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Child and Youth Worker Apprenticeship Program Information PowerPoint. Welcome to the CYW Apprenticeship Website!!!. Child and Youth Work What is it?.
Child and Youth Worker Apprenticeship Program Information PowerPoint
Child and Youth Work What is it? • Child and Youth Workers are specialists infacilitating change in children and youthwho are experiencing a range of social,emotional or behavioural challenges intheir lives. • Children and youth respond to the impact of change, stress, loss, poverty, violence,abuse and neglect with a range of emotions and behaviours including confusion, anger, withdrawal, aggression, hopelessness, violence and suicide. • Understanding the individual and the unique nature of his/her response is therefore an important first task. Child and youth workers (CYW’s) are a valuable resource to children, youth and their families in this process.
Where are Child andYouth Workers Employed? • The contexts for Child and Youth Work arediverse, including family homes, schoolsand community-based services, andresidential settings. • As populations change and services evolve,Child and Youth Workers provide direct care,participate as team members, and also formpartnerships with other service providers, family members, and the community. • Child and Youth Workers advocate for and guide children and youth through their daily lives, teach social and life skills, support efforts to manage behaviour, and engage in counselling to facilitate better understanding and change.
CYW ApprenticeshipWhat is it? • The Child and Youth Worker Apprenticeship Program is a joint venture between Mohawk College and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. • Mohawk College is expanding their Child and Youth Worker Department to include students who wish to pursue formal CYW credentials through on-the-job training! • The program allows you to continue working in the field while taking courses towards your apprenticeship certificate.
Registration Process • 2 criteria to be eligible to register: you must have your Grade 12 diploma and have a “sponsor” in the field (this sponsor is an employer; either paid or volunteer). • Call the Ministry at 1-800-668-4479 to register. • Once you have registered you will be given a training agreement number. You will then receive a notice in the mail from the Ministry of Training when you are to begin attending classes at the College
How Do I Find A Sponsor? • It is the students responsibility to find a sponsor. • Research agencies in your community by inquiring if they are willing to take on an apprentice (either paid or volunteer). • Prepare a resume and cover letter to assist you with finding employment. • Click here for a list of potential sponsors that currently support our program Sponsors
CYW Apprenticeship • There are 4 levels of apprenticeship curriculum to be completed. • This process will take approximately 3.5 to 4 years to complete.
Preparation for Field Placements Introduction to Child and Youth Work Developmental Issues in Childhood and Adolescence Childhood Disorders Counselling and Communication Skills Principles of Human Behaviour School Based Child and Youth Work Residential Treatment Group Interaction in Child and Youth Work Psychopathology in Childhood Introduction to Family Development Level 1 Apprenticeship Curriculum
Psychopathology in Adolescence and Early Adulthood Integrative Seminar Field Placement Level 1 – 252 Hours Clinical Recording and Presentation Skills Family Dysfunctions and Therapies Laws Affecting Treatment Delivery Advanced Group Work Skills Multi-Modal Therapies in Child and Youth Work Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviour Level 2 Apprenticeship Curriculum
Child Abuse Advanced Counselling Skills Integrative Seminar 2 Field Placement Level 2 – 512 Hours Life and Social Skills Training Administrative and Organizational Issues in Child and Youth Work Level 3 Apprenticeship Curriculum
Level 4 Apprenticeship Curriculum • Research Methodology • Crisis Interventions • Integrative Seminar 3 • Field Placement Level 3 – 720 Hours
Field Placements • There are 3 required areas: School based environment, residential setting, and adolescent treatment. • One placement may be completed through your place of employment if the agency meets set criteria! • While on placement, you will have regular contact with a Mohawk College field placement supervisor. • You may be able to challenge one or more of your field placements through the College’s PLAR process – speak with Coordinator for further information.
Cost • Approximately $800.00 for the first level of courses being offered plus required materials such as textbooks and/or field placement manuals. • Each course ranges in price depending on course hours. • Additional costs such as those for police clearances, medical clearances, etc. should be expected throughout the program as well.
What happens when I’m finished? • If all course requirements are met, you will receive a Child and Youth Worker Apprenticeship Certificate from Mohawk College and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. • From here, there are a variety of pathways you can choose.
Receive Child and Youth Worker Apprenticeship Certificate Employed in field as a Child and Youth Worker with a Certificate Complete additional college level courses to attain Child and Youth Worker Diploma Continue post-secondary education at Another Institution (i.e.) University Pathways
Exemptions • If you have taken College or University courses in the past, you may be eligible for course exemptions. • Exemption exams are available for every course offered in the program. $50.00 per exemption exam.
What are the benefits tobecoming an Apprentice?? • Flexibility; balancing family and home • Utilize experience already attained to earn formal credentials • Continue to work full-time while earning your certificate • Gain on-the-job experience in different settings • Cost efficient • “Opens doors” and allows the student to achieve personal and academic goals
Classroom experience • Theory lectures • “Hands on” Group Work • A variety of teaching tools used such as videos and on-line supports • Opportunity to collaborate with other professionals and share experiences
Contact Information • Apprenticeship Coordinator • Kim Ann Laush • 905-575-1212 ext 4523 • kim.laush@mohawkcollege.ca • Ministry of Training, Apprenticeship Office • 1-800-668-4479
Child and Youth WorkerApprenticeship Program Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the program!