Exercise will sober you up Black coffee will sober you up Vomiting will sober you up It’s okay to drive if you don’t feel drunk Time will sober you up F F F F F F True
How alcohol leaves the body? • Sobering up takes a long time • ‘Small amounts of alcohol leave your body in your: • urine, • sweat and • breath. • ‘There is no way you can speed up the rate your body gets rid of • alcohol. • ‘Remember after a big night out you may still be over the zero • alcohol limit for much of the next day.’ • Source: Roads & Traffic Authority NSW – http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au
Safe Levels of Alcohol? p65 ‘Due to the different ways that alcohol can affect people, there is no amount of alcohol that can be said to be safe for everyone. People choosing to drink must realise that there will always be some risk to their health and social well- being. However, there are ways to minimise the risks.’ Source: Australian Government – Department of Health and Aging http://www.alcoholguidelines.gov.au/
Summary p65 Each beverage consumed will vary in how many standard drinks it contains – don’t get caught out. Drinking guidelines for men and women differ, both however must have 1 to 2 days alcohol free per week. We consume alcohol for a variety of reasons, but the amount we consume can have far reaching negative health consequences. Do not let your patrons drink and drive. This also applies to you. Sobering up takes a long time.
Revision Questions • What is a standard drink? • What can affect your BAC? • What are some long term effects on the body from excessive drinking? • Are there safe levels of alcohol consumption?