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System and Network Programming DCO20106 Course Lecturer: Y.K. Choi Tel: 27888639 email: dcykcho@cityu.edu.hk Course Layout Apply to the whole course It provides you with a user-level view of processors, networks, and operating systems.
System and Network ProgrammingDCO20106 Course Lecturer: Y.K. Choi Tel: 27888639 email: dcykcho@cityu.edu.hk
Course Layout Apply to the whole course • It provides you with a user-level view of processors, networks, and operating systems. • You learn about assembly code, program performance measurement and optimization, memory organization and hierarchies, network protocols and operation, and concurrency. • It provides you hands-on practice through programming assignments using C++ Uses C++ for the implementation of software at system level
Topics: • overview of instruction sets and assembly language programming; (how to debug program and memory dump) • memory management; memory hierarchies: cache, memory, (how to make the code faster) • virtual memory; performance measurement and tuning; (understands memory under Windows XP) • basic concurrent programming. (Thread programming) • Basic network programming (Linux)
Assessment * • 70% Examination • 10% Mid-term test in week 8 in lab. – two questions using computers - 1) number type conversion and 2) memory allocation • 10% on-class laboratory practice. • 10% Assignments
Textbook • Computer Systems: A programmer’s Perspective, ISBN 01034074X, by Randy Bryant and Dave O’halloran (covers the concept, Unix based) • C++ Complete Reference Guide • C++ How to Program, Deitel & Deitel, good reference book Choose either one
Related to C++ Resources: • http://www.progsource.com/index.html (progrmmers’ resource including C++) • http://sunir.org/booklist/ (programmer’s book list) • http://www.glenmccl.com/(good site for users with C/C++ knowledge. ) Topics are accompanied by detailed explanations)
Tutorial * • http://info.desy.de/gna/html/cc/index.html (OOP using C++ tutorial) • http://www.icce.rug.hl/docs/cplusplus/cplusplus.html (by a professor for those who want to learn C++) • http://www.zdu.com/zdu/catalog/programming.html (offers a variety of on-line courses related to C++ programming language) • http://chesworth.com/pv/languages/c/visual_cpp_tutorial.htm (good tutorial for a C++ beginner)
Teaching Format: • My role is to help you master this course so that you can PRIMARILY pass it. • In order to achieve this: • Try to give you practical exercises in laboratory • Elaborate the course material in the lecture • Explain and give you the programming examples in the lecture • Hold two one-hour consultation to answer your queries about C++
Your role * • Attend all lectures • Attend all laboratory classes • Work out the exercise (on your own or after a discussion with your group, don’t make copy. I will guide you.) • Come to see me during lecture, consultation hour and laboratory session