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Housekeeping. Combating clutter. Clutter / Housekeeping. A tidy lab is a safer lab. University of the Sciences in Philedelphia , Laboratory Housekeeping http:// www.usciences.edu/safety/lmanual/LSlabclean.htm. Housekeeping. To prevent accidents:

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  1. Housekeeping Combating clutter

  2. Clutter / Housekeeping A tidy lab is a safer lab. University of the Sciences in Philedelphia, Laboratory Housekeeping http://www.usciences.edu/safety/lmanual/LSlabclean.htm

  3. Housekeeping To prevent accidents: • Dispose of unneeded and un-useable chemicals. • Dispose of unneeded equipment, glassware, papers, etc. • Find a place for all equipment glassware and chemicals, and put them in their places. • Remove items blocking safety showers and eye washes.  • Clean dirty dishes. • Resolve to tidy up your lab every week! Cleaning up the Lab: Housekeeping http://www.cmu.edu/ehs/newsletters/lab-safety/Cleaning-up-the-Lab.html

  4. Housekeeping • Proper Storage Procedures: • Store chemicals in approved chemical storage cabinets / refrigerators. • Dispose of chemicals that have not been used in > 10 years. • Dispose of chemicals with compromised containers. • Keep the lab clutter free. Dept. of Chem and Materials Science & Engineering, Univ. of Arizona, Privy Press: Safety in Lab, Sept. 22, 2005

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